She ****ed some guys Then the guy left or some **** Now she needs someone to string along until she can find another meat rod. You just happened to be the one guy who she knew would be willing to be that guy on her contact list. Of course the fun of it lies in trying out and recognizing a few songs. See what you can recognize(UNLESS YOU ARE A PLEB) Nintendo Wii game. Easy stuff Popular Sony franchise Another easy one, you don't have to do it in all caps. Do it slowly 2009 Manga and 2012 Anime Nintendo 64 game and also appears in it's sequels This one's a bit harder as you have to play it a bit faster 1995 Mecha anime Green Theme to a popular Nintendo game Theme of a character from a Final Fantasy game First Gamecube game ever You shouldn't need a hint for this one Once again you shouldn't need a hint for this one What are you even DOING here? a SNES/PSX game Gary Jules song Something of fire(N64 game) Song from a 2007 mecha anime Another obvious one Song from a Disney movie USA And that's all until I find/make some more
Children these days are less likely to piss all over the computer thinking it was a toilet. Basically they're more familiar with the ins and outs.
Does it work with the one I posted?
Remember kids Being an idiot ironically is still being an idiot
I can only post so much images that illustrate Spoiler MISSING THE POINT But I'm sure you will catch on
Do you see the point in flowers? or vases? or pictures? Speaking of, my latest purchase would have to be Airi and Tharja over here
Don't try and fight it It's already begun
I uhhh Never said that. I think you need to educate yourself more
Yes, basically. I mean yeah I was excited when it was coming back. But uh, yeah. Not too much a fan of the results.
I actually have no words
What version of PPSSPP are you using? If you have not fixed the problem I can simply give you a version that fixes everything This version of PPSSPP fixes all cursor problems First post updated with links as well as KID FRIENDLY SOCIAL JUSTICE VERISON
But like I said, generally you have to like what you're looking at if you're going to enjoy it. You like looking at Adventure Time, the style and colours appeal to your senses. For others it does not, and if you don't enjoy looking at a TV show then you it's a pretty valid reason not to watch it. Unlike things like story, or certain characters, or plot devices, you can't really ignore the looking aspect of an animation. Also Family Guy stopped being good when every character became incredibly unlikeable and the show turned into Seth's soapbox Futurama stopped being good when the main character from the 20th century started making jokes and references of things from the 21st century South Park is still cool Simpsons stopped being funny a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago Bobs Burgers is god tier
You are a cool cat
Updated the first post with text problems Thanks to Janime for that
Yoruichi's body is a miracle of this universe Just so you all know
People act like fanservice for girls hasn't existed for ages already.
But you just gave it a shot also