Hi guys! X3 finally I'm on when you guys are! DX
I love the west coast, but most people I meet on the internet are on the east coast!. D= *or a different country...* awesomeness. X3 I can now record my voice on my computer. X3 and HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nobody's on when I'm on. DX It sucks being one of the only ones on the west coast. >.>
I'm online now...but it doesn't look like anybody else is. D=
*walks in at 5: 30 am her time* I'm not trying to stay up all night. *sarcastic* Hi!!! XD
okies. =3 g'night. =3 *looks at what she spraypainted on the wall* *gets a sheet to cover it up* That should do it. =3 I'll paint it over later. =3
LMAO XD boredom makes me do weird things XD okies. =3 Hi DP!
Why is nobody online when I am! D= this is the 2nd time it has happened. >.> oh well. >.> <.< *spraypaints* SORAFAN60 WAZ HERE!!!! :P
*posts when nobody is on* >=3 kookookookookoo >=3
It is, I love it! XD but then again, I always like mangas like these lolz XD (Love Monster, and a few others I can't think of right now...I wonder if Loveless would count...)
it's called +Anima =3 http://www.onemanga.com/Anima/
pretty good. I'm reading the manga that I was reading last night =3 and listening to music and Family Guy >=3 It is! X3 I thought it was gonna be a Lucario though O.o
hi, how are you? ^-^ my pokemon thingy evolved!
did I come in at a bad time? O.o
They used to have a show on Abc Family =D This is one of their songs =3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POEzC0UMVxM YAY! I used to love watching their show =D HI!!!!!!!!!
Thank you =D Have you heard of S Club 7?
I put one up the other day. =D here it is if you want to watch it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vxih2fJYAk
that'll be pretty cool =3 I would like to get into the movie business as a special effects artist =D
oooo oOo I think when I was in choir the group was just starting to get really good. =3
you probably should if people keep telling you to =3