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  1. Yukai
    How do I ever come up with these things...

    Caffine ftw!


    I only write in that style for comedy or random stuff... For other stories, it's completely different.

    Thanks for the comments guys =] Makes me feel all bubbly knowing that people like my writing X3
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. Yukai

    Similar to how the Three Good Fairies altered Sora's clothing with magic?
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Yukai
    The Dreaded Block
    Something totally not based on a true story that's completely random...


    Now, I'm sure you all have experienced the "phenomenon involving temporary loss of ability to begin or continue writing, usually due to lack of inspiration or creativity", as worded by Wikipedia, of course. Well, who cares about that! I certainly don't believe Wikipedia on that part. I'm really going to tell you the story of how it came about.

    In the olden days, when people thought the world was flat, people used feet to measure things... I mean actual feet. Not that silly thing called a ruler. Whoever invented the "ruler" should have called it the "straight-edge-thingy-ma-bobber". Who wants to measure things with the leader of a monarchy or some other nonsense? Seriously? Ahem, anyway...

    There lived a lady named Carta Riter. She was a linguist who enjoyed creating new words for people to use. However, no one thought that they were extremely useful.

    Everyday, when she was walking through the market, people would throw random vegetables and other produce, as well as small, round metal objects yelling such things as "rawrz u suckzorz", "i lyke bacon asfthelask!" and of course, the classic "ur mom!". Why small, round metal objects? I have no idea. I would have rather called them pennies, but pennies didn't exist back then. So, small, round metal objects it is.

    As Carta went through the market, she gathered up as many of those small, round metal objects in her basket and took them home. Soon, she had gathered up enough to initiate her diabolical plan.

    On a fine, perfectly normal, not rainy, Monday, Carta melted down those small, round metal objects and fashioned the hot, molten metal into the shape of a brick from the king's castle... but a tad thinner. More like... Uhh... Oh, forget it.

    Upon the completion of her creation, she placed a curse on future linguists and grammar related persona's to suffer that same creative suppression that she felt back then...

    Now, in present day, Makino Yukai was writing an epic compilation on how the changes in the life of a particular antagonist from a novel had came about to assist her in her journey of inner peace. In other words, a boring school essay. Using a simple ballpoint pen, the little asian girl quickly scrawled the words down on the page in her messy, cursive handwriting. Now, because she had loud Japanese music filling the confines of her room, she wasn't able to hear the ring of the doorbell. So, she was called down to the front door herself by her mother, whose name shall not be mentioned in this article.

    Upon opening the door, Yukai was met with a package that was about the size of her desk (which is actually really big) addressed to her. Surprisingly, it was light enough to pull in through the door frame and into the office, which was actually supposed to be the living room. However, since the installation of the sun room just 8 feet away, the family had moved their living area.

    Yukai, curious as to what the contents of this mysterious cardboard box, immediately grabbed the ladder from the kitchen and opened the box as fast as she could.

    You may think that she used the ladder to climb up the box, however, this is incorrect. She actually drove the ladder in the side and ripped open a hole large enough for her to mutilate the paper that was layered with more paper (because that is what cardboard is).

    The overly-caffeinated teen dug through the mounds of foam and sealed air to find a small black cube that was about the size of a soda can... only more square. She tried to comprehend why such a small object was inside such a large box (and with lots of fluffy foam) but failed in doing so and turned the small cube. Finding some type of writing on one of it's 6 sides, she stared at it for a good 10 minutes before realizing what she was holding...

    "NOOOOOOOO!!! IT CAN'T BE!", she cried.

    Scrawled on the top was "THE WRITER'S BLOCK" in silver lettering, the "W", being horribly painted on with some cheap alternative that she didn't feel like identifying. Her mind, once filled with creative and inspiring ideas was now a blank slate. The girl was unable to recall anything that she was thinking a moment ago.

    As she returned to her desk with the object, she hung her head and mumbled, "Curse you, Writer's Block."

    Looking up at her essay, then to her computer screen, she shoved the paper into her bag and grabbed the wireless keyboard that was sitting on the floor.

    "I wonder what's up at KHV.", she asked herself and began to press the buttons with the Latin text printed upon the plastic.

    And that is how that "phenomenon involving temporary loss of ability to begin or continue writing, usually due to lack of inspiration or creativity" (as worded by Wikipedia) came about. Now, I must find out why I really can't write this blasted essay properly... =.=;;;

    The End


    He he... Random creative spark. Yeah. I managed to finish my essay if anyone is curious.
    Thread by: Yukai, Dec 4, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Yukai
    His music is very nice =D I love it.

    Makes me wish I learned how to play a stringed instrument rather then a wind one. XD
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Music
  5. Yukai
    Mmm... Toughie...

    1. Money
    2. Tablet PC
    3. A New Game Console =( (New Gen preffered)
    4. Bookstore Giftcards (Buying Manga ftw...)
    5. Electronic Store Gift Cards (Buying Computer Upgrades Ftw XD)
    6. Art Supplies
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Yukai
    "You got half an answer" - Vexen

    Err... Mine do know and mine don't. THey know i used to come here frequently like last year but they don't know I'm visiting currently.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. Yukai

    Hai Thar.

    okaeri nasai! [Welcome Back]

    Post by: Yukai, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. Yukai
    Perhaps he got them from Mickey or maybe even Ansem the Wise... They were taking care of him over the year that Sora was asleep and all...

    [goes to refresh her memory on the storyline;rewatches cutscenes]
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Yukai
    Deathspank uses a Video Capture card, as do I.

    You can try snagging one from eBay. ^ω^

    As an alternative though, just record your TV with a camcorder or Webcam. It's not that hard. Much better to use those unless you're going to make game videos in the long run.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. Yukai
    Too lazy to play Event 51 =.=;;;

    I'm even too lazy to complete my SSBM game he he...

    I'm like... Missing ONE stage.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Yukai
    No problem =ω= Seems like I'll be sticking with those subtitle fonts (all my friends agree that it's like "perfect")

    Err... Anyone know where I can snag the Basement One and Destiny Island videos for RR?

    The links seem to be like... Broken... Not working... Whatever... [too absorbed with the other cutscenes to look]

    EDIT: D'oh. I just found the cutscene request topic.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Yukai
    Eh. I found a translation guide that seems to use the lines from the GBA version, which is what the videos on the site uses.

    I could use those with tweaks if you want them out a tad faster.

    Just say the word if you want me to use that script XP

    But before I do anything else with the dialouge:

    You guys want me to change the font I subtitled with to something different? XD

    NOTE: No. That isn't the final script, but it was the only "complete" one in my list XD

    [somehow, the video cut out the cool KH-Vids sequence at the beginning when I encoded it so I put watermarks... Sorry.]
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. Yukai
    I'm still thinking about subbing them myself.

    I'm making a quick script right now using the dialouge from Basement 10 and seeing how that goes... I'm pretty sure that 70% - 90% of the lines I translated on my own are correct. I really want to make sure though, since I don't want to use anything that'll completely butcher the dialouge.

    I'm going to ask my friend to help me out I guess if I agree to it.

    EDIT: If anyone wants to know, this is how far I got:


    I'm rewriting the dialouge in JP so I can run the individual Kanji in dictionaries and what not... And so I can send it to my friend since he can't seem to read the subtitles off the cutscenes.

    The little blue block in Zexion's dialouge is where a missing Kanji I haven't found is supposed to go... [Compare that line to the video in the corner. You'll see a difference]

    EDIT2: Oops... Zexion's last line in that script above reads as"

    wakaranai no wa kare ga koko he [missing kanji]re ka riyuu desu

    'ka' was really 'ta' in-game:

    wakaranai no wa kare ga koko he [missing kanji]re ta riyuu desu

    I just edited it now after realizing my mistake.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Yukai
    I could try to translate them but they'll be horridly inaccurate... I haven't even gotten Reverse/Rebirth on my CoM Game to try and use those "translations" (some of the sentences are completely reworded)

    I COULD give it a shot since I so happen to have a copy of the game script that someone made... And I obtained...
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Yukai
    Crud... My fingers are glued together and I can't pick up my pencils to draw...

    Time to break out the "chemicals that are dangerous to consume"...

    Yeah... I got Super Glue on my hands by repairing a vase that I broke (dude... I'm having total deja vu... Where have I typed this before?)
    Thread by: Yukai, Dec 2, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Yukai

    My name.


    Plz X|
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Yukai
    Yeah... I agree with practically half of that...

    Some other source also says it's a Water Type Sign which seems to draw their power from emotions rather then effort and would rather rely on non-verbal communication then direct... It kinda fits...
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  18. Yukai
    =ω= I guess that applies to me too? But I didn't do nuthin' so dat dun matta.
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Yukai
    I've been... around... >>;; Uh... [slinks away back into lurkervile]

    [just to try to stay on topic] Eh... I suppose...
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  20. Yukai
    こんなに近くで... [Konna ni Chikaku de...] - Crystal Kay
    Post by: Yukai, Dec 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone