OOC: Yeah, that covered it. BIC: "Who is that, and why is he against us?" Nycx asked, scratching the back of her head. "Argh! Where is Rexygorr when you need him?" OOC: ^ | Place to insert Rexygorr.
"We should search the area," Saix said. Walking under the hole in the ceiling, he shouted up, "Number Thirteen! Jump down! We need your help searching for the Golden Heart down here!"
"Yes you did," Nycx said, thoroughly annoyed. Well, as fake annoyed as a Nobody could be. "I was about to finish him off too." Un-summoning her Rapier, she drew the last bits of energy from the blood splattered on the ground. Using it to heal herself, she rubbed her forehead. I never thought that hurting actuall thinking things would be so hard. It's like that in the beginning. You'll get use to it soon. Gee. Thanks.
Feeding off of KuroJaki's energy, Nycx quickly started to lacerate him. With eveyr blow she emitted a laugh of pure sadistic laughter. "Don't you enjoy the pain I'm giving you?" she asked KuroJaki. "Think of it as a present of affection in my culture."
"Nothing that includes you," Saix snapped. Pushing Demyx away, he teleported off to another room.
Take over for Kasha! Hmph. She LOOKED like she had it covered. Guess not. A red haze covered Nycx, and she charged forward. Slashing at KuroJaki, she started draining his neergy through the blood he leaked.
"Oh, shush," Saix said. "Shouldn't you be working?"
Get away from her! Okay okay, bossy. Hmph. Nycx fell back. Rubbing at a wound, she licked her blood away. Instantly, she felt herself re-energized. Stopping the bleeding, she glanced at Kasha. She seemed to know what she was doing.
I don't need to look at the keyboard when I type. My second grade class had programs and lessons to teach us how to type, so I'm really good at it now.
"Well, Kry would never forgive me if I let you die," Nycx said chattily. Grabbing KuroJaku, she tossed him, then slashed at his feet with her Rapier. "Who cares if you die or not? It's just that with our few numbers we need all the power we can get."
"Hey! Let her go!" Nycx shouted. Pulling out her Rapier, she jabbed the other dog with it. "Oi! That's Organization property! Let her go!" Striking out with her foot, she slamemd the heel of it into the dog's side. You're mad. This enemy is strong, and you agrivating him will just endager your life. Oh just SHUT UP!
Saix landed not far from Larxene, on his feet instead. "Are you alright?" he asked, helping Larxene up. Glancing around, he frowned. "This is a new chamber. I can't sense any life. This chamber hasn't been used for years."
"What do you want?!" Nycx asked, ripping apart yet another Heartless. Dismissing her sword, she glared at Kasha. "I don't need some dog-shape-shifter interrupting my training." You might want to be polite to keep their respect. I controlled my underlings by— YOUR underlings were kept in line by fear. Good point.
Nycx sheathed her sword. "I suppose I should go and train," she said, frowning. Teleporting to a different area, she started stabbing Heartless. I suppose you are angry. Yes! Hmph.
"Larxene!" Saix shouted, kneeling down. "All right. Roxas, stay here and keep watch. I'll go after Larxene." He slipped down after Larxene.
"Oh shi—!" Saix instantly vanished, teleporting away. Appearing in another room, he quickly hid.
"Superior?" Nycx asked, sliding up to Kry. She touched Kry's arm and sensed her pain. Tell Kotone to stop! "Kotone, stop it. It's not doing any good," Nycx said with a sigh. Rounding on the unfortunate member, she summoned her Rapier and held it next to Kotone's throat.
Pleasure to have you here at Kh-Vids. Have fun, post a lot, goof around, use correct grammar, obey the rules, yatee-yatee-yata. You get the idea. Anyways, welcome.
Hi. Have fun, post a lot, ask questions, goof around, use correct grammar. =3
"No need to train my power," Nycx said wasphishly. "Voice in my head pointed it out. Pretty damn stupid too. I mean, blood? What the bloody heck am I suppose to do with THAT?! I'm not emo." She trailed off, grumbling. Be glad you HAVE an element that is more then a couple of light rays reflect off a big hunk of rock. Don't think too well about the moon, don't you. I think about the moon the way I should. And... GET THE HELL OUT OF MY THINKING SPACE, KOTONE! Nycx winced.