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  1. daxma
    Unfortunately if your going to try to rule the world you have lefties united to contend with.
    Post by: daxma, Dec 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. daxma
    Anything strange or interesting IRL?
    Thread by: daxma, Dec 8, 2010, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. daxma
    Problem? I was merely stating that the fact the post that Roxas makes, have content because its clear that roxas doesn't just post for the sake of posting. i don't see how you could have a problem with me since i have been around to do something wrong.
    Post by: daxma, Dec 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. daxma
    Danzōmaru had stood perfectly still for years upon years without a single thing happening near his gate until all of a sudden a portal opened and a captain was thrown through it...

    Sasuke had finished with Yamata for the time being. He used Sonido to appear crouched on Virems shoulder. "You care if i join in, i've finished mine too fast so i'm afraid i will take either of the two of these guys" Looking at the captain and the vice-captain.
    Post by: daxma, Dec 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. daxma
    Posts don't matter without content....
    Post by: daxma, Dec 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. daxma
    "Time to stop playing" he said as he got up out of the crater. His face had changed as what remain of his mask disappeared. It was a dark look, something that isn't meant to escape the inner corridors of your soul. He holstered his blade and his reiatsu increased at an unprecedented level."I'm sorry Yamata but i'm done having a game of swords. You have improved but you have to evolve..." he said as he looked up at him in the air.

    "What the Fuck is happening!? Your reiatsu has increased beyond you in your hollow form!?" he said as his blade began the size of a skyscraper."You were playing with me?!" he said as he threw the blade down at him with spectacular speed.As he did this he also used Shunpo to get right behind Sasuke and was about to use Black Coffin on him.

    Sasuke closed his eyes and suddenly a giant tempest of black fire burst from out of him and Yamata's blade was sent flying and Sasuke heard Yamata scream in pain as he was engulfed by the black flames. Sasuke Reaches behind in the Inferno and grabs Yamata by the collar and say over the roar of the black flames "Come back to me when you see with the same which i possess" he said as he called Garganta and threw Yamata threw it.
    Post by: daxma, Dec 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. daxma
    Can we incorperate him later after the plot we've already discussed for my characters? I mean that plot is along time away.
    Post by: daxma, Dec 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. daxma
    "I love battles like this" Sasuke said as he felt his reiatsu to see how much longer it would be until his mask was gone and once he found out he decided to change tactics. He used Shunpo to appear directly above Hatsu with blade pointing to the sky.

    As Yamata saw this he used Shunpo to appear directly over Sasuke, he grabbed him by the collar of his black trench coat and threw him into the air, his blade left in the air. Yamata grabbed it and threw it after him aimed at his heart as soon as he hit a piece of ceiling that hadn't been taken out. Soon after he cast a Kidou that would progressively heal his fried arm but not in matters of hours but days but it was better than nothing.

    Sasuke was starting to feel that this battle was getting somewhere now. As he hit the ceiling he adjusted so that the blade hit his sternum. He pulled the blade out and coated it in Black fire and sent a giant arc of black flames down on top of Ryokason and Somerie.

    Yamata used Shunpo in order to go right above their heads and enlarged his Zanpukuto the cut the blast in half to send them flying into the respective walls on each side of the chamber.

    "I guess i judged you a little too soon Yamata when we fought side by side" said Sasuke as he used Sonido to appear directly above Sanosuke and called black lightning to his blade as he let down a slash.

    "I'm glad you think so old friend" Yamata said as he appeared directly in front of Sanosuke. He jumped to take a step onto Sanosukes shoulder as he readied himself to launch himself at Sasuke from Sanosukes shoulder but quickly said with a slight smile "Having fun? I'm having a blast here" and he jumped at Sasuke full force. He drew his injured hand across his blade and then said "Black Coffin Blade" and with his uninjured arm and with his slash, black ushered from his blade and Sasuke ducked back to see something so unusual as his black lightning was absorbed by the attack. As Sasuke was off balance, Yamata spun and brought his heel down to meet Sasukes mask and took 1/3 of it off as he was sent into the ground.

    OOC: I think i'm really getting my epic fight mojo on XD
    Post by: daxma, Dec 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. daxma
    Username: Daxma
    Name: Ergo
    Gender: Male
    Alliance: Soul society
    Age : ???
    Appearance: Pre-transformation

    Transformation state
    Division: none
    Rank: none
    Bio: He is the remains of an experiment done many years before soul society's recorded history. He was a way of surpassing the realms of shinigami and hollow and in most respects he has.
    Personality: He doesn't really have a personality per say.
    Other: none

    Zanpakuto Name: none
    Sealed Appearance (if nothing special, put "Normal Katana"): none
    Spirit Appearance: none
    Release Command: none
    Shikai Appearance: none
    Shikai Power: none
    Bankai Name: none
    Bankai Appearance: none
    Hollow Mask: none

    Special abilities (since he doesn't have anything from above): Strength, agility, speed and near invulnerability beyond that of a shinigami or Hollow. He also has the ability to regenerate limbs.
    Post by: daxma, Dec 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. daxma
    OOC: Sorry for the lack of activity guys, edited my previous post also.

    Yamata had survived Sasukes attack "Mustn't want me dead yet" he thought as he looked at his fried arm from Sasukes attack..."The fourth will have fun with this one" he thought as he panted...

    3/4 of Sasukes Hollow mask had been taken out along with breaking numerous bones in his left arm...but he was still strong. High speed generation would fix that soon...He and Yamata were face to face in the aftermath...He had definitely chosen well in picking him as his successor....

    His Zanpukuto had just came back to him as Sasuke had used sonido to come right in front of him and grabbed him by the face and threw him back into the swallowing abyss that was the battles of his comrades. As he fell to earth he almost went head first into Virem except he twisted slightly to miss him and land on his feet. Sasuke had followed him down flaming blade beared. With his good arm fried he had to bad hand this one. He flipped his blade to his other hand and it grew in length to almost impaling Sasukes heart as he beared down on him.

    As Sasuke came down, he drew his palm across his face to recover the rest of his mask. As Yamata's blade came out to meet him, he spun out of the way and sent a burning slash down on top of Yamata, but where Yamata had stood there was an ever burning scar.

    "This is interesting to say the least" he said to Sasuke as he panted standing just meters from where virem and Somerie were fighting. "Keep it up Somerie" he smiled with a smudge of blood from his fried arm, which he had lifted with much anguish to brush away sweat, obscured made his hair seem like it had red highlights.
    Post by: daxma, Nov 30, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. daxma
    OOC: The ice was a kidou he had used against the Sand Menos just previously.
    Yamata corrected himself and enlarged his blade again to slash the Cero in half. Yamata felt the moon of Hueco Mundo washing him in its light. Yamata took notice for a second but in that second Sasuke already came soaring at him.

    Sasuke soared out into the open and drew back his blade to slash it up in a flurry of black fire which lashed out at Yamata. At the same time Sasuke used Sonido to get directly behind Yamata. He grabbed Yamata as he blocked the flames with his blade and he threw him into the sand. As Yamata hit the sand with a thump Sasuke slashed a giant black fireball down ontop of Yamata. "Just a little bit more" Sasuke thought....

    Yamata used Shunpo to dodge the giant fireball who's flames were untamable. Yamata Raised his blade above his head and its lengths increased along with its size. It towered into the sky as a testament to its own existence. Yamata made one lash down so swift and so fast it would've been hard to believe it avoidable, but and Yamata knew, this was Sasuke he was fighting. Sasuke stood away with a cut down the middle of Sasuke's face and half of Sasukes mask was gone. He was beat...he'd have to rip out his trump card now. Clouds roared in the sky where the moon usually hung..."Lets see if we live to fight again Sasuke" he told him.

    "I agree" said Sasuke as he swiped his hand across his face and the piece of his mask which he had lost reappeared. "Let us see who deserves their life over the other" he said as he raised his blade into the air and the clouds roared out at Yamata as if to warn him of the impending attack. "I've never tried this particular attack while hollowified so this should be interesting" he said as he drew blade his blade. Both were hundreds of feet from the ground with the wind whipping around their faces.

    Yamata felt a spike of fear in facing Sasuke but thats what he wanted. it would mean that he would stay alive in a battle with him. Yamata threw his blade directly up into the air and shouted "Crush him, Yamata no Orochi!!!" he said to his now irritated Zanpukuto and it grew to the size of a small town and came down onto Sasuke as Yamata felt Sasukes attack...
    Post by: daxma, Nov 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. daxma
    OOC: Haven't been on for awhile but then again thats life XD
    As Yamata Entered there was chaos. Fight after fight after fight had broken, he wanted to finish off the fight with Virem and was about to make his way to strike him until Sasuke appeared directly in front of his face with something that very few people see....happy confidence. As Yamata Attempted to draw his blade, Sasuke, with the flick of his wrist sent his Zanpukuto and Sasuke slammed the palm of his hand into Yamatas forehead and slammed Yamata's Head into the ceiling.

    As Sasuke felling down to the ground he said "I'm afraid it is time for a battle of killer intent my friend" he stated as he drew his blade when Yamata appeared behind him and a pillar of ice was rampaging at him but Sasuke swiftly drew his hand down in front his face to create a hollow mask and with the palm of his hand crush the pillar."Lets get started" his hollowifed voice echoed through the place in an exceedingly dark voice. He drew his Zanpukuto. "Cry Futsu-Nushi-No-Kami" he said as black flames caught to the air around him and his blade changed

    Yamata jumped back from Sasuke and immediately said "Roar Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi!" as his blade changed slightly to become something slightly smaller. "I agree, lets do this" he exclaimed as he jumped into the air and suddenly his blade was the size of a skyscraper which broke the ceiling open directly above Sasuke. "DIE!" he roared as he slammed the blade down on top of Sasuke. An eruption of sand flew everywhere...

    ...all of sudden out of the giant cloud left from the colossal attack Sasukes Zanpukuto is driven into the skyscraper like zanpukuto and runs up the blade as flames burn the air in a spectacular black. As he reaches Yamata he draws back his blade and sends a torrent of black flames at him...

    "You wish..." said yamata as he grabs Sasukes head from the side and slams in against the wall...

    "I beg to differ..." said Sasuke and he uses sonido to appear behind him and grab him by the leg and throws him out of the opening he created and launches an enormous Cero after him.
    Post by: daxma, Nov 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. daxma
    "So, what exactly does my job entale?" Ryu asked over his head set as he perried the katana aimed squarely at his face. The Mizukage said "Your job is to get your hands on the nine-tails, sub-due and await further instructions" the voice beckoned on his head set.
    "Cool, i'm i doing this solo like usual or will i get someone to pawn off all the minor details, i need someone like that" he jested as he preformed a fireball jutsu in order to blast away two of three swordsmen recruits.
    "It's a solo Op, i'm not getting Konoha's help on this simply because you on your own would wipe the floor with any team them could come up with. You could wipe the floor with any team I could come up with" The Mizukage said of the headset. The third swordsman recruit used a raton release jutsu which the decapacitating carving knife absorbed and grounded.
    "Sometimes you really put too much confidence in me" Ryu sighed as on of the swordsmen lunged at him and he replaced the Decapacitating carving knife so that their blade went in through the hole and with a flick of his wrist, he broke the swordsmans blade.
    Post by: daxma, Nov 12, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. daxma
    "I don't care how you fared against the Captain Commander, because your fighting me" he said this, a great roar was let out and Yamata heard his Zanpukuto roar in pain.As he saw him break off, Yamata followed Virem....

    Sasuke heard his call and immediately used Sonido to go to the interrogation room...
    Post by: daxma, Nov 12, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. daxma
  16. daxma
    This post is unusual because i actually learned stuff i already knew again as if to refresh my memory...weird
    Post by: daxma, Nov 6, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. daxma
    He landed looking towards the ground."Its funny you would bring up the fact that i use kidou...everyone seems to do that.The only person who didn't was him" and he pointed above him to see Sasuke standing mid-air watching the fight. "Some may think i'm a disgrace to the division but they don't say you know why..." and he looked up to look at Virem with a look of insanity and said "Because they fear my kidou just as much as they fear my Zanpukuto" he said as he pushed his sheath with his blade in it just below his back. "The reason i don't release my blade is because my physical abilities and kidou are enough. My blade will be a special treat for you if you be a good little vizard keep up a good fight" he said as a smile broke across his face.

    "As Naive as usual..." Sasuke Sighed.

    "Lets get this started" Yamata said as he used shunpo to appear right in front of Virem and pressed his calm into virems face and then whispered "Tenran" as a vast tornado was about the come from the palm of his hand.
    Post by: daxma, Nov 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. daxma
    thats not fair, just as i got on and saw this i thought mighty ducks but then i scroll down and someone has already said the answer....this has been one of my worst days in awhile.
    Post by: daxma, Nov 5, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. daxma
    Well over here they are probably double the fees of going to collage and its supposed to be free education so i'm thinking i will never be able to reply in the way necessary on this thread...
    Post by: daxma, Nov 5, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. daxma
    "Don't make me fucking laugh" said Yamata as his face suddenly changed from happy and carefree to slightly insane as he used shunpo from being under virem in the push to the wall to grabbing vvirem by the side of the face and throwing towards the ground. As he went down Yamata pressed the souls of his feet against virems and as he was about to reach the ground he jumps to slam virems face right into the ground. Mid-air Yamata exclaims "Who needs a Cero when i have this. Raikōhō!!!!" and a magnificent bolt of lightning is sent down at Virem.
    Post by: daxma, Nov 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home