hhhheeeeey? Crap! I'm always late!
That took time. O.o
HSM, HSM2= what the hell has happened to Disney's great movies?!?!? Eragon= Horrible actors!!!!
Hi! .... maybe .... .... no? .... okay.... T_T
May 27 is my last day
random but, have you ever notisted in KH how far back their arm is from their back ?! (love vids XD)
I thought Roxas drove the truk into there because he IS Sora's nobody. Good thinking though!
^ wants paper < Hates writing on paper V Hates Windows Movie Maker
First one was supper cute and funny. seconed one... O.O ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'mz on 2!!
hello.... *waits impaisantly for someone to be on*
Why? 'Cuz that's gonna be har to make, anit it.
hey there! Have fun, folow the rulz and post a lot!!!!!!! also make tons of friends ^.^
Ditto for me. exceped it was for Naruto. XD
If they somhow proved that God didn't exsist to me, then I may belive them. And about tellling the whole world thing, the Aztecs, Greeks and many other religions belived in things that didn't exsited and still belives knw to the world. If he/she maybe told a few more poeple who belive in it, he/she could star up a new religion that could grew over the years. He/she could also put what they found out and put it into a book and make that thier religios book to study and learn from.
End of the World, Hollow Baston,and The World That Never Was. Had some of the best music and fights there.
It dose. most of the time I ***** and complain intil I fall asleep Airplans fly ove our house all the time ^.^
I live near a race track and they had something going on over there
lol! Yes! The race is over! I can sleep in pease!
I live in Indy So that were snuk off to