Hi and welcome to kh-vids.net!! ^ Just do what they said, and you'll do fine here!!
#1 Yay!! My record is 7''87... Barely made it.. #2 Lucky you.. My record is 9''40 #3 Again, YAY!! I've 1000, after that I gave up.. to damn boring..
Actually, I would say millions, cuz until now the entire universe hasn't been discovered..
I saw a vid on IGN, and it looked amazing. I wish I could have attend it.
Sephiroth isn't that hard at all.. I beat him, on lvl 41, with no magic, no abilities, no items, etc.. and he only got one touch on me.. the offensive challenge is kind of related to this Sephiroth fight, cuz, if can defeat Sephiroth like that, you can easily do this one. 0 hits maybe be a little bit hard( yes, I'm being sarcastic)... but it's possible..
Coolio!! Congrats to the top 5 entries!! Man, I really like that first vid. the effects are awsome, and I love that song.
Well, seing that you've been here for a while, read the rules, pot lots and have fun!!
I wonder why my name was mentioned...
Hey! Welcome to Kh-vids.net!! Basically, just do what everyone said..
I would say that this sim hair is kind of like Marluxia´s, but white.. Anyway, it's awsome, I love the tatoos!!
Let me see.. I've done: #1 #2 #4 #7 #10 #11 #15 #18 #22 #23 Hmm.. I've done quite some..
Nice! Thanks man! Now, it's time to play the "Public Beta"!! Edit: Really cool, although you should improve the controls a little bit for those who only have a keyboard (like myself), but other than that, it's really cool to play!! Great job! :noworries:
the public beta, or an actual demo, I don't care, I just want to play the game.
Nice comeback man. But have you got any date for a demo, or for the entire game, to come out?
Basically...neither... But if I had no choice, hit by a car, I would have possibilities of living..
My hair is almost like Roxas.. He stoled my hair style!!:yelling::guns: The only difference is that my hair is black and his hair is blonde..
It's like this: Kingdom Hearts--Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Kingdom Hearts:Chain Of Memories Kingdom Hearts2--Kingdom Hearts 2 Fina lMix+ The final mix are the normal kingdom hearts games, with new scenes, new upgrades, new abilities, and a bunch of other stuff. Also it has english voice casting, but it has japanese subtitles, cuz the final mix games only come out in Japan. You can order them in websites like Yes-Asia.com, or Play-asia.com, but you need to buy swap magic to play them. So, I hope this helped!!
Hey, this has happened with dinosaurs too. They ruled the planet, like no species(until the humans that is) did. One day their gone forever. This will eventually happen with all the living species in this planet. Someday the Humans will disappear too, and there will be nothing no one can do to stop them.. Besides is it a crime to kill an habitat to build a dam, wich will give water and power to the Humans and latter create a new ecosystem?
As I said : we can do much better. Building or destroying, were the best there is.. Although I wish we weren't the best destroying stuff..
Hi and welcome to kh-vids.net!! Read the rules, pots lots and have fun!!