^ beans actually < Searching for his emotions V knows how I can find them.
Both of those were the nickelback AMV...
Rest in peace.
lol at the vid xD
^ Lolno. < Lolwut? V Smile, it's caturday.
^ GIANT CUPBOARDS!!!!!!!! < just made the most epic entrance ever of "GIANT CUPBOARDS!!!!!!!!" V Is the lord of all alternating currents.
ok. I'm lvl 19 I went to clan waar with this other guy and got in a fight with these two lvl 40's Mazi left when he saw their lvls, and I was all like "shiz I'm gunna get owned" I pwnd their a$$es I was just like "O_____________________O HALF STEP FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
It was a google search.
I blame you for this idiotic thread.
I'm going on gunz for a bit, I'll be back later.
lulz xP
Please notice the number of points For the annoyance of... 10-21-2007 05:58 PM Never 0 Inappropriate Thread Rosey
I blame you for the lack of American communism. xDDD
You know you're insane when you lol at the above post. P.S. 1'/l/l 1337 81Z/-/
I blame you for not speaking in 1337.
O_________O You know you're insane when you're afraid to use a grammar hammer.
I blame you for bad grammar. *Smashes you with the grammar hammer.* That's right, I used it.
You know you're insane when you like Hannah Montana.