´´How long will it take until midnight?´´Victor asked Alice after he moved to another class ´´It is boring here´´
Victor was paying half attention to teacher and rest on looking on girls. He got bored after while, but lesson ended sooner than he could think of something what to do °°When will midnight come?°°he thought
Victor was sitting at other side of class than Alice, looking somewhere and he stopped his look on Alice and saluted to her, which was only sign of friendship they had
Victor bought something to eat and went into school. He threw his stuff into locker and walked to class, waving to people who knew him. He was most silent student, so most guys were making fun of him. But he was also best student
Victor grabbed his school bag and with his usual calm face he slammed doors of his house, so everybody know he was leaving his house. He walked down the street and with simple wave greeted Alice
i hope it isn´t too late to join Played By: Chendler Name: Victor Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Biography: As always, my basic answer: I am not good in bios, so nothing Personality: Calm, not very friendly, but very good ally power: Ice and darkness Other: He loves girls and to do nothing, but he can do his job done on time, with great results
whoa, didn´t noticed this. I am back. School troubles are done, so i am free to post. Any suggestions for siggies or PowerPoint slideshow? If most of members want, i can make family slideshow
ooc: it seems that hitna3150 isn´t posting here for a long time, so no Demyx Legato was walking in Radiant Garden just randomly, looking for something to do. Town was empty and he sat on top of building looking around ´´I think i will die from being bored´´he complained
Legato opened portal and appeared in front of Demyx ´´Want to have some fun?´´he asked him
´´Demyx acts like a kid and i don´t like him. But if we can trick him to cooperate we can get rid of him after job is done´´Legato said
Legato looked around ´´I never thought what will we use him for. I always wanted to kill all people on world, but that is meaningless´´he said and stood up ´´We need somebody else to get this working, but i don´t know anybody who is enough evil and stupid to join us´´
´´We also need a plan B, if first one fails´´Legato said ´´That is half of problem, we can get Roxas into danger anyhow. Other part is for what will we use Sora. We both aren´t Nobodies´´
´´That can be a problem. I can no longer control darkness, so we will have to do dirty work by ourselves´´Legato said and her and sat on icy throne ´´Nemine is easily manipulative´´
´´I can put person into deep sleep, but i can´t manipulate with memories. If you have any ideas, come to my castle. In IceLand. This place is way too warm for me´´Legato said and opened icy portal and went through
´´I know, i know. Got any ideas of what to do?´´Legato asked and stood up ´´I heard that Sora lost his memories. Maybe if we could give him some ´other´ memories´´
Legato was playing with ice ball and he was bit annoyed and bored ´´I want some action´´he said to himself
´´Yeah, i forgot that. So Sora? Riku?´´Legato asked her °°I will get rid of everybody with her and then i get rid of her°°he thought
´´I can´t guarantee that, but we can be allies for a while´´Legato said and smiled a bit, but coldly ´´Who is going down first? Maleficent? Sora?´´
´´Our enemies. Mine and yours´´Legato said and balls dissapeared ´´I don´t want to hang out with them forever´´he said
´´Bad habit´´Legato said ´´So, want to team up to get rid of enemies?´´he asked and threw ice balls in air