D: Thats not good
This is a real interesting piece of work you have here. Amazing difference from the original. Dont change it.
Stop that nao! *holds hand up* In the name of the police! You going to vomit down there or somthing?
I want to die happy,knowing ive done everything i want in this life.
wait wut.. Im going to start crying now D: they taste good ;______;
He's gonna get you.
I don't remember seeing any alchol but i suppose as the other people say, In Port Royal
But but!, I like the chicken D:
LOL Id get chicken burger from there :3
baha good times at Mcdonalds xD
I am still waiting for my chicken
Well, im more awesome because its Friday afternoon >3
oh god my eyes ; ;
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=71491&page=2 Yeah it would seem my thread has annoyed people
Hiya! I do bite, so aware of that, and yes us KHVers are very friendly,only on our good sides >_>, dont want to see our bad sides. If so you see lots of shitstorms and yami floods due to the Drama, you will see some of that if you stick around, Well hope you enjoy making new friends here, ill be sure to see you around.
He has my friend.
Ohh that is so mean, i feel sorry for that kid, i would of been smashed if it were a ps3/laptop box
Im sorry if my last thread annoyed you okay?,I didnt mean it to. I wont post things like that again,and I do also agree considering this is a kh forum,there is alot of sexual related threads. Im out.
Im not trying to be sexual,it was an article that I read,and just decided to bring up.
Really? :3 I do too.