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  1. White_Rook
    I should give you an STD.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. White_Rook
    The age at which one can give their own consent to have sex would be a likely place to start.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. White_Rook
    Group hug!
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. White_Rook
    I could argue the same case for you, so it still stands.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. White_Rook
    We're all forgetting that life doesn't have to be fair in order to be happy. Why dwell on chance and probability when you can assess your life in terms of what is meaningful to you and the things that you can control. Don't brood, rejoice that the universe is imperfect.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  6. White_Rook
    Not when you're still a minor. And don't try to plug that kind of bullshit. They're two kids with delusions of romance who think that everything will be alright once they meet.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. White_Rook
    Would've been cool if he was taking requests.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  8. White_Rook
    Unfortunately such things are after the fact. Every generation frowns at the one to come for it's shortcomings, while being frowned at by the previous generation, and the one before that, and the one before that, ad infinitum or Xenu. Stop judging, because you're all whinny, ****ed up *****es in someone else eyes.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  9. White_Rook
    Like "Big President House". Obama's moving into the BPH! That sounds wicked.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  10. White_Rook
    Seriously, I got 2:1 you'll meet a sketchy man at the airport and we'll never see you post here again.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. White_Rook
    I think I had a dream about this happening.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. White_Rook
    Anything new will probably be a clone. Everyone will laugh and pick favourites, and I'll die a little inside.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  13. White_Rook
    Oh wow. I'd laugh if she turns out to be a predator named Fred who likes pizza bagels and can't tie his own shoes.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. White_Rook
    Complex numbers care not for how you feel.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  15. White_Rook
    Bit of a misconception there. Short-term memory, if desired (i.e. studying for a test) becomes integrated into long-term memory, and long-term memories, when recalled (i.e. remembering that test info), are brought into a type of short-term memory that then re-integrates the info back into long-term memory; in essence one can become the other depending on what is being experienced.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  16. White_Rook
    But I like totally had a dream that you would say this!
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  17. White_Rook
    But you can't deny that there is in fact some mutual exclusion when it comes to considering your idea of how the bible will play things out. You also can't possibly believe that millions of others are throwing their existence away in believing in something different, right?
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  18. White_Rook
    But if a prostitute doesn't view their services as degrading on an emotional level, that they are just providing another service then how can there be any regret? You could argue that any occupation can be emotionally degrading in the context of how the person views it. What justifies a use as being for the "wrong reasons"? Married men hire prostitutes when it's illegal now.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  19. White_Rook
    Yeah but making legal would turn it in a business and in actuality decrease the amount of risk and dangers to health. Some people are also desperate enough to do it if it means supporting their family. It's easy to say that there are other ways of getting money without actually providing sound examples. What other occupations did you have in mind that you don't think a prostitute has tried already? And how is drug use and different from other substance use and abuse?
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 24, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  20. White_Rook
    LOL what a ****** film. Books come pretty close too.
    Post by: White_Rook, Nov 23, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media