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  1. Princess Rapunzel


    While fighting with the others against the S-Types, James and Nala proved that they were skilled fighters and no pushovers when they obtained their weapons. Despite acting childish earlier, James showed that he could wield the Power Ax with strength and could focus his attacks while Nala wielded and attacked with her Power Daggers as if she was a actual saber-tooth tiger. Kengo hid with Philip's unconscious body and had the suitcase computer open, he spoke to Dante through the headset, "Dante, just give me the word and I'll send the Powerdizer your way." "Thanks, kid, but I want to kick some S-Type butt before I rely on that thing." Dante said, swinging the Power Sword to attack some S-Types.

    "Onii-chan!!!!!!!" Clair shouted, shutting her eyes that were watering and turning her head away from her brother's fate. However, a figure appeared and protected Aoi, wielding a trident. Clair gasped as she noticed the white haired, dark dressed, and red winged girl who was defending, it was Gris, CPU Grey Heart. She spoke to Aoi without looking at him, "You alright, Blue Heart?" "Oi, Blue Heart, you owe me for saving your butt like this!" Another voice shouted, Clair looked at the violet haired girl who appeared. It was Violette, CPU Violet Heart, she just gave a peace sign and turned her attention to CFW Magic.



    "Mina-chan........" Teddie said, looking at her with teary sad eyes. Grabbing her hands, Teddie held them and looked at her, saying, "Mina-chan, please don't think of me overwise. But........ I was once a Shadow myself, until human emotions grew inside and made me like this. Now, I'm like a human with a Persona of my own." He smiled at her.


    -Detective Agency-

    Hermione sat in the main room of the agency, wondering what to do and looked at the Stag Phone. Sh wondered what to do, she wanted to see how they were doing but she agreed not to call them unless it was important and she sighed, sitting in one of the chairs and examining the Gaia Memory for the Stage Phone. Hermione suddenly felt creative and began to work on something.


    -Ryoji's room-

    Ryoji sneezed and wondered who was talking about him, looking around before shrugging and continued to finish his unpacking.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    "Well, then, mister I can do everything so perfectly, why don't you do it then?" Dante said, still eyeing Nala who didn't seem to notice. Hitting on him on the head, Kimberly told him, "He and Billy can both it." "Yeah, but it will take some time." Billy said. Tommy said, "Either way, it's morphin time! Tigerzord!"






    "Saber-tooth Tiger!"

    "Henshin! Sword Form!"


    "Henshin!" "Taka, Tora, Batta! Ta-To-Ba! Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba!"

    "Gokai Yellow!"

    "Gokai Green!"

    "Gokai Pink!"

    "Gokai Black!"

    With that, all the warriors were teleported to Toshima with James unable to contain his excitement for his new role while Nala kept calm.



    "Onii-chan!" Clair shouted, seeing him fly past her from the hit he just received. "You b*tch! You're gonna pay for hurting my onii-chan!!!!!!" She flew to CFW Magic and sent a very strong punch to her face.



    "Sensei, Nao-chan, did you see that?! She hugged me!!! Mina-chan really likes Teddie!" Teddie said to them, his starry eyes shining with joy and happiness as well as almost crying himself.



    Sakura nodded, smiling. "Thank you, Li-kun. It will be great to see where you live. Kero, you know what to do." Kero nodded, flying into her bag. Stretching, Sakura smiled at Syaoran.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess Rapunzel

    -Detective Agency-

    Philip nodded, giving Hermione the phone he had used earlier with the number to call them on a piece of paper and the Gaia Memory for it. He explained to her, "If you need us to come back for something important or anything, call us on this. And stay here so you'll be safe, Mione-chan." Pressing the button on his communicator, Philip disappeared in a flash of green, Hermione just stood there in the main room after she was left alone, gripping the items she had been given, whispering to herself, "Be careful, you two."


    -Sentai, Riders, and Rangers-

    Surprised at being called twice in one day, Billy, Kengo, Luka, Don, Ahim, Basco, Ryotaro, and Dante disappeared in colors of red, blue, green, pink, yellow, and black. Watching them teleport to the Command Center, Sakura headed back to her house with Seki and Hinako, following her. Seki thought to herself, 'Guess Sakura decided that this time, they will do the mission on their own without our help, as it should be.' Hinako was confused at how quiet Sakura was as they walked.


    -Eiji & Ankh-

    "Lets go find out, Ankh." Eiji said, pressing the button on his communicator and disappeared in a flash of purple.


    -Wajima Shop-

    Koyomi watched Haruto disappeared and put her hands together in prayer, hoping for a safe journey or what he was going to do as well as hoping that he would come back safely and in one piece. Sitting down, Koyomi saw the bag that Haruto left behind and took a dount from it, shyly eating it.



    "By the way, kid, he scratched you up a bit, didn't he?" Kero said, Sakura nodded, touching her injured arm and thinking about how it happened when he suddenly attacked her. Looking at Syaoran, she asked nervously, "Hey, Li-kun, do you have a bandage or something that I could use to fix my arm? I don't want Toya onii-chan to be all over me about what happened."



    Teddie was surprised at how fast they had found Minato and said, "Yes, I can't believe we found you so quickly! I'm Teddie, it's nice to meet you! Where is your possibly cute and adorable sister, Mina-chan?" Teddie just looked at him, starry eyed and completely unaware of any circumstances that would happen to him because of his question.


    -Ryoji's room-

    "What happened? That felt like a weird case of deja vu." Ryoji said. Stretching, he got up out of his bed and told himself, "Well, better get back to unpacking. I can't wait to start school this year."


    -Aoi & Clair-

    "Yeah, remind me why we hired that guy in the first place anyway, onii-chan." Clair said, wondering why they would hire a driver with no sense of direction and ask him to drive them to the memorial only to end somewhere completely different.


    -Command Center-

    James and Nala watched their new teammates appear in the center through a rainbow of colors, James gasped when he noticed Thomas and Tommy from the green and white, he said, "Thomas, Tommy! You're Power Rangers?! Man, I should of guessed that, I mean, you two were the best of my students." "Well, hello there, miss. What are you and mister weirdo doing here?" Dante asked, looking at Nala and admiring her figure. Ignoring Dante's perverted eyes, Nala spoke to the others, "Hello, I am Nala, the new Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger. And this is James, the new Mighty Morphin Black Ranger. It will be a honor to fight with you all." "Yup, I hope we all get along and be good friends as we protect Japan and the world." James said, smiling.

    "This means that the Power Rangers are finally a full team!" Kimberly said, smiling. Billy smiled, nodding as well, Tommy gave a soft laugh, saying, "Well, I wasn't expecting our old martial arts teacher." "Yeah, that is unexpected." Thomas said, smiling.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    "Now that you mention it, cool-looking robot, my friend, Padfoot, did tell me about those other teams. Apparently, they're pretty cool as well as the Rangers." James said, thinking about what Sirius had told him about the Riders and Gokaigers. Nala looked around the Center, admiring the controls and wondered about the tube which contained Zordon. Navi sat on James' shoulder and said, "I hope you two will fight and join them soon." "Be careful what you wish for there, bird." James said, before thinking to himself, 'Though, after today, I may need to go shopping. I don't have enough black in my wardrobe.'


    -Detective Agency-

    Hearing Shotaro, Hermione and Philip came out of the room to greet him, Hermione smiled and said, "Welcome back, Shotaro. I'm so happy that you're alright." "Welcome back, partner." Philip said, smiling at his partner. Hermione wiped her eyes of her worried tears, not wanting him to see her cry.


    -Sentai, Riders, and Rangers-

    "I never cared much for politics. I focused more on my duties as Kamen Rider." Sakura said, putting her arms behind her back. Kengo looked away when Gentaro put his arm around his shoulders. Billy was busy working on communicators with Don while Ahim wondered what was going to happen now while standing with Luka. Dante yawned, while Seki and Hinako thought about their past duties.



    "Hey, Ankh, what do you think Kazari meant by 'the right side of Joker'?" Eiji asked, wondering what Kazari had said and hoping it didn't refer to what he thought it did. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets.


    -Yu, Naoto, and Teddie-

    "I can't wait to see and meet Mina-chan! I hope she's really cute!" Teddie said as he entered the car and sat next to Naoto. He continued to fantasized about himself and Minako getting closer.


    -Ryoji's room-

    Looking around, Ryoji held his head in pain. Images appeared in his head, they were blurry, but he could make them out as a large monster with a mask and his head fighting many familiar figures, especially two figures who felt very familiar to him. When they disappeared, Ryoji gasped for air and wondered what happened to him.



    "I remember Clow getting some visits from that Roger guy. He was a little weird old guy. But I don't remember him being that royal-like and noble-like." Kero said, remembering when his master and creator, Clow Reed, was alive and before the book was sealed. Sakura looked surprised and said, "Wow, that must mean he's really old! I didn't know there was magic like that!"
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Nov 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess Rapunzel
  6. Princess Rapunzel

    Elsa (Frozen)
    Anna (Frozen)

    These two are simply reserves until the movie is released and I have seen it, then have a full understanding of their personalities.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess Rapunzel

    -Command Center-

    "I think it's about that the Power Rangers had a complete team." Navi whispered to herself, thinking that the Power Rangers deserved a complete team like the Riders and the Gokaigers and felt sadden that they were a small team compared to the others. Flying around, she pressed some button that summoned two people from the city. One was James Potter, who Thomas had often spoke of in passion and admiration for his material arts skill, the other was a young girl named Nala, who had been looking her childhood friend since his disappearance.

    While James looked in awe at where he was at, Nala looked in confusion. Navi appeared, saying "Welcome, you two. You have been chosen to be the final two members of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers." James and Nala stared as they obtained their Morphers when they appeared in front of them, Navi explained, "James, you are now the Black Ranger with control of the Mastdon Zord. Despite your age, you were often spoken of by one of your students, who is now the Green Ranger. Nala, you are now the Yellow Ranger with control of the Saber-Toothed Tiger Zord. I have watched the fruits of your struggle to find your friend. I think you two are meant to complete the Power Rangers."

    "Whoa!!! I can't believe one of my own students is a Power Ranger and now I am, too!!!" James said, excited as he held his Power Morpher, trying to think which of his students was the aforementioned Green Power Ranger, Nala just stared at the Saber-Toothed Tiger Power Coin in her Morpher and held it close, thinking it to herself, 'Just wait a little longer, Simba. I'll find you, I just have another duty at the moment.'

    OOC: This post was requested by Nutheadbros, who wanted the Power Ranger team completed for a important upcoming event.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Princess Rapunzel

    -Kirijo Enterprises Minato Branch-

    "Alright, I'll show you my Persona. But cover your eyes, Mitsu-chan, as you may be blinded by it's brilliance." Teddie said, suddenly wearing his bear suit and aiming the Evoker at his head. He shouted, "Bear-sona!!", summoning his Persona, Kaumi-Moshiri. Teddie looked proud as he revealed his Persona and eager to hear what Mitsuru thought of his Persona.



    Reaching her apartment, Alice stroked Blanca's head and unlocked her door, entering her apartment and laying on her couch. Blanca laid beside her on the floor, yawning.



    Kazari ran into a abandoned building and gasped for air, gripping his arm in pain. Hitting the wall in anger, he groaned, saying to himself, "Damn it, now I have to start over to find Raito again! Either way, I doubt that bird brain, Ankh, or OOO would realize what I meant. But first, I need to regain my Cores." He looked around for anyone whose desire to use to create a powerful Yummy to take back his Core Medals.



    Leveling the Driver straight, Eiji detransformed and pondered what he had heard Kazari said, 'The right side of Joker'. He looked concerned as he activated several Taka Candroids to pick up the many Cell Medals and give them to Ankh. He looked at the Cheetah Core Medal he had used and gripped it in his hand, hoping to find a way to find those in pain.


    -Sentai, Riders, and Rangers-

    Sakura calmly followed everyone to the Gokaiger's home, Dante smiled at the thought of seeing a woman's home, despite it being the home of his students. Kengo kept quiet, Don just kept quiet as they headed for their home. Ryotaro silently wept at the shifting of Momotaros and Urataros in him which Seki noticed. Billy kept his concern of Kimberly, Tommy, and Thomas to himself. Luka and Ahim held each other's hands as they walked as Basco just walked with his hands in his pockets.


    -Ryoji's Apartment-

    Ryoji suddenly awoke, laying on the bed of his apartment. He sat up, rubbing his head. He wondered what happened and stretched, yawning.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess Rapunzel


    Lockon sat in the cockpit in Dynames, configuring the controls of his Gundam while his Haro sat patiently. He was actually hoping to himself that he was going to survive the mission. Lyle was doing the same in his Gundam, since his brother and Feldt appeared to be together, he didn't care about them or finding someone to love. Setsuna just sat in his Gundam, waiting for the mission to start and gripping the controls. Rei and Asuka prepared themselves for the mission by practicing with their Evas.



    Harry and Sirius woke up as Don managed to land the Galleon in a safe place, Tommy stretched and took a breath, readying himself for whatever was going to come their way. Hermione and Luka looked at the tower from the crow's nest and climbed down, Luka helped Hermione onto the deck. James looked at the tower in awe, Ron gripped his weapons while Fred and George held their sister. Remus looked at the tower and wondered what was going to happen, the three fairies stayed with the people they had chosen while Kimberly, Ahim, and Aisha looked at the tower.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess Rapunzel


    Kero looked confused when he mentioned Clow Reed, but flew to Sakura and said, "Sakura, are you alright?" "Yes, I'm fine, Kero-chan." Sakura said, as the Sword returned to its card form and the Sealing Wand returned to its key form. Managing to stand up, Sakura looked at Syaoran and smiled, "Thank you for protecting me, Li-kun. I might not have made it if you didn't." "He was alright." Kero said, looking away.

    -Kazari vs Ankh-

    Kazari staggered back, holding his arm in pain and reverting back to his human form. He just groaned, thinking back to the fates of the marine animal Greeed and the heavy animal Greeed. Scoffing, he said, "It was their own faults that happened to them. Sides, my actual target is the right side of the Joker here." 'I need to focus on my mission to capture Philip.' Kazari thought to himself and ran off, disappearing in the crowd. Eiji caught the newly obtained Cheetah Medal, straightening the Driver then took out the Batta Medal, replacing it with the Cheetah Medal, scanning the medals again.


    The green Batta legs changed to yellow as Kamen Rider OOO knelt down then began to run fast around the Yummies, making them dizzy. "Shotaro, now our chance!"


    -Detective Agency-

    Hermione sat in the investigation room, wondering if Shotaro was alright and how he was able to turn into a separate Rider. To attempt to cheer her up, Philip brought in the sign and suggested that they reworked it to help bring in more costumers. Hermione nodded, rolling up her sleeves and began to work on the sign. Though smiling, Philip wondered why the Yummies were after him during the riots and sighed.


    -Kirijo Enterprises Minato Branch-

    Teddie just stared in awe of the red-haired beauty of Mitsuo Kirijo in front of him and smiled happily, even becoming surprised when Yu summoned his Persona with the Evoker. "Wow, Sensei, you really are amazing!!!!!! That's so amazing!!!!!"


    -Rhyme and Beat's house: Rhyme's Room-

    Rhyme sat in her room, reading a light novel when she heard the riots enter the neighborhood. Closing her book after marking her spot, she looked out and wondered if Latias and Yu were alright as Shiki, Neku, and Joshua and the rest of her friends. Turning on some soft music, Rhyme turned it up a bit to drown the noise and laid on her bed, holding her pillow.



    "I haven't seen them today." Shiki said, thinking about their friend, before she could get mad at Neku calling Mr. Mew 'Piggy' again, she also noticed the junk pile. "I have no clue, it just seemed to come out of nowhere!"


    -Tokyo Airport-

    Departing a arriving plane from the US, Adam Park went to pick up his bag from baggage claim. Looking at the ivory white bracelet on his wrist, Adam looked at his hand and made a fist, he thought to himself 'I swear to live out what you wanted me to become.' Managing to get a taxi, Adam rode to the university, looking out at the city as he rode by. When he arrived, Adam walked through the dorms, looking for his room. "Where is dorm room 1994?" He pondered aloud, looking around as he held onto his bag and looked at the note with his dorm number on it.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Adam Park
    Description: A college transfer student from the US on a scholarship, Adam is a skilled and rough person who has a soft and protective side for those he cares for. In memory of a friend he lost before his transfer, Adam wears black with a bit of white, his friend's favorite color. Adam is also a bit of a martial artist.
    Occupation: College Student
    Series Character is from: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel

    -Memorial Site-

    Eiji watched in surprised at how Luigi did to the Yummies, before summoning the Taka Candroids to collect all the Cell Medals that appeared from the destroyed Yummies. Kazari grinned and blocked the attack, sending a whirlwind attack to distract him, then used his super speed and his claws to attack him and take his Core Medals, "It's your Cores that I'll be taking and keeping for myself, Ankh." He glared into Ankh's eyes, pireceing his body to grab his Core Medals.

    Sakura staggered a bit and tightened her grip on the Sword with one hand while holding her wounded arm with the other hand, Kero tried to look his toughest for Sakura. Wanting to protect Syaoran as he had protected her and not wanting another demon to appear, Sakura took a breath and ran toward Albert, swinging the Sword at him to attack, letting the Sword's magic guide her movement. Gasping in worry, Kero shouted, "Sakura, no!" He managed to cover his eyes in worry.


    -Remus' home-

    Noticing where the dog had taken them, Fang gasped for air and knocked on the door. Remus opened the door and was surprirsed to see everyone who had come, short of breath. "Everyone, please, come on in." "Remy, thank goodness that weird dog knows you!!!!" Fang said, hugging him. "Mind if we stay here until the craziness calms down?" "Not at all. Please, make yourself at home. I'll put on some tea." While Ron sat at the couch, a older brown eyed version of Harry arrived and glomped Harry, Harry shouted in surprise, "Dad?!" Rinoa and Fang laughed while James just nodded.


    -Riders, Sentai, and Rangers-

    "Why don't you all come to our home? We'll be safe there until this dies down." Ahim suggested. Billy looked at her and asked, "Are you sure? We don't impose on you guys." "Not at all, as fellow heroes, we insist." Luka said, smiling. Sakura smiled back and said, "Then, thank you, Miss Famille, Miss Millfy for the kind offer."
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel

    -Demolition Yard-

    "Gomamon, our turn!!!" Joe shouted, gripping his Digivice. Gomamon nodded and jumped up, "Lets go!" as a light surrounded the little Digimon.


    Appearing beside Joe was a large furry walurs with a sharp black horn and saber-like teeth, it also had sharp claws on its paws. Managing to climb on its back, Joe said, "Lets do it, Ikkakumon!" "You got it, Joe!" The newly digivolved Digimon shouted, as they joined the fry.



    Philip looked at Shotaro and nodded, entering the RevolGarry, holding Hermione tightly as it automatically drove back to the agency. He looked up, hoping that Shotaro will be alright. Hermione held Philip to keep her stance steady on the bumpy. Meanwhile, Eiji caught the Medals and inserted them in the Driver, scanning the "Henshin!".


    "Tatoba! Tatoba! Tatoba!"

    Eiji changed into Kamen Rider OOO and fought with Kamen Rider Joker to defeat the Yummies, Kazari smiled, "Well, Ankh, how bout a match? For old times sake." He grinned as he changed into his Greeed form and stood ready to fight Ankh. Koyomi looked at Haruto and took the helmet, putting it on and getting on the back of the motorcycle, holding Haruto tightly.

    Sakura shook as Kero appeared to defend her, she shouted, "No, I will face you, sir!" Taking out the Clow Key around her neck, Sakura chanted, "Oh Key of Clow, power of magic power of light surrender the wand, the force ignite, Release!" The small key became to grow longer and resembled more of a staff, when it was finished, Sakura pulled out a card and chanted something, suddenly the staff changed into a sword, with Sakura standing as a rapier wielder, strenghtening her heart to fight the demon.


    -Riders, Sentai, & Rangers-

    Sakura smiled as she and the others joined them into knocking the rioters out and calming the chaos, Ryotaro under Momotaros' control while Sakura, Seki, and Hinako stayed in our cilvain forms as did Billy and Dante.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess Rapunzel


    Philip took out his phone and pressed some buttons, from out of nowhere, the RevolGarry appeared. Hermione looked at it in surprise, Philip said, "Mione-chan, get in the RevolGarry. It will take you to the agency, we need to keep you safe." Hermione was just speechless at the RevolGarry's appearance, and entered. Noticing Blanca running, Alice shouted, "Blanca, wait for me!" before running after him and realized he was running to her apartment, and was almost surprised at how smart he was. The White Wizard picked up Namine in his arms and disappeared, heading for the abandoned mansion in the forest.

    "Sakura, we need to get out of here somehow!" Kero shouted, looking out of her bag, Sakura said, "But if I use the Clow Key or any of the Clow Cards, someone will notice. Not to mention if you go into your big form. Li-kun, do you know any way we can get out of this mess?" Harry grabbed onto one of Rinoa's hands and followed a black dog that appeared, Fang grabbed Vanille and followed the dog as well. chaos led the girls as well as Esmeralda and Lenne back to the shop. Kazari noticed Philip and snapped his fingers, as some of his Yummies awakened and attacked before Kazari saw that Eiji went to protect his fellow Rider and smiled, turning to see Ankh. "Ankh, it's been too long since we last saw each other." He showed the palm of his right hand on which was burned the symbol of the Crystal Order.

    Ron looked around, then followed Harry and his group. Koyomi just looked around, scared as she held onto Haruto, Akira told Michal, "Michal, head right home!" "But I want to help you and others!" Michal said, Akira smiled as he patted Michal's head and sent him home anyway.


    -Riders and Sentai-

    "I guess the meal will be cut short." Sakura said, standing up. Kengo stood up, saying, "We should head out there." "Looks like we can teleport out of here since most everyone went out to join the riots." Luka said, Ahim just kept quiet. Kengo nudged his head to Gentaro to go and do their little experiment, while Dante yawned and stretched.


    -Jean's Home-

    Far from the riots, Jean Valjean was grateful that he and his little family were safe from the rioters. Cosette was in the garden, smelling and admiring the roses that had been planted in the garden as well as many flowers. Firion was in the shooting area, practicing his archery, neither of them aware of the riots in the city.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess Rapunzel


    Rikku hugged her cousin, happily jumping, "Oh, Yunie, you're so super duper amazing out there!" "You were great, Yuna." Aerith smiled, Yuna blushed and said, "I wasn't that good, I was so nervous." chaos smiled and patted her head. While Esmeralda drank a bottle of water, she listened to Frollo and glared at him, turning as well as trying to tune him out. Eiji looked at Ankh in surprise, "Where, Ankh?" Sakura and Kero also felt the strange magic, but kept quiet. Alice kept quiet, not wanting to listen to Frollo.


    -Hachiko Statue-

    Shiki caught the puck, beginning to fight alongside Neku, she said, "Lets do it, Neku!". Mr. Mew continued to fight, while Shiki fought with Neku.


    -Akiza and Sunset Shimmer's Dorm Room-

    When Sunset Shimmer got back to her dorm room, Akiza had her arm over her eyes and was fast asleep with a arm over her stomach, laying on the floor. She breathed soundly, her chest going up and down.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess Rapunzel

    -Memorial Site-

    Esmeralda heard she would be starting the memorial and stepped onto the stage. She took a breath and began to dance, her movements graceful and delicate, her mind focusing on the movement she practiced before the memorial. Michal jumped to see Akira drooling, Esmeralda danced, revealing how flexible and agile her body was, she didn't seem to all the men staring at her because her dancing and her outfit, which was consist of a black halter top, a black veil over the stocking on her legs. Around her shoulders was a short black cape. She stopped once and looked at Frollo who was sitting in the front row and gave a small wink before continuing to dance until she finished.

    While she stepped off the stage, Yuna and chaos stepped onto the stage. Yuna shook, swallowing a lump in her throat and began to sing the song that she had chosen. She was trying to hide her nervousness as she sang until chaos joined her, grabbing her hand and holding as they sang together as Yuna's nervousness began to disappear and she sang with more confidence until the end of the song. Yuna sighed as she and chaos joined the others, Michal was surprised to see Akira now crying waterfalls of tears. Sakura smiled at Syaoran and had watched, Kero peeked and stared in awe at Esmeralda. Unlike everyone else, Kazari wasn't impressed with Esmeralda and used the desires of the men to create more Yummies.


    -Sirius' House-

    Watching the opening of the memorial, Fang closed Sirius and said, "Don't become a actual dog, dog boy, just because of a pretty girl." "I'm not becoming a dog, Fang!" Sirius shouted at Fang, Harry laughed and fed his Riolu as he watched the memorial. Eiji hid his red face and watched it, sipping his tea. The Imagin, Deneb, just hid in Hary, embarrassing by what he saw.


    -Shibuya: Hachiko Statue-

    "Neku!" Shiki shouted, using her Psych power which her stuffed toy, Mr. Mew, suddenly came alive and beat some of the Noise. Shiki gasped for air as she reached him. "I'm sorry for being late, Neku. I was absorbed in adding some things to my Nintendo High uniform." She took a breath and focused on fighting the Noise.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Oct 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tokyo Street-

    "Oh, yes. Coming, Nao-chan! Come on, Sensei." Teddie said, smiling as he followed Naoto to the memorial. He just smiled, forgetting the strange event that had recently happened and just enjoyed being with his teammates, remembering to grab his bear suit in case he needed it at the memorial. He hum happily as he walked with them.



    "Thank you so much for the match. I hope we can play again sometime." Akiza said, smiling before heading to her dorm room and surprised to find it empty. Akiza set her stuff on the right side of the room and relaxed on the floor, thinking about the duel she had with Kazu and smiled, happy she had finally found a friend.


    -Riders and Sentai/Rangers-

    "If there were Riders after me until all you were chosen, there must have Sentai teams after AkaRed up until the Gokaigers were picked." Sakura said, messing with her cup. Billy said, "That would make a lot of sense for 34 teams that the Gokaigers can change into." "Billy is right, it does make a lot of sense." Don said, Dante just belched, interrupting the serious moment and receiving a punch from Seki. Billy just covered his face.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Princess Rapunzel

    -ZEXIS Meeting-

    Heading to the Command Center, Lockon and Lyle stayed in the back, listening to the planning while their Haros tried to bounce to see what was going on, Setsuna stood quietly in the crowd, keeping quiet as he listened to the others. Tieria did the same in the crowd, Asuka listened impatiently while Rei just kept quiet, just agreeing with what was planned. When the meeting ended, Lockon and Lyle ended for their Gundams to be prepare. Seeing the twins prepare in their Gundams, Tieria followed them and asked, "What are you two planning?"

    "Maybe this mission could use a spinner." Lyle said, Lockon said, "They didn't say anything like that, but we do need to prepare this mission. So, in case they do need a spinner, you prepare for that, Lyle." Turning, Lockon went to his Gundam, Tieria stopped him and said, "Lockon, be careful during this mission. Before everyone saw you here, they thought you were dead. Don't let them actually see you die." "Haro and I will be fine. I don't intend on dying during this mission, anyway." Lockon said, smiling.

    Setsuna was preparing at his Gundam when Rei came along, Asuka watched as the two of them talked and wondered what they talked about when Rei left and headed for her Evagenlion.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Princess Rapunzel
    So it seems Remus being my last HP character isn't true, as there is a character I would like to try who isn't Ginny.

    Name: Luna Lovegood
    Description: A first year student of Nintendo High is seen as 'unusual' to her classmates. But a few older students know how she really is and don't mind her unusual and strange beliefs. Her father is the editor of a newspaper which she often reads and mostly believes the contents expect for a few stories.
    Occupation: Student
    Series the Character is from: Harry Potter

    Luna's Schedule:

    Period 1 - Demonology
    Period 2 - French
    Period 3 - Modern History
    Period 4 - Gym
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess Rapunzel

    -Tokyo Street-

    Teddie was shocked that the departing person would somewhat knew about Persona and was shaking in fear, he also watched the newcomer come by and played a little fox that Teddie now noticed on Naoto. "What is going on? Who are you? I'm so confused."



    "Agreed." Akiza said, smiling. She couldn't wait to tell Izishu about this new friend she had made and that they liked the same game. Akiza sat, waiting for him to sit down and start the duel. 'And with it being a regular table duel, 'that' won't appear during the duel.' She thought to herself.



    "Yes. I can't say we were really close, but we were good friends. We often met while fighting evil. He said that he had left enough for Marvelous and Basco until they graduate high school and it seems he thought ahead. If I represent the start of the Riders, I can guess you can say he is the start of the Sentai." Sakura said, looking down as she thought to the times they had been together, protecting the world. Swallowing his food, Dante said, "So, pretty much the Power Rangers are unique, because we started it." "It can't be said that you can inspire the next generation of Rangers, you womanizing pervert." Seki said, putting Dante in a shock.


    -Lacus' apartment-

    Lacus Clyne sat on the balcony of her apartment, sipping a cup of tea when there was a knock at her door. Many round small robots jumped up and down, shouting, "Visitors! Haro. Visitors!" Lacus nodded and smiled, opening the door and seeing who she had been waiting for. Standing at the door was her boyfriend, Kira Yamato and with him was his twin sister, Cagalli Yula Athha with her boyfriend, Athrun Zala. "Welcome, everyone. I'm glad you're here." Lacus said, hugging her boyfriend, Kira smiled, hugging her back as a small robotic bird flew in. The small robots, "Come in! Come in!" Kira, Athrun, and Cagalli nodded at each other and entered Lacus' apartment.


    -Feudal Era-

    In the distant world of the past, laying under the shade of a tree was a two tailed demon cat, sleeping alongside a young fox demon. The two, along with the cat's owner, a young female demon slayer, as well a perverted monk and a certain half-demon were waiting for a certain girl from the present world. For the moment, the cat was enjoying the peace and quiet of the day.

    (Rita and Zedd banners coming soon)

    -Moon Palace-

    In a moon that was hidden on the moon, a certain evil lord and sorceress were planning their next attack. "I have a excellent idea on defeating those annoying Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, and Gokaigers!" Lord Zedd shouted, as he looked out from the balcony of the palace. His wife, Rita Repulsa, came behind and said, "Yeah, and what is that, genius?" "We will use these next few days to try and destroy them." Zedd told her.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Sep 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home