Because hackers have a strong tendency to be úber lazy. that and the fact that i havent spoken to anti in forever.
To be honest, i'm not really up to much besides the tournament these days :p
because that defeats the point :p Anyway, more news as it comes!
That was a wrong guess. our next recorder is adamant that the codes "Dont work" even though we tested them and they worked fine xD No offense, Anti :p
O.o you seem to have said something similar to a few people already. That's Quite annoying, especially since you've never actually seen any of us....
RAPIDSHARE DOWNLOAD LINK UP: Link Provided by keyblade spirit, get it here: More formats for later battles!
Nope He can't. As Hinted at in one of the spin-off videos, Sora will take a different form than usual in his fights :D I'm sure i dont have to explain it for you to know what i mean. Well, perhaps if you vote him back in, you might see something that you'd like. Remember, revenge mode battles bring out the absolute best for all undead participants ;) With all the new Codes being found all the time, a lot more is possible even than when we began the tournament!
just as soon as i see antiweapon :D
In actual fact, i Just merged Posts with him in a clever way, lol. he didnt have the powers when we made the thread, but that should be fixed by now. problem is, now he cant post in this thread at all xD
It's Embedded in the first post -.-
youtube. if you can't watch it, Get the latest Flash player software. it's embedded in the first post. Download links are currently not available for any vids, although i'm working on it.
O.o Final Xemnas is impossible to hack, since his entire battle is basically scripted into his AI. Also, the knockback animation in no way relates to how much damage is dealt. at all. sorry for being annoying, i just dont like the way people nitpick at small things in the fight because their character lost :p Sorry it was ruined for ya though. We'll try better next time!
lol that's just a random accidental annotation, added by mistake :P myself or truth''ll take it off i guess...
Must Just point out that It isn't only Him.
I Wouldn't normally quote myself, But i really do want to emphasis this:
no not earlier :p
xDD i suck Anyway, Since my exams finish up tomorrow, we COULD show you it tomorrow :D We'll see
Vegeta! What does the Scouter say about this thread's View Count!? EDIT:Fix'd, lol.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! By a wonderful stroke of luck, Battle 2 randomly uploaded! However, i can't sort anthing out myself until Friday this week, since i have pretty important exams. So expect to discover Battle 2 THIS WEEK!
not really a project, just a random code. I hacked it ages ago but someone told me it didn't work. So yeah Magic mod as in...well i'll show you a picture later.