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  1. Clawtooth
    That episode was so dark omg.

    I think that we'll be getting a chat with Aang very soon ... he was eluded to a lot in this episode.

    In addition, can anyone tell me anything about that guy that Tarlock mentioned in the Council Meeting? Is that in the "Welcome to Republic City" game? I can't play it because I'm in the UK.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 29, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Clawtooth
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Clawtooth for Plums, Apr 28, 2012
  3. Clawtooth
    ... CHEV!!

    Anyways ... I'm glad you're enjoying stuff here at the moment ^^ things have been a little quiet at the moment but Summer's coming up.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Clawtooth
    I don't do anything special to it ... I just wash it and condition it every two days when I can ... and I brush it occasionally ... nothing much ...
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. Clawtooth
    The problem is that that forum is a lot smaller than this one ...
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. Clawtooth
    So errm ...

    This is a thing I did ...

    I'm not good at camwhoring ... so ...

    Don't look if you don't want to.

    I appologise profusely.


    My hair looks incredibly red in that picture o.o.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. Clawtooth
    OMG I love Eurobeat brony.

    You guys are really good ... your voices match really nicely.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 27, 2012 in forum: Production Studio
  8. Clawtooth
    Excuse me for just one second:

    oszirghp9osiwuhgoi8uhvp9oifjgiuhf9aiuhgp9esighiaeurhgo;kdmcpoaihfiajbwngkjanbfoiuysdbpquebfpiabsvoiuzdhfgvpoiw4ejngpijvoiuhgoieahviuhviuhergoij9guiyheoynigjfikjnnvbifjvuipouvhbosrfjnboieuhb[oeijhi4rjbngiUCTw0oijgisudhf9eruhgwuiubTE[0ierhjgiuarhgioehihbtihoipguhepiuigberigujbi geijgogmogmgomgoaer9iugpirugbpirugbipugbipugbiugbpdifljhfbiwurbgpijiwbiubiadsorrsdofigiwugbeoigbeirugbipeugbiugbeirugbiugbepigbiougbiogbigubergibibsocute0oihergopihrg9iuehrgoiernipuhgpeioufhvpifujnpeauea[ieaoiboibgehiewantit[0oiajrg9iuhgo[einbo[fipooigpoeirhgn[oikjvp9dofiuvh[osdihf[wa0ig9ergiuhofivne9[igh[ighe[ogihe[oihgeo[giho[irhgoiehg
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Clawtooth
    Specifically Kony 2012 or invisible Children in general. I ask because they're basically the same thing, Kony 2012 is a movement by Invisible CHildren, but everyone attacks that particular movement because it was the most recent and the first one that really exploded online. I mean ... the group's been active for about ten years now ... so I'm just curious why people are attacking them now when they never did before ....
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Clawtooth
    The sound of children crying/moaning on any form of public transport ... I mean, I know theyre young and can't help it/don't know better ... but it hurts my ears really badly ... and especially when one of them starts and it sets them off like a chain of dominos.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Clawtooth
    Makaze, as far as I know as long as it's not like against the rules or whatever, people can use their signature for whatever they want ... you latch onto the strangest things to criticise.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Clawtooth
    As I said on the original thread on the subject:

    Justice is a dish best served cold.

    I know it's technically "revenge" in that phrase ... but eh. I think it's a great thing the EU are getting it before NA for once, maybe it'll be nice for all the people who spoil things just because they assume everyone else got it at the same time as NA to be in the flipped state this time, and see how they like having tha game spoiled for them a few weeks before it comes out.

    I'm not bitter or anythign, I just think it's a nice change and might give certain fans a bit of perspective.
  13. Clawtooth
    To be fair to Nick Clegg he's kinda been made the demonised figure in all of this coalition thing. I mean, he did promise some stuff, but the stuff they tried to put through just didn't get done because the Tories turned on them as far as I can see.

    Off topic I know but ehh.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Clawtooth
    My questiion to you is ... is there anythign for us to move forward to?

    We're an online community, we're not a corporation working to meet a deadline on a particular produc, or a school working to meet a deadline for exams or graduation, or a team working on one single project with an endgoal.

    The community is a living, breathing organism. We have multiple things all happening at once, we have many small conflicts or times of turmoil and we also have happy times and fun experiences.

    By "create your own shinanigans" I'm supposeing what you actually mean is "create drama". As much as it may be fun to watch occasionally, moments of drama are not fun to partake in for the majority of people. You use the analogy of being attacked, but really is it a good thing to be attacked? if someone lands a hit on you, not saying if you dodge or parry or not, but if somone genuinely lands a punch on you, regardless of what anyone says it hurts. I don't think that anyone here wants an environment where they have to fight every day and if they do I cannot understand why. There are easier, more fulfilling and more memorable ways to create memories and a lasting impression in a community than starting a fight.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Clawtooth

    Nice Stuff

    I still can't believe it snowed last week.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Clawtooth
    You're either trolling or serious and I'm not sure. But yeah ... copypaste and chang the colour manually? Idk.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Clawtooth
    It's a neutral colour, it works on both skins ... you shouldn't have any trouble.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Clawtooth
    KHV was a hostile, elitist place in 2007-2008, and even later than that. The forum suffered from having an owner who didn't care, so it stagnated, as the staff's powers to actually make changes and improve the user experience was limited. People drifted, we were in a malaise between games, people kept accusing the site of dying, the staff were sub-par in many respects and more and more things I could mention.

    In the last few years, the community has banded together a lot more than it used to. Site involvement has increased manifold, people work together on projects, people chat to eachother off-site and make friends. I'm not saying these things didn't happen before, but the increase in frequency has been exponential.

    The community back then, I highly doubt, would have banded together to make projects like the Premium New Year video, or things like the KHV chorus, because there was such snobbishness and elitism that there was no room for such things. You can't possibly know, unless you exhaustively read through a great many threads to do with KHV's history, exactly what it felt like, unless you were there. I felt intimidated to post because whenever I did I felt like I was being judged or whatever, because there was such an elitist culture I thought people didn't like people they didn't know, which in some respects is true.

    Now though, we have a much tighter community based AROUND community, friendliness and openness, and I think it's a wonderful thing.

    On Voxli, while it's a shame that that particular avenue of pleasure has been denied from us now,
    the group of us who frequented Voxli were a very, very small facet of the total populace of the forum. The fact that it is gone now does not in any way mean that the site is dying; people leave, people come and go. That is the law of the internet and something that we as denizens should know - it's so easy to leave and never come back, never tell anyone, and just be gone, leaving people to wonder where you are and what you are doing.

    Nobody really cares when you joined as long as you contribute, the time you joined has very little baring on whether you're able to communicate and discuss with members to be honest. You may have a few more friends, but that's nothing that can't be rectified by actually talking to people.

    As for the quality of posts, this is incredibly subjective, but I speak as a member here when I say that is it maybe, just a bit possible that you're holding standards a little bit high for an internet forum populated mostly by fans of a videogame series targeted at early-teen audiences, many of whom are not native English speakers and are under the age of 16? People come here to find companionship with others who have the same interests as them, people who find it hard to connect with others like them because their interests aren't mainstream and thus must search further afield to find a place to call home.

    Really, I'm running out of things to say on the matter, but honestly, in my humble opinion, the community here on has never been more close-knit, has never been as open and friendly and has never been as strong.
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Clawtooth
    ♪ Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur,
    Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr ♫
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Clawtooth
    :3c .
    Post by: Clawtooth, Apr 22, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone