Happy birthday awesome girl! have a wonderful day u whoar! <3
Fine, that's your opinion. I however feel like when people are given a choice, like getting to have an abortion, people should make that decision with both their head and heart, not because it's "quite convenient". Some shouldn't be aborted, that's true, but if whoever is pregnant know they won't be able to provide or give their future child a chance to do well in life, well of course other than comitting suicide which you present like a jolly good option, then I say being aborted doesn't sound so bad. It is not the same result, someone actually suffered through that life first and had to go trough the pain of killing them selves, and possibly hurting others while doing so, you know. Therefore I think as long as both the head and heart thinks through the option of abortion, and the wellbeing of a potential child, then abortion isn't wrong, in my opinion.
I suppose you don't feel the least bit sorry for all the kids with ****** life situations that for example are put on the street, starving to death or suffer in pain from terrible disases? Yeah, those kids could have been aborted, and yet they're alive and suffering. Just a little something for you to think about when you go around mourning. There are many kids that shouldn't have been aborted, but having a choice does at least spare a lot of kids of a terrible life, without dignity. Being given the choice to do what seems the best for another human being is also a gift you know. So no, I will not be wearing white.
Cute pup that is so true, still doesn't hide your evil intentions. But a punishment is a punishment, and I will do it as soon as school is done with their punishment >> WHICH IS NEVEEEER. Ha.
I can't believe you made this thread. You're so mean >.<
I'm so jealous, the only time there's EVER been a snow day here was the year it snowed so much the snow eventually was taller than all cars, if not higher. Also, the wind was so strong the snow was blown horizontally. Though, that's what you get for living in Norway when 12 inches of snow is below normal :C
Well, I have to agree with Wolfie here. I've had one of my dogs for nearly 9 years, and the other one which I got two years later for 7 years. For the most part, they've only been fed dry food, with the occasional treat. However, variation of brands can at times be smart, to figure out what suits for your dog. I would not go and blame it all on one brand; there are several factors that could've played a part in the dog getting cancer, reasons you might not even be aware of. Also, the quality of different brands of dry-food can vary from country to country. As Wolfie mentioned, there are several cons to raw meat, and I would advise you to rather try out different dry-food brands, or other options, rather than sticking to a raw meat and rice diet. Remember, you could wind up finding something that is ideal for your special dog. As for the current situation, I really hope your dog becomes better, I know how dearly I love my dogs, and how much seeing them sick would hurt. I'm crossing my fingers for you, and wish you the best of luck.
I'd go schizo for you any day, bb ;D
*points to post number* post number 50, lol.
Gooodt nyttår!
I'm thinking KHV Royale for some reason. And my list: Kitty Mish Vivi
Nr 50 I am :'D
Your dad is too friggin' cool.
You practically force fed me smash, I do believe you actually did at some point! >| Lol, I thought my stupid mail stopped sending those ages ago? At least I haven't received any complaints after I changed my password. EitherwayIamsorryandwuvyoutoo<3
'scuse moi?! D:
Jade R was awesomee, having her back would be <3 :'D
Norsk purre? (:
Jepp, Norge er kult! Well Jessia Alba, Megan Foc and Jessica Biel sounds about right ;D Aren't you a smart one? (: She suggested the title herself ;P I like the way you're thinking :333 OHhohohoho :3
The double rainbow brought us togheter <33 :'D Haha, so can Kitties (: Hi :') Sure, go ahead (: Arghh, from one viking to another (:
What anime are you confusing your life with, 'cause I'm not buying it ((((((: