Grease sucker? O.o
Nope, they just use too much grease to fry their chicken...
Tonight I had KFC. When I peeled the skin off all of the grease started draining on my plate. After a minute of a miniature river flow of that, I had to stop it with a napkin.....I won't be eating fried chicken anytime soon...
oh seriously? I find it quite hilarious.
Jim Gaffigan is soooo much better
Wikipedia says it's a game... am I right?
....then why is she #5 on iTunes right now?
Fowards suck...
Full article:
Why are there like 4 people lurking around this thread not posting anything?
That's not exactly the best comparison considering that gender discrimination is less prominent than racial discrimination. And just to be clear I don't believe that anyone is or can be superior to anyone. And actually Obama's presidency is a sign of a change in racial equality. It's not the fact that a lot of African Americans voted, white people voted too. Which displayed a change of what people think about other races (probably because African Americans have been apart of the U.S. since before the revolution.) Although, I'm not saying that it's perfect. Everyone is racist in some way or another. So that's a set back. At least maybe there's a way of overcoming that. Really it just takes time. If we give it 20 years (until all of the people from the 1950's and below die because that's really that last group of people that witnessed or were taught racism openly) and a lot of this will teeter off. Of course new problems will form, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
I think he wants a cookie
Lady Ga- *gets shot*
because it's not ketchup...
I'm not referring to race I'm referring to gender. Nowhere in the near future is their going to be equality with race. People had an issue with African Americans 40 years ago and they have an even larger issue with Latinos and Muslims right now. Definitely nowhere in the near future
I don't even know what soifon means...
oh don't bring that up...
...I retract my last statement... KHV has gone down the toilet
Not all of them suck. And really if we don't like it very much either we're going to have to 1. unban all of the people that were interesting 2. or go somewhere else