´´Found you´´Vincent said and landed on pole close to Hybrid ´´You are weird´´he said ´´I can´t feel any blood in you. What are you?´´
Victor was looking on them and sighed. He was sitting on branch and he was licking orange ice-cream. °°Well, i hope they will be happy°°he thought and tried to control ice, but it was melting, o he let it be and continued licking it. He looked around to find something funny, but he wasn´t interested into anything. Only thing he did was that he shot a bear, which was supposed to be gift for some girl, but he was alone, so he had it in pocket. His scar dissapeared next day and all his wounds we healed
When night felt, Vincent was sitting on pole. He was looking for people he met earlier ´´Where can they be?´´he asked himself and looked around
´´You are annoying me. Well, sun rises, so i will be going´´Vincent said ´´Next night, we will meet for sure´´he said and dissapeared in remainings of night i must go, see ya tommorow
´´You wouldn´t understand it´´Victor said and smiled on her and put his hand on her shoulder ´´For most people it is nightmare´´
´´Well, humans call me vampire. The name is Vincent´´Vincent said and created dark circle in hand and aimed on Ty ´´Only thing vampiric on me is that i love blood´´
´´But you can´t sence me´´Vincent said coming out from shadow and standing in front of Matt and Ty ´´Lets have some fun´´
´´I have different ideas of fun, but whatever´´Victor said ´´Teachers are happy without you two´´he said and told her what happened
´´Enjoying holiday?´´Victor asked Aria ´´We can stay here and practise´´
may i leave this rp?
´´When did carnival arived here?´´Victor asked and walked in ´´I am 100% sure that those two will be here´´he said
´´Lets go´´Vincent said and opened door and looked around. He could feel blood flowing in vains
Meanwhile, Victor was surviving hell in school. He wrote test on full points as always and he got rest of day for himself ´´Finally´´he said and walked home ´´6 hours´´he said looking on watches
´´I never liked fire´´Vincent said ´´And i am not human, but vampire´´he said and pointed on her ´´After i finish it here, i will do something with you´´
´´Lets see´´Vincent said and threw dart to her ´´Remembered now?´´he asked. He was aiming for heart, but he missed and dart hit her shoulder
´´Partner would make same much noise as you´´Vincent said ´´Well, maybe small dart can make you remember´´he said and aimed on her ´´This small thing can´t kill, but it hurts´´
´´Becouse in every good movie, main hero knows he is followed and he says that. And you are making so much noise. Talking to yourself was your biggest fault´´Vincent said ´´Why do you follow us?´´
´´Reveal yourself´´Vincent said coldly and formed dark dart ´´I noticed you long ago´´
´´Created? Ah, i forgot, humans wiped out demons long time ago´´Vincent said ´´Is this the place?´´
´´How old are you?´´Vincent asked ´´And how do you know i won´t betray you?´´