I blame you for not realising sephiroth is nigh on not needed for Vincent's storyline.
^ Likes Dane Cook. < Thinks he's hilarious and has a friend called Dane. :D V Wants to meet said GunZ/Toribash pro.
I balme you for the death of kadaj and the lack of Vincent Valentine in FF7 advent children.
You know you have a lack of sanity when you want to be a cash register. xDDD
I blame you for me being unable to hs on GunZ
^ Ha. < Has an exam tommorow but can't be assed to revire. V Thinks i'm a fool
*Points and laughs at vivi* Dun kill meh ;-;
^ No. < Asked what and underscore was for in English today and didn't find out. =[ v Will tell me. =)
^ nope < epic win V epic pwnzorz
I be a lvl 53 destroyer equipeed with the sword of 1000 broken sould and some basic clothes Whuts you?
You know your insane when you trade ^'s old avvy for ^'s new one EDIT: STUPID DAMN FOX OF LIGHT D<
Shut up with your fecking european and african birds
^ no < yes V no
Is ansem the Wise, twilight town's only gummi ship junkie.
I liek beanz :stupid:
^ AC/DC Back in Black < AC/DC fan V AC/DC hater(shun the non-believer shuuuuuuuuuuun)
lol rly? Whats j00r current one? How be thee?
^wtf < going bed now V bye
Herman's Hermits - No milk today
oh ^ wrong I is tired < sleepy V sleepy