Oh no, is it past 5 pm already? DDDD: And ofc the blood begins to spill when I start getting tired xD
I iz trøtt (:
I don't see why this game is supposed to be insanely scary? All you do is wander about in dark places (x
I'm really happy about it so far. :3 Well I couldn't agree more, it's very nice to see you again too Misty (; Hahahaha, for noe tull. Jeg tenker bare "lol, whut?" akkurat nå (x Hehe, enda mer intressant blir det med alle de paranoide folka som det finnes her (((:
I'm watching (:
haters gonna hate? >.> haha, er dette en parodi jeg har gått glipp av?
Posting from my brand new iPhone 4, whoop whoop! So what's up you gais?
Lol, this^
Ofc, I'm not your chow fitte without reason (; Indeed, shared a bed and all. STOP BEING ACROSS THE POND! D:
I've met Kitty 2 times irl, and in total we've spent like a month together :3 And we're seeing each other again this summer! I've also hanged out with Cocohints, and Kitty and I had Mish for a visit that lasted 2 days :D
She truly is the best with gifts :3 though I like a lot when she's not bearing gifts as well <3
Why don't you come try the IB sometime? ... (;
Happy Birthday Mishyyy Fishyyy, <3
Well, if I liked the guy and he treated me well, then it probably wouldn't really matter what anyone else thought. I would take close friends and family's opinions into consideration if they thought the guy was hurting me, or that kind of stuff, but none of those people would get to decide over my relationships, as it's my life and desicion. Oh and also: Though never directly stated, it was just unacceptable for Romeo and Juliet to see each other due to their families long history of being enemies. It's not something they should NEED to be told, it was something that had been made perfectly clear to them all their lives. Like a lot of Shakespare's plays you have to read between the lines or understand the true meaning to things that may seem superficial at first. Romeo and Juliet is no exception.
*thumbs up for way cool mom*
Oh I didn't realise, anyway, it doesn't matter ;) It better be you/Link or I will not be happy! D:
I really hope the sim you're talking about isn't the one you made of me because she sounds freaky xD If it is, who'd you marry/sell me to! D:
I have no idea why that made me lol extremely hard. :3
My lovely body that smell of roses(not haggis like a certain someone), and I think we both know how good I am at keeping you warm in bed.
But you'd spare me since I'd ask you to live with me in the suite at the top of the house, as I'd be Chuck Bass' female double - according to you.