34 randoms
31 death notes
29 coke cans
26 unneeded sleep
24 fluffyness
bugs? I hate bugs. they make m- *gets shot*
18 lol cats
16 cookie jars
13 kitties
:lol2: Post, read the rules, have fun, make friends, join a family annnnnndd have a cookie
11 cookie
this is a story i did a while back and it was so bad, I decided to remake it. The organle was ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: The Breakdown After the headache making light had disappeared, Cloud looked around and stared in wonder. He was in some sort castle or big politician building. Is this some sort of trap or punishment Hades has set up for me? the blond wondered, and started his journey in the unknown building. In a matter of minutes, he came across a door that looked strangely familiar. He opened the door and Cloud gasped.He saw rows bookcases lined up like as a maze. this is where he did his studies as a young school boy. This can't be... Hollow Bastion, can it? He thought for sure that his home world was gone forever because of the heartless. He quickly made his way though the maze and can to a abrupt stop. A girl with long brown, braided hair and a light pink dress, was seating in a table, not to far away. May be she could help me thought cloud as he made his way over to the girl. "Ummm....," Cloud shyly started "can you help me out, I'm a little lost. The girl stood up and turned around. "Sure, there has been-" she suddenly stopped and ran to Cloud. She came fast and hard, nearly making Cloud fall. Then the blond felt his chest get wet. She was crying and hugging him! "Cloud! I missed you so much!" The blond blinked. Who was this girl!! The girl looked up. "Don't you remember me? It's me, Aerith. No way, Cloud thought how could this women be his childhood girlfriend. He put his around her and pulled her closer and whispered "I so glad your okay" After a long hug, they finally broke out. They both stared and smiled at each other, until Aerith glanced at his sword "Isn't that, Zack's sword? Why are you wearing it?" Cloud turned around and stared to walk out. As he walked he answered "He died because of me." and stormed out of the room. Before door closed, he could hear Aerith cry. As he exited the castle, he saw the world slowly rebuilding itself. better hurry and get this over with before more people arrive As he was near the town when he heard footsteps. Cloud drew out his sword and pointed to where the steps where. "Eeeeppppp" Aerith jumped out the swords way just in time before yelling "Can't you look before you kill!" The blond went wide eyed and put the sword away. "Sorry, I thought you were HIM." "Who?" asked Aerith sacredly. He sighed he would have to tell her. "During these past nine years, the darkness in my heart slowly increased. But in stead of turning into a heartless, a man named Sephiroth was born. The only way to find the light again, is to beat him." A long pause filled the unconformable setting. "Then let me help you!" cried the girl "You can't go through this by your self! I don't want to lose you again!" Cloud walked to her, put his hand on her shoulder and whispered "I swore to protect the people I love, that includes you." Then Aerith's vision went black.
Not bad. maybe some more effects but overall, it was worth watching!
2. T___t
my aunts chocolate cake with tons of buttercream icing on it! Yumm.... ^.^
I wish... 1. To be able to learn algebra very easy for the up coming school year. 2. To have the money for me and my friend to enter gen con and and buy some cosplay for it ^.^. 3. Be able to design cakes just as well as my aunt!
*gives you a cookie* There, don't be sad now! :D Join a family, it's very easy to make friends then!
I really like the light blue one but the second one.... I can hardly see it. Still, great job!
lol sucks for you