Umm, haven't you heard, Evilman is going to college, and he's like... the main hacker (with KHKid second, and me in 3rd) So ya, we might not get any new codes, because once a subroutine has been hacked (the subroutine being the code to wield world char weapons), you know that the game is DONE. Besides, its possible that there is no Riku Code
a) its called yaoi (the opposite is yuri) b) its f***ing gross (quoting Dave Chappell on that one, from the episode with the opera girl singing whatever he tells her too) c) you'd be suprised by the number of Sora x Riku yaoi's on the internet, when I first found this I was like, "WHAT THE F***!?!?!?!?!? THAT'S F***ING GROSS" (If you would like to discuss this more, PLEASE do it through PM's or in the Spam Zone) Anywho, the next mem dump might not be possible, as my Codebreaker is now acting stupider than my ARMAX did at one point (and my ARMAX was being ******ed, so my CodeBreaker is being a dumbass)
here's a usb adapter wiki (Stepmania is DDR for Computer, but free... in order to play DDR, you kinda need a pad, so this page is full of adaptors) on topic: I need to get the dump by tomorrow, so Evilman can make the codes, but I don't think that is possible, but I will try
(you made me say it) (As Jeff Foxworthy) If you've ever said something like this: You might be obsessed with Kingdom Hearts!
I have a PS2->USB adapter that allows me to use a PS2 controller as a joystick, so IT IS THE SAME
Hey, in order to be my buddy you need to like computer games (excluding World of WarCrap)
oh, oops, i forgot to link to the demo... hehehe Jedi Academy demo;18502 i'll post that in a sec NEW GAME I WILL MOD: Tribes 2 (screenshot attached, full game available at: FOR FREE! and its legal!)
*gasp* then you're not my friend! See attached image of my new game "Tribes 2" (ITS FREE... I S*** YOU NOT: AND ITS GOT LAN PLAY (you have to buy the game to play online, unless you use the alt. master server hack, which connects to a different (non-official) server) [NOTE: Image has been downscaled and the quality is lower than the original screenie)
I'm over that, I've been over that for a long time My ignore list is empty, you should be able to send PM's just fine I don't know why you can't send PM's
... I wanted to teach the jokering thing, I mean, you weren't able to joker the music switch codes, but I did... I made all the jokers... :( ehhh, oh well, you're going off to college so, go ahead and have a last hurrah anywho, heres a better way to get joker digits now then, I forgot to put a disclaimer: Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is the colaboration of several individuals (see Thanks page). This information is in no way endorsed or supported by or Datel, Ltd. (disclaimer taken from, the site where I learned everything about jokers) I'm getting lazy now, so I'll just quote a bunch of stuff from Hellion's site (Credit to hellion00, site: see above link) "Hacking the PS2... In order to hack for the PS2 effectively, you'll need to have basic understanding of memory addresses and values and how they work. A good understanding of the hexadecimal and binary number systems is also very helpful. There are probably many tutorials on the web to explain these. You can use Altavista or Google to find them. The Action Replay works by modifying memory values in your PS2 after a game has loaded. Most of these codes work by repeatedly writing a specified value to a specified address. Other codes, like Joker Commands, work by comparing values that are in memory. What a certain code does depends mostly on the address that it is modifying. That address could be changing the underlying code of the game (for codes like "Cars Don't Stop For Pedestrians"), or it could just be setting the value of a variable in memory (for codes like "Infinite Uzi Ammo"). I can tell you how to use the Action Replay and its commands to their fullest potential. The rest is up to you... On to the codes... An AR2 code is made up of four parts: 1. Command 2. Address 3. Value 4. Encryption The Command tells the AR2 how to process the address and value that are specified. It also determines the format of the code. Most commands require only one line of code, while others require two. The Address specifies where in memory the operation is going to take place. Determining new addresses of codes is probably the most difficult part of hacking. Most codes, like Infinite Ammo, require special hardware to determine the proper addresses to modify. However, using PS2DIS, you can sometimes find very useful addresses, especially if the game's coding is labeled (see the PS2DIS guide here for more information). The Value specifies the quantity to be used in the command. This value is usually either placed in memory or a memory value is tested against it. Last, but definitely not least, the entire code is encrypted. This, I guess, is to keep other companies from easily stealing Action Replay codes. It also prevents home-hackers like us from easily creating new codes."
I'll see what I can do
I've been busy (for jedi academy) as for those who want to try before they buy (or torrent download) here is the official (free and legal) demo for Jedi Academy controls... hit "Escape" to pause the game, hit "Shift" and "~" at the same time type in "devmapall" and hit "Enter" then type in "god" and hit "enter" Edit: i was browsing the FileFront JK3 files site and I hit a 404, the message... IS F***ING HILARIOUS go here:
You can go torrent it if you want... but no... its not free
I have a DS emulator that works fine
Sorry, no, I looked, but I am going to make some of my own! I'll do my best!
Okay, codebreaker works differently for KH2 the codes are for v7+, BUT the master code tells the CodeBreaker to use v1-6 encryption because... a) The ones who encrypted the codes were lazy b) most of the stuff in that game uses digits, and CBv7+ encryption cannot use ??? digits because the value and the address are encrypted in v7+, in v1-6 only the address is encrypted for those of you who don't understand what this means, here's a breakdown (Fake code) 20345678 01234567 (address) (value) in v1-6 encryption ONLY THE ADDRESS IS ENCRYPTED, allowing you to use digits for ????, but v7+ encryption uses the WHOLE CODE, meaning that you cannot use digits for ???? TO ALL CODEBREAKER USERS ANYONE WHO HAS CODEBREAKER v7, v8, OR v9, PM ME, BECAUSE I CAN MAKE CUSTOM DAY1 FILES
yes but I'm a little busy, you can just use the ones at and convert them (you need CB2Crypt, which is one of the attachments in the "Code Converting Program" thread, to decrypt the codes, make sure that "Use common v7 encryption" is on)
recode them (for some games, reprogramming the game) mod them (for most games) modding goes like this Jedi Academy the folders are: c:/Program Files/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/Base in the "Base" folder are 4 files, "assets0.pk3" "assets1.pk3" "assets2.pk3" and "assets4.pk3" If you have played Quake 3, you will recognize this file format, it is the very file format that Quake 3 uses for mods Okay, so here is how Jedi Academy works .pk3 files, are just ZIP FILES (but using special format, so winzip can't read them), but the game compresses them to save space for .pk3 files, we use a program called PakScape (which also allows you to mod games with the following engines: Daikatana, Quake, Quake 3, and Starsiege) when you open PakScape, it looks like this Here is the file "assets1.pk3" We go into the folder called "models" And then the subfolder called "weapons2" Inside the folder "saber_4" are 3 files, "saber_4.glm" "saber_4.jpg" and "saber_4_spec.jpg" the 2 images are the texture (the coloring) of the saber the .glm file is the 3D model (converted from a .md3 file, which was in turn converted from a .3ds model, the model type used by 3DSMax) when we open the .glm file using a program called ModView we see the untextured version of the saber but if we have it load the textures (from the 2 .jpg files) IT COMES OUT WITH COLOR! Jedi Academy is programmed to take ANY .pk3 file in the "base" directory so you can make your own mods!
Do you even know how to use Ps2dis? because a good knowledge of hacking is required to do this