Not gonna be for a while, I'm taking Algebra 2 (honors), and well, I'm not doing so good T_T
I know its a fake code, but it's not raw That format would be CBv1-6 THIS is raw 2035B55C 0063FFFF
My laptop has an S-Video Output port (as in, video output), so as soon as I get the right cable, I will be making a vid (and also, vids of my mods, and my codes) Nope, I got nothin
Oh... dear... god... why doesn't anyone look at the thread called "Code Converting Program" LOOK AT THE THREAD'S ATTACHMENTS! IT'S THERE! AS A .zip FILE! I DON'T! KNOW WHY! I'M TYPING! LIKE THIS!
Taking a short break (I've been playing Halo literally all day) to say this: If you are under 14, DO NOT PLAY THE LEVEL, "The Flood" Because when you play that level, it goes from a game, to an INTERACTIVE HORROR MOVIE DO NOT PLAY THAT LEVEL IF YOU CANNOT HANDLE FEAR, YOU WILL GET THE S*** SCARED OUT OF YOU! And by the way... I had infinite Health, Shields, Ammo, and Flashlight on, and that level STILL scared the pants off me, even though I knew I couldn't die, so yea Kiddies, do NOT play Halo (unless you want to get the s*** scared out of you, XD) otherwise, it is THE best game EVER! (other than GTA)
IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT BUNGIE STUDIOS IS THEN YOU SHOULD NOT READ THIS POST, IT CONTAINS EXCESSIVE RANTING ABOUT HOW AWESOME HALO IS! F*** the trial I just the full game and if you want to say, "GET HALO 3" I'll say, "HOW? IT'S SOLD OUT!" So yea, I'm busy kickin a$$ with Master Chief! EDIT: I'm 2 minutes in to the game... AND I'VE ALREADY HACKED IT! Go J-Hack, Go J-Hack, Go J-Hack, Its ya birthday (not really, my birthday's in March, check my profile for my B-Day) Oh and: Go Bungie, Go Bungie, Go Bungie, Your game kicks a$$! Anywho, I would heavily recommend this game to anyone who wants to see what Halo is all about, and don't worry, you can change the graphics settings to make the game compatible with crappy computers Here's what I do: Shoot the Elites (Large blue guys you encounter in the first level) until they stop glowing with energy (meaning that their shields are down) then run in and use melee
Yea, bad news, the next update may not be for a while because I just got Halo (the first 1) and if you want to say, "GET HALO 3" I'll say, "HOW? IT'S SOLD OUT!" So yea, no update for a while, because I'm busy kickin a$$ with Master Chief! EDIT: I'm 2 minutes in to the game... AND I'VE ALREADY HACKED IT!
Horray! SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT! We need ALL the help we can get, because our main hacker is away at college will you help?
This could be considered advertising for KHInsider, and while I talk about KH-Vids over there, I do that because the database here contains more codes than on any other site. (essentially making this thread the main thread for codes)
You could wield Sephiroth!!!!!!!! OR XEMNAS! OR EVEN WIELD RIKU! *gasp* or even... dare I say it... A HYDRA HEAD!
Maxulis??? wtf is that?
35) If people see a talking, magic-casting duck with clothes on walking around, they will act as though it's COMPLETELY normal 36) If I become a goth and surrender to the dark, I will have super powers 37) Sora is clearly gay (He see's Kairi and he's like, "Hey!", he sees Riku, he gets down on his knees and starts bawling) 38) Every villain in this game is mentally ill, because they want to rule a kingdom made of organs 39) A ship made of the O-zone can let you visit alien planets (gummi's are made of a world's Barrier) 40) Kairi has a habit of getting kidnapped (first it was Maleficent, then Axel, then Saix) 41) Magic clothes allow you to merge with people 42) You can search for stuff on a computer (MCP computer in Hollow Bastion) by typing random letters into a keyboard 43) Characters can age, de-age, and get older at will (Tidus is 10 while Auron is still like 30) 44) If you sleep for 20 days in a pod, you will be so full of energy that you can go for 200+ hours of adventuring, questing, and all around journeying without feeling tired
Nope, someone was able to do it by negating the reset address, but the code only works in Raw format with VisualBoyAdvance 1.8.0 beta 3
KH CoM is semi hack protected, because there are 2 HP values, however, if either of them are triggered, then the game rechecks them, and if they are incorrect, then the game resets in other words, if you try to hack HP, then the game will reset
that would be the elf, which is useless without PS2Dis soooo, don't bother posting it
NO! you open it with a program like winzip, 7zip, winrar, or whatever, just make it a .zip (to make it a .zip, try opening it with notepad (it will be garbled text), then hit save as, and save it as ""
I'm already on the team, but right now, my first priority is Kingdom Hearts 1, as the code to fly outside of Neverland is LONG overdue
Copycat, using the .mp3 extension for zip files was my idea
Maybe, but maybe not...
Well, whatever, I'm off to play Tribes 2! :) :) :) :) :) Warcrap sux