I am not sure. Once a while back I give my power to control fire to her, temporarily. She took control of the flames and was able to command them....
That's great! Better then great, that's fantastic!
*Sensui is rubbing his head.* I was trying to put together a robot. But I accidently crossed the red and blue wires, causing an explosion. *I...
Pretty good. And how are things with you?
It's an internal thing. We are capable of doing that because we are linked together some how. I haven't figured it out yet.
*there is an explosion and sensui is shot out of his room.* Ok, that's it! *i get out of the kitchen and run up the stairs.*
*Sensui comes back out, sweat dripping from his forehead.* Still unfinished! *he turns around and loud noises crom from his room.* *i chop...
Exactly, if people know our true power then we become predictable. And it would be easy to beat us, but we were still unpredictable. I still am. I...
*Sensui picks up the box and tosses it to me.* Sensui: here *he runs to his room.* *i go to the kitchen and start to gather ingredients.*
Well if it was anything goes, then there is no holding back.
Sensui; How about we go to our rooms and decorate? Go ahead, I will start with dinner.
Sensui: Plotting should be in your room, so that nobody can see and so you can write down your ideas. Well now what shall we do?
*Sensui crouches downto Amy's height.* Sensui: Whatcha doing there? *I nod.* Gods or not we have a obligation. We must do what we can to keep...
Well it will be the end of us also then. Sensui; what makes you say that? The fact that everything is destroyed the way it was built.
Looks like our family is getting crazier by the day.
You can play with the box now Amy. *Sensui pulls out a magazine of different devices.* So Alice, you have been quiet for some time now.
Sensui: that actually would have been better. *i poke the box and the stone falls out. Then I grab the stone and start welding it into a shape.*
*Pu opens up from his ball form and yawns.* Pu: Are we done with the tour? I guess so, but one thing. You can do whatever you want to your room,...
As long as he doesn't have burritos he is ok. *i sit down, the box still floats around me.*
Hey but chess you have to share with Pu.