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  1. *TwilightNight*
    I like to think KH as another alternate universe where the typical laws of nature that apply here in this earth, doesn't over yonder there. The concept is obviously different. But there's only so much you can get away with. If we think that Axel was a girl when he was human, it makes you lead to the rest. The original six were all males, for example (novels, got to love them). So I doubt that's really the case; that there should be a gender switch. I always took the Nobody never existing, but do, as a figurative term. Technically, they were never suppose to be formed. They are nothing but shadows of their former selves. It could go on and on, yet you get the idea.

    I just wish Nomura would have chosen something else. Ale with the alcoholic beverage in store isn't exactly a good idea (then again, with what Xion is, I don't think it can ever top that one, so it shouldn't matter). But picking the most girliest out of the potential Axel names, as much as they all suck in a way, was a deep hit. Lea. Of all things. Why not Lae? (Lah-eh) Or Eal? Something manly sounding. Then again, after "Terra"...

    Thankfully, Axel's still a hot little mofo regardless and I wuff him.

    He can sexy smirk any time ;3.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. *TwilightNight*
    Xion was an abomination, a clone made of someone's leaked memories that can take form. Her component and basis are memories, actually. Thus, her changes in appearance. There is a difference between that, a doll and puppet, and a Nobody. A Nobody in itself retains the body and soul it had before depending on how strong the Heart it holds is. Switching gender doesn't make much sense at all unless you can explain as to why Axel went from female to male in correspondence to the entities that run the KH universe: Heart, body, soul, and memories.

    Axel is not a girl.

    And Lea happens to be unisex. It's just not popular for males for obvious reasons.

    Nomura needs to get shot when thinking of names, really.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. *TwilightNight*
    Profile Post

    Lol. Don't we all?

    Lol. Don't we all?
    Profile Post by *TwilightNight* for Firekeyblade, Jun 12, 2009
  4. *TwilightNight*
    OOC: I'll skip Naminé for now, until, she's well, needed.

    A familiar sound of scraping metal was heard around the silent room along with a waft of wind, as a circular weapon, shaded red in certain outlines, spun gracefully and quickly up to the ceiling. Only to come down straight in a perfect grasp to a black gloved hand. The action was then repeated. Time and time again. A pair of sharp green eyes were centered on the gray wall beside him, not bothering to pay attention to the chakram that was being thrown. He didn't need to. Laying down on his plain everything was plain here, red hair sprayed on the pillow, he sighed. He was bored. It was boring. Like always. You would think the second time around would be better in terms of excitement. That wasn't the case, unfortunately. The last meeting consisted of Xemnas actually explaining some facts about how they all managed to have returned, but not revealing anything except that he was the one that made it possible in some form. It was hard to understand what he thought sometimes, but that wasn't what bothered him. His jaw set tightly, the chakram landed in his hold for a final twirl with a slight clink. He wasn't a traitor. At least, partly. He shook his head. He still didn't understand. Did he truly betray them on Castle Oblivion? Because he was at least aware that his name was tainted, and eyes were on him. It was hard not to notice. Especially as he had certain chosen people out for his blood recently, despite the days that had passed since they had been alive. Larxene made it all too obvious out of the bunch with her expressions, as if she thirsted to rip his spinal cord apart every second he moved. In fact, the first time they saw each other, someone had to hold her back from clawing him alive. But she managed to get in a slap or punch or two to satisfy her. The rest were the same, probably, only they kept it to themselves, he believed. It could not be helped in the end. He knew they would hold it against him, and he wasn't even willing to fix anything if one couldn't meet him halfway at best. There was no point to it. He had been loyal to the Organization. He was the assassin, he followed orders despite them being questionable, he was the one who was left all the dirty business to handle. Then came Roxas leaving, and the inevitable realization of what he had to do if he didn't succeed on getting him back. He wasn't bitter, however. Unlike others, he wasn't one to hold grudges. Back then, it wasn't surprising: it was expected, and he had taken it in stride. The real question was, why did those that were considered traitorous brought back? Xemnas could not be that much of a fool. That history wasn't to repeat itself? People were predictable in that manner, and power can cause unimaginable temptation. He smirked bemusedly. This was going to be an interesting stay, nonetheless. Of course, no one trusted him either after his actions, so if they expected him to be their personal hit man again, the job was difficult. And he wasn't certain whether he was even to do it anymore. He didn't want to do it anymore.

    He didn't bother to dwell on that long as he lifted himself upright, having his weapon disappear as he stretched, deciding to take his mind off of things, and search for Roxas. That always helped, especially now that he was back. The hassle was to find him. Shrugging, he swung his legs over and got to his feet, only fixing his cloak momentarily before he traveled through the Corridors of Darkness.


    This secon-no, third life was pointless to her. The same people, the same castle, the same scenery. And she didn't get why, of all things, she had come back. They all did, even traitors, for some reason that she could not explain. Or anyone could. Xemnas kept the facts to himself, as usual, and she detested just having to listen to him once more in the exact throne, and in the exact room as if nothing had happened. It was just odd. Was everything easily forgotten then? Castle Oblivion? Her surprise when she woke up near the tombstone in the Proof of Existence, lost into how she got there. She didn't want to be here. If she was to be a Nobody in this other chance, this wasn't her ideal idea of how to spend it again. Being some tool for the Organization, and having nothing to do with the boring castle, its boring walls, and its dull coating. Along with its less than pleasurable people to mingle with. Not that she was going to. It all came down to choice: be here as a Nobody, or be swallowed to Darkness for eternity? Her human and Nobody lives weren't the best, and none looked interesting to relive. And she rather not go through it. Never again. But now here she walked in the halls, high heeled boots clicking the floor, in a slight dream of déjà vu. Not having a Heart was not a obstacle for her, as she was fine without one. No unnecessary pain or hurt. No guilt holding you back. How could anyone want such a thing, really. Especially with the experience of the consequence of having to trust someone. Every damn time, and somehow, it backfired when it came to her. She was delusional back then. Maybe if she took a step back, got out of her foolish blindness, think for just that one second, she could have seen Axel for what he really was. But she fell right into it, and the betrayal was a deeper cut than she would have wished it to be. She was so stupid. If there was anything she resented was her being so naive as to think that perhaps Axel might be willing to join them. She loathed him now, more than she could be capable of. They were so close in Castle Oblivion, one more step to get rid of Xemnas, and let Marluxia desire what he wanted after. She didn't care. And then it all went to hell because of one person. She clenched her fists, fury enveloping her senses. She scoffed bitterly, recalling back on how she died. Pathetic Keyblade master. A sort of harbored dislike for the boy rested within her. As a Nobody, she couldn't so such a thing. But it was there. She could admit she didn't want to fade away, yet, how she acted when she was disappearing wasn't something she wanted to look back on. She just didn't know how take this all in. She wasn't happy. She wasn't glad to return. If it was up to her, she would have left. It was full with a bunch of old men, some she had barely spoken to, and some she outright hated. Two in particular. The only person worth talking to was Marluxia, and that was merely because of their previous partnership, and how he befriended her. she didn't know what to do. There were so many things fluttering through her head.

    What was her purpose?
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. *TwilightNight*
    Xion being who she is, isn't exactly what I would call the perfect yaoi shield, if you get my drift. In fact, I would think she opened up a pandora's box for the fangirls in general, making things worse. As well as giving justification to some of the pairings they support. Xion can transform into anything. I'll let that end there. Either way, the evidence against AkuRoku, ironically enough, was build up by the two boys just hanging together and talking by themselves in the game. No "girl" involved to break it, you just see it that they do not have that kind of relationship that most fangirls think they have. Their actions resemble those of best friends and brothers. Axel is more of a guide to Roxas, and Roxas himself looks up to him (which is kind of funny, actually): "Axel knows everything, so I thought he'd know about best friends". Taken exactly from the translations of Roxas's diary entries. The thing that bothers me the most about AkuRoku is that they take away the actual innocence of the friendship and twist it into something unapproachable.

    As for him talking about Larxene in that statement of girls being difficult, lol, I guess we will never know. In the short stories when they first meet, Axel is kind of "o.O?" at her throughout the conversation. But it can go both ways, truthfully.

    And I think I could show this, about Axel's entry in one of the Secret Reports. Throughout the game, you could see that him and Saïx spent a lot of the time talking, and Axel's real name was revealed in one of the conversations. In one of the days, Saïx said that Axel had changed since Castle Oblivion. This is what really solidifies the clues that they had known each other before they had become Nobodies. In this little excerpt:

    And we cannot forget this Novel scene, considering it adds to it perfectly:

    Welcome to the KH fandom.

    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. *TwilightNight*
    OOC: Kind of empty on Xemnas. And this is the last time Larxene will get dragged, by the way >.>.

    They were gone. And that was just as fine with him. He had just watched them blankly, dubbing them delusional and weak. The sight was quite pathetic, just not enough to overshadow Demyx's own. The petty fighting and back and forth was immature and childish, and it made him rethink that perhaps he should get rid of them both. Now, he could properly ponder over his thoughts without all the noises and stupidity that surrounded him. Memories were indeed, such a powerful thing. But Xioimara breaking because of it was hardly what he was searching for. She was a new being. None of it mattered any longer. It was ridiculous. He still had his mind set on what he had planned with Demyx, depending on his actions. Right now, he was easily expendable. And would be permanently once he gave one misstep and mistake. As for Cloud, he was not concerned over him. He was just a pawn and tool, and if Demyx wanted to follow the make-believe friendship, then he was not doing any good for the man. Yet, that will unfold in due time. Because of the series of constant intruders, once more because of Demyx's lack of capabilities, he would have to take strong measures in protecting the castle. Now that he was in the lab, and close to the underground, he could get to work, and rest in the chair to produce the effective shields. Which should be done immediately. And Vexen might be able to offer something to strengthen it.

    It was time to act.

    | ♦ |​

    "Nooooo! I don't want to go!" Larxene whined loudly with a snarl, every syllable coming forth muffled due to the intoxicated tone as she frowned heavily. She had been grabbed and pulled away from her righteous moment for no proper reason except that one person did not appreciate it for what it was. It was unfortunate that the alcohol had completely grasped her in its undying poison; she tried quite clumsily to get off his grip. She was enjoying the electricity, the feel, the levitation, and the way she glowed. All that had gone once it was interrupted unceremoniously, and she got pulled down from her position in the air. Her stubborn personality seemed to be a natural occurrence, nonetheless, as she fought and pulled back as much as she could possibly be able to, not wanting to leave. She was too drunk to realize she had, and could use, the strength to complete such a feat efficiently. Not being in the right state of mind got her to fight like a normal human female that could not defend herself would. She had reached a conclusion, despite the misgivings, however: she didn't like Axel now. He was a buzz kill, ruining things like this because it wasn't his type of entertainment. It was here that her grudge and hidden bitterness of his betrayal closely coiled themselves around her, reminding her of what he had done for only a slight second of hatred purging through her veins quickly. As well as how she wasn't supposed to be in this type of situation with him in the first place. She didn't trust him, or could ever forgive him. What was the purpose of her staying, then? The fact that she was being manhandled by said man didn't seat well with her. And she would have electrocuted him easily in her silent resentment if it wasn't for her almost tripping over a crack in the sidewalk. She caught herself, instincts in control, yet, the consequences did not stop. The movement set her dazed mind into another spin, forgetting her previous building fury for confusion as she became dizzy. Her vision had blurred, becoming less pronounce until she couldn't really see well. The act gave her a sharp pain around her temples, as if something was squeezing her brain, and she closed her eyes, cringing. The rain was still falling over her body on top of everything else, head to toe. She could have jumped into a lake, and the difference will not be noted. She really found, though, that she liked the smell of the rain in the atmosphere, before, during, and after it left. She was always fond of it since she was a child, now that she remembered it vaguely. The negative fact was that her black coat felt incredibly heavy to lug around any longer. It was becoming uncomfortable. And while she was drenched, her clothes and under clothes sticking to her like second skin, she was blindly being moved all the while. It was so fast, she couldn't really recall much of what she saw when walking. With the state she was in, attention was nonexistent, and it wasn't until she felt a blast of cold air hit her that she snapped her eyes open in a shiver that flourished up her spine. The difference in light blasted her sight, and she shut them roughly in reaction, a white flare covering her pupils. Instead of complaining more, she grasped unto Axel's arm to steady herself. Naturally she wasn't going to see for quite a bit, and falling into the floor was not something that she was looking forward to. Even with her mind being unable to think, some stable sense of self knew what needed to be done. She felt her high heeled boots now clicking tiled floors, and the cool density was from an air conditioner, she guessed. So they were somewhere. Where were they going again? She was positive that they planned it, about a hotel. Raising her free hand to rub her sensitive eyes, she ended up stopping along with the redhead. Axel began to speak to someone after. She was too busy dealing with the small thudding pound in her head, and her vision going awry -- but that was at least getting better. She sighed, her stomach clenching in a sort of sickness. It was for this reason she stayed silent, slightly pouting at the ill feeling that encased her. It didn't last long until they started moving again either, eyelids still closed as she just followed her higher senses and where Axel was taking her. The familiar sounds of an elevator ding met her ears, but she was too suffocated in her previous drinks that she just swayed when she was guided into the lift. There was a moment where they just stood, and she took the time to groan at the nausea that was twirling inside her. And all this time she really wanted to spend it out in the rain. She giggled to herself suddenly. Rain. Rain. Rain. That was so funny. Being pulled for the fourth time this day soon, she lazily took steps, wobbling as she tried to keep up with her lack of proper coordination compared to her partner.

    She really didn't like being hauled off, drunk or not.

    She yawned as she listened to some small click, and she could recognize that the light had lowered to a soft dim, making her think that it was alright to open her eyes. They were alright now, in terms of the flash that made them burn. Flickering her eyelids, she tentatively lifted them ajar, finding that the place they were in was balanced and not as bright. Wide open now, she saw through her rotating eyesight a foggy figure of Axel who she was stuck holding her hand with, feeling her cool skin now heat up for whatever action he did that she couldn't really pinpoint. She was seeing doubles of everything in certain intervals, and she shook her head softly, hoping it would make her concentrate. Yet, all that did was bring back that minor head ache. She laughed randomly again, finding it hilarious how she was falling all over the place. Barely getting the words that he directed at her, if he was even telling them to her, she punched him somewhat hard on the shoulder in a moment's annoyance, frowning as she remembered that he forced her out from the rain. She glared at the redhead. Or what would be a glare to her. "I didn't want to leave. And that's the last time you drag me as if I'm some kind of damn doll, ass." It would have been threatening and malicious if the words didn't come out heavily slurred and slow. She staggered a bit, having broken off Axel as her support in the process as she stepped away from him. Oddly enough, her vexed emotions got easily distracted to the sounds of dripping water, as she then glanced down to find that their soaked bodies were leaving a bunch of puddles on the floor. Or she thought it was. It wasn't clear to her. She licked her lips, tasting in the trailing liquid that was over her face, her damp hair fully plastered down. Her antennae-like forelocks were also watered down. Unlike the rest, though, they stood up quite a bit for it to be noticeable that she still had them. The patter of harsh rain striking the panes and giving the world water falls was much better as she then turned to the window. The boom and crack of thunder after that brief shine of lightning in the sky excited her nerves. She squinted her big, aquatic eyes in an attempt to see as that took her complete interest. In another unpredicted personality switch from before, she became silent now. That is, until she pointed at it, looking up at Axel and blinking inquisitively. Apparently, she forgot that she didn't need anyone's permission usually. "Can we go...?"
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. *TwilightNight*
    You should REALLY put spoiler tags. Just in case anyone who comes here want to join in the conversation, but doesn't want to spoil themselves.

    You're going a bit overboard there. Granted, I do expect for many things to happen with Xion on the lists now, after all, I've seen worse from fangirls. It never stops. And I hate it because I like searching images for the character I like, and get some avatars or signatures that I find laying around. But that's kind of a bad fantasy motif you got there >.<. I rather just keep the distance.

    And on top of that, I don't think Roxas really thought of Xion as her true form. He knew her the way she was in her death bed, and it was his friend in the end that died. No matter what she is, that doesn't change anything, and he wouldn't think less of her because she's actually a clone of a male. His other self's clone. Or memories. He cared for her regardless. Not to mention that in the scene he was quite out of it himself, with the beginning being that he forgot something to tell her, and then not really taking in the fact that she was actually dying. Xion reminded me too much of Repliku, actually. Same story, same fate. Except with a mixture of Roxas's own in KH2 extended.

    And Days actually placed the final nail on the AkuRoku coffin to me after watching it. Not that it would stop fangirls. But it really expanded the friendship that Axel thinks Roxas as his kid brother only. They even have a moment where they have girl talk, Axel mentioning how difficult they are, and that you shouldn't press the wrong buttons, which is written in Roxas's diary (then again, other than Naminé, and Xion before the revelation, the only other girl he talked to was Larxene. And she's not exactly the best role model, lol. Though I would think he was speaking of experiences in his past life). In one of the Secret Reports that you get at the end of the game, Axel then mentions that when he's with Roxas (and Xion), memories of his childhood flood back, and he gets a weird feeling. Nostalgia, maybe, I wouldn't know. Hell, there are hints throughout the game that Axel and Saïx knew each other before becoming Nobodies, and they get just as much screen time talking together. The defense against AkuRoku keeps piling, and truthfully, can't wait for this game to come over and make it permanent.

    Considering I talk to 16 year olds and I'm 19, I don't think that makes me required to be a pedophile just because I have friends that are that age >.>. Axel is not any of that. Fangirls just want him to be.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. *TwilightNight*

    That's enough of Soras for a lifetime, I think. Then again, Xion was a plot device and something to keep us interested anyway.

    The Sora/Roxas fans are going to have a field day with this one, however. They can justify why they like them now (even though it's still self-cest....;~; ). Actually, all fangirls will. Xion can form to whatever they wish...Dx. Just great. As if I haven't been scarred enough by accidental fanarts that happen to pop up. Searching images for a character has become difficult as it is.

    The threesome was meant to be the Soras. Axel doesn't belong.

    Those were actually on orders, both times. The moment in the mansion, the first thing he said as he came out of the portal irritated was, "leave all the dirty business to me...". He didn't react at all that much with knowing Xion's fate either. He just took in that it wasn't going to be the same anymore once he figured out who she was. In fact, he looked more upset about Roxas leaving than her death. On top of that, he got annoyed in some moments when Roxas spent more time with her, and when that happens, trust me when I say the friendship that matters is Roxas's in this situation. I takes a lot to get used to a add-on or newcomer. They even symbolized the competition with the "winner" stick. When you compare him talking and hanging out with Xion to Roxas, there's an obvious difference as well (while Roxas acts the same to both his friends regardless). Many things. Axel didn't hate her or dislike her, and he's the type of person who will be there for her, considering he isn't cold. And she was a true companion. But, Xion was nothing more than a friend of a friend, at best. The real connection between the two is Roxas. Without him and the idea of them eating ice cream together, it would have never happened. They aren't even a real trio, when you look at it. Unlike how Kairi and Riku could be friends without Sora, and how the novels proved that Axel didn't need Roxas to befriend and form a bond with Naminé (something that was carried over to the manga).

    And wait, since when does shedding tears and deeply caring for someone equals romantic love? Unless I misunderstood you. A close friend of his was dying.

    You don't even really need a translation, just hear what she's saying. She doesn't sound like she's about to say "suki", "daisuki", or ai/koi". There's nothing to indicate it, truthfully. To say "I love you" will be "daisuki da yo", which is the low form. For real passionate love, you say, "aishiteru". But this isn't a Japanese lesson. Point is, she's struggling with words, and was trying to get something out. Which she did. That him and Axel were her best friends. I didn't say she was trying to leave Axel out on purpose. Her frame of mind was weak as she was disappearing, so she couldn't think straight, and the one there was Roxas. But, it's not farfetched to say that she had a more closer friendship with Roxas than Axel. It's written all over the game.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. *TwilightNight*
    Truthfully, that just sounded to me that she was trying to say what she managed to say in the end. That they were her best friends. She was probably just going to say Roxas only, and then said no, and placed in Axel too. Not to mention the fact that she was struggling with words...

    And on top of that, there are three separate meanings to the word "love" in Japanese, unlike English, where it all means one thing. There is suki, daisuki, and ai/koi.

    And Xion said none of this. Not even the first sounds. Assuming =/= fact.

    Either way, I'm guessing Sora can have his threesome now.

    I wonder what else he will give birth to >.>. Seriously. The guy is like a factory.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. *TwilightNight*
    Never seen that one.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. *TwilightNight*
  12. *TwilightNight*
  13. *TwilightNight*
    Alright, thanks. I'll skip the OC. My creative juices aren't flowing >.>.

    And, uh, due to certain discussions, I guess I'll take Larxene as well. Only if I'm able to, of course. I'll be alright otherwise.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. *TwilightNight*
    I'll take Axel (I need to have a look back to my roots, I miss playing as him) and Naminé.

    As for OCs, I'll fix them up soon. Just want to reserve, if I can do that, I mean.

    Bunnies are evil.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. *TwilightNight*
    Everyone, and Axel, left on Day 22.

    Roxas knocked out and we saw a image of Sora in his pod by Day 26. Signaling the end of CoM.
    - Roxas was unconscious because of this until Day 50.

    Day 71: Axel decided to pop in out of nowhere in Twilight Town.

    And that's basically it. Meh. Here's the diary translated:
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. *TwilightNight*
    That's basically what it actually was in that scene.

    Vexen would have thrown a hissy fit if he knew.

    Too bad he was gone.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. *TwilightNight*
  18. *TwilightNight*
    Probably. Maybe it's the difference in world times? I just can't see why he would last so long when Sora was placed in the pod by Day 27, signaling the end, and Roxas knocked out. And he had yet not come back. As I said, searching for clues or being ordered to doesn't really make sense. And coming back after 20 days or more of CoM ending, means there must be a lapse if it doesn't have to do with time difference. I'll stick to the "he was finding himself" reason until something comes along xD. Saïx and Roxas noted a change in him (which was weird, since I thought he already changed with the whole making friends and eating ice cream), so something went on with him internally.

    Maybe we'll find out in the Secret Reports that comes after you finish playing the game, and are around Roxas's Diary. Supposedly, it has things from "obviously" Axel, someone noting Axel's actions in Castle Oblivion (I love this, makes you wonder since I think it doesn't specify who), and then Xion.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. *TwilightNight*
  20. *TwilightNight*