XD stupid minimum character limit
3 AP classes [coughbullsh**cough] I'm only in Honors, and I can hack a PS2, If you've got AP Classes, then you need to learn to hack, because you have potential, but, from what I know, you don't have AP classes, because you would be able to go above and beyond me and KHKid when it comes to hacking
I know that this will probably jinx it, but (I have to say it) <_< ... >_> ... :sideways: I haven't seen Sir Flames-A-Lot (how long was the ban? I was under the impression that it was just 3 days, so he should be back by now, with even more crazy theories about how to make Riku work, or how to get into Destiny Islands, although his Riku theory came pretty close)
Why???? Dude, this is a serious thread, I mean, he IS actually going to get into a fight, so you could at least say... "Good luck" or something
Yes, laughs and stupid anime references aside, best of luck to you, and if you're OK after the fight, just change your Mood to let us know you're alive and if all else fails, use the keyblade, and if that don't work, try Anti-Form!
XD nice one! while you're at it, send in a Kage Bunshin, using a Bankai, in Super Sayin form, wielding an oversized sword (make sure that it looks like he's compensating for something) anybody who wants can elaborate on that
which is? damn character minimum
Don't push it... I'll drop out faster than you can blink if you say the wrong thing If you think I'm lying well... "You feelin' lucky, punk?" Anywho, I'll take Agrabah
Fine, I'm on the F:censor:ing team... Happy now?
Do you have an Action Replay, CodeBreaker, GameShark, XPloder, or similar cheat device, if so, then by all means, yes
Forgiven! (Damn, every time Evilman goes away, I get lotsa rep!) :) :) :)
Naw, you're fine but anywho, I probably won't be joining, since I have better things to do, like... hack Tribes 2, Jedi Academy, and FATE. and since this IS the Spam Zone, I can say this TRIBES 2 PWZ0RS WORLD OF WARCRAP WITH UBIQUITOUS IMPUNITY (wait, I said "ubiquitous"... son of a... DAMN YOU ENGLISH CLASS, DAMN YOU I SAY!) why does world of warcrap get pwnz0red by Tribes 2, because a) Its free for offline and LAN play (full game) (but you have to buy it to play online, unless you use the hacked master server, but then you can only play against people on the hacked master server) b) YOU ONLY HAVE TO PAY ONCE (for online play) NO FRIGGIN MONTHLY COST c) You can pwnz0r up to 32 of your friends at once d) There's no swear filter (well, there is, but you can disable it XD) e) Lots of taunting, and 5 different taunt animations, so you can dance on a dead guy's corpse (surprisingly, the bots do it a lot, I've been danced on quite a few times) Overall, Tribes 2 is a "free" version of Unreal Tournament, (also less graphic), and when you use the Unreal Tournament formula, you can't go wrong (unless you f*** up the formula, which thankfully, Tribes 2 did not do) YAY TRIBES 2, also, YAY UNREAL TOURNAMENT!
You insult me, 90% of the dumps in the KH2 codes thread... WERE DONE BY ME! secondly, evilman does dumps very sparsely, as does KHKid, most of the time the just make me do it... so yea, get your facts straight... BEFORE you talk, otherwise you get pwnz0red by teh ubiquitous ones, like me XD
Easy: 52696B75 Why? Because we are looking for the Riku code (which is in hex) In MIPS, name values are written in Hex For example, in Grand Theft Auto, license plates of the cars are written into the ELF (meaning that hackers can edit them) now then, by finding the address for a license plate, and putting in specific digits (namely the one I mentioned above) the license plate would come out to whatever you want it to be anyway, what does 52696B75 equal, well, go here: http://centricle.com/tools/ascii-hex/ at the bottom, change the option to "Hex to ASCII" and type %52%69%6b%75 (keep the percent signs, the converter needs them as syntax, but if you remove them, the number is 52696B75, which is what I requested earlier) anywho, put %52%69%6b%75 in the text box, check off "Hex to ASCII" and hit "Translate" and you get "Riku" (note that Hex format is case sensitive, so if you want it to be "RIKU" or "RiKu" or "rIkU" it would be a different value) So yea, since this a PS2 Hacking project, the title should be written in the programming subset that PS2 games are written in, which is hexidecimal (I said "subset" not "language", the language that games are written in is called MIPS) if you want to use hex to make up a different name, just switch to "ASCII to hex" and then type whatever you want converted (as in, using English, no syntax needed)
Oh... my... god... use the search function Nobody give it to him let him find it himself (HINT TO Sasuke240: ITS ATTACHED TO ONE OF THE THREADS IN THE CODE VAULT)
Half the fun of making codes is testing them, so find out yourself what it does by testing digits with it (start with 63, and look for something that is 99, like CP, AP, Cards, Level, XP, etc, then go to 62, and look for 98, and keep going down, 61, 60, 5F, 5E, 5D, 5C, 5B, 5A, 59, 58, etc.)
just PM with: the code, what format it is in, and what format you want it to be converted to
Depends on the format you are converting from, and the format you are converting to
F*** megaupload, use RAPIDSHARE
Site is not working, host it somewhere else