It's good. =D It's drawing me in like Twilight did. =3 I'm pretty good =3 How are you?
I'm pretty good. I stayed up until about 2 am reading. 8D
Hi guys!!!!!!!! =D how is everyone?
tis called Marked by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast. =D It's about vampires. =3 *hugs back =3*
That's true. O.O *goes to empty them* *throws in recycle* thank you. ^-^ I'm good. ^-^ I'm actually going to go and read this book, that I got monday, in a few minutes. =3 I like your naruto sig! =D
*throws in garbage can* Wait, do they go in the garbage can or the recycling bin? O.o okies, but just don't tell the other family members lolz XD although, they might see the post I made...oh well. How are you? O.o
*throws the spray paint can to the side* I didn't do anything. >.> <.< lolz XD HI!
i'm sorry, I did say 2, but I meant 1 DX *does stuff while no one is here* =3 >.> <.< SORAFAN60 WAZ HERE! =P
I like version 1 best... =D
I'm wondering if I should have uninstalled the previous instant messenger I have first, and then installed the new one
I'm installing the newest version of yahoo instant messenger, so sorry if it takes me awhile to reply!
pretty good. =3 just got done reading the chapter to your story. =3 how are you?
it's very weird. O.o I noticed it when I first read the last name...
wow, your main character's last name is the same last name as the main character of the manga Vampire Knight. O.o (Yuki Cross)
okay, i'll go search for them. =3 I'm reading your story by the way. =3 *searches and isn't coming up with anything* DX
what do all the ratings mean on fictionpress and
not yet. DX *aka, completely forgot...*
I know what you mean. -.-" sorry, my computer was running really slowly, I had to shut it off for a few minutes
my great great grandma , or something, burned her marriage license because her husband helped to hide this outlaw named Doc Holladay. =D and then my family also has a history of smoking...
wow, that's a lot of time mine aren't exactly weird...but they do have a history