well im glad someone does. My debate partner always says my opponents stare at my ass when i stand up to speak and it makes me nervous 3: hold handstands against walls. haha. lawl i love you guys. too bad i am never posting a pic of me in my cheer uniform or in makeup on here. kthxbi
but that would require him being here :c How should it begin... On a side note I was listening to pandora and a kids bop 16 version of miley...
oh my gosh. we could then buy out the site! MUHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA. k lets do it
lawl i dont know what to even think of my ass. haha. i can :D and i can do it well and in many different variations! like i can spin on my hands in a circle four times!
At a friends. Back is arched, feet not together. Fail. Spoiler P.S. Held it for about 25 seconds.
Do you love me. What is your favorite memory of me. IRC opinion go.
AH MEH GAWD I WATCHED THIS FOR THE FIRST TIME THREE DAYS AGO. and since then I have read the book, and then the sequal to the book 3: much. effing. love.
Hes somewhere in the world O: Where in the world is Xaldin? We could make a game out of it!
If you were alice i would be scared. Oh my god xD haha those videos. "I, Xaldin, promise not to blow up the site by going in the Admin CP."
8DDDDD there is hope in bermuda! or vermont! or where ever the hell he is now! hahahahaha
That would be full of epicness. On a side note, Xaldin left a profile message on my page so he hasn't blown himself up yet! GOOD NEWS! :D
Both is a good answer D: And that would be an accomplishment. D:
That would be quite incredible. The main charactor should be Xaldin. o: just because of the whole shower thing xD And the slide of fire and you...
I just was able to cry off waterproof mascara. I feel some degree of accomplishment right now.
Me too. It would be pretty sick. Lets get Forsaken to write it lol or Kitty. The epic stories that could be in that baby. and yes you did <3
... or the newfa- ...newbies will understand why we get annoyed with them so easily D:
....I think i like the term veterans better. Makes us seem less like losers and more like badass chicks with battle scars and war stories....
Dude this is like the second nostalgia thread in about five days D: wtf is this D:
:| indeed. Besides, we were/are both staff so psh I think we do indeed win. True that. Thank god D: we win? Kind of?
I know. Its like really guys, I did it first and with more class and style than you did. And if you said Rose or Wolf everyone would know who you...