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  1. JLHack7
    Find the UCM code, and then replace the last 4 digits in the value with 0323

    EDIT: I'll post it

    11C95618 00000323

    You want that in what format?
    (ARMAX, Codebreaker, Gameshark, etc)
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. JLHack7
    I posted it a few pages back, I'll repost it

    D-type joker

    E-Type Joker

    X = Address
    Y = Joker Value
    Z = Number of Lines to joker (E-Type only)

    For NTSC/UC KH2, replace the X's with 035B55C

    So the Joker would be

    D035B55C 0000????

    ?=Joker Value
    X= Code to be jokered

    Digits for Joker Value
    FEFF = L2
    FDFF = R2
    FBFF = L1
    F7FF = R1

    If the joker is R2, ONLY HIT R2, NO OTHER BUTTONS, but you can use the ****og stick all u want

    (the ****og stick doesn't count in a joker, but the ****og stick buttons, L3 & R3 do, so it doesn't matter which direction the ****og stick is going in, only the buttons being pressed do)

    EDIT: AHAHAHAHAHA! The swear filter bleeps out the name of the controller stick

    EDIT 2: Fixed the value for R2, I accidentally posted L2's value
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. JLHack7
    I figured as much, but anyway, I think I know where my KH2 disc is
    I'm lookin for it, but no luck yet,

    oh, and Anti, go on AIM
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. JLHack7
    Wait, a code for mickey to use magic?
    I never knew that there was a code like that, last time I checked, mickey T-stances when u use magic
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 23, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. JLHack7
    Then why don't we AIM now?

    And PLZ upload the ELF, because I don't have my KH2 Disc, so I need the ELF
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. JLHack7
    Hey, what about me?

    and I doubt it, because Riku doesn't have a label in the ELF, yet he's a character
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. JLHack7
    U are? I don't see u

    Where is everybody

    Oh, and I NEED MY KH2 DISC!!!

    They say "Jesus loves you"

    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. JLHack7
    Google PCSX2 0.9.4

    and somebody, get on AIM, I'm BORED

    I'd be playing KH2 but I lost my disc
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 22, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. JLHack7

    Things that should be explained:

    First off, here is how a code works


    X=Bit type

    I say this because there are D1 codes, and they are the same as D0 codes
    But there are only E0 codes, no E1's

    D-type joker

    E-Type Joker

    X = Address
    Y = Joker Value
    Z = Number of Lines to joker (E-Type only)

    For NTSC/UC KH2, replace the X's with 035B55C

    EDIT: AIM anyone? (my screenname is in my profile)
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. JLHack7
    Well, if you somehow happen to find that sephiroth's sword has its own UCM digit, then it would work. Unfortunately, the only way to get Sephiroth's sword is using his model, so you'd end up swinging Sephiroth & the sword at the same time

    You didn't read any of my previous posts did u?
    I lost my KH2 disc on the day that PCSX2 0.9.4 came out, I looked EVERYWHERE for it , but it's long gone

    my point is, I'm not exactly the guy you want to talk to about brand new codes, because, until I get Swapmagic or my original KH2 disc, I have no means of using said codes, and thus no reason to keep up with you guys, because it will just make me more disappointed that I can't find the KH2 disc.

    So, yea, I'm not hacking KH2, because I CAN'T hack KH2 (due to the aforementioned lost disc)
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. JLHack7
    This has been mentioned at LEAST 20 times T_T

    And Kairi's keyblade is possible, but I doubt it will work, it doesn't have a blur effect, stats, or a magic point
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. JLHack7
    I'm gonna see if SW:EP3 Works on PCSX2, then I'd be able to hack a lot of codes because I wouldn't need the offset

    EDIT: On PCSX2 0.9.4 it crashes after the developer logos

    (I was using PCSX2t, so if someone could verify this, that would be great)
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. JLHack7
    Here's something you might want to add

    (Raw) Jokers
    Joker Address
    D035B55C 0000YYYY

    YYYY Digits
    F7FF - R1
    FBFF - L1
    FDFF - R2
    FEFF - L2
    F3FF - R1+L1
    F5FF - R1+R2
    F6FF - R1+L2
    F9FF - L1+R2
    FAFF - L1+L2
    FCFF - R2+L2
    F7FD - L3+R1
    FBFD - L3+L1
    FDFD - L3+R2
    FEFD - L3+L2
    7FFD - L3+Square
    DFFD - L3+Circle
    77FF - R1+Square
    D7FF - R1+Circle
    7BFF - L1+Square
    DBFF - L1+Circle
    7DFF - R2+Square
    DDFF - R2+Circle
    7EFF - L2+Square
    DEFF - L2+Circle
    How to use the joker
    E0XXYYYY 0035B55C
    ????????? ?????????

    XX The number of lines you want jokered
    YYYY The joker value (use the YYYY digits posted above)
    The ?'s represent the code you want jokered

    So to joker the following (fake) code
    1030456D 00003125
    1030456F 00000063

    you would do this
    E002YYYY 0035B55C
    1030456D 00003125
    1030456F 00000063

    02 is there because you want the next 2 lines of code jokered
    YYYY is the joker value (using the YYYY digits posted above)

    Universal Character Mod

    Normal Slots
    Character Slot 1 (Sora)
    11CFA3FC 0000????
    Character Slot 2 (Donald)
    11CFA3FE 0000????
    Character Slot 3 (Goofy)
    11CFA400 0000????
    Character Slot 4 (Guest)
    11CFA402 0000????
    Drive slots (modifies who/what you drive into for each slot)
    Character Slot 5 (Valor-Form)
    11CFA404 0000????
    Character Slot 6 (Wisdom Form)
    11CFA406 0000????
    Character Slot 7 (Master-Form)
    11CFA408 0000????
    Character Slot 8 (Final-Form)
    11CFA40A 0000????
    Character Slot 9 (Anti-Form)
    11CFA40C 0000????
    Rescue slot (modifies who you get rescued by instead of mickey)
    Character Slot 10 (King Mickey)
    11CFA40E 0000????
    Digits for ????

    Normal Characters (Characters that are normally in your party)
    ^+ Character can be controlled without glitches/very few glitches
    ^= Character can be controlled normally, however, there may be some glitches, but these can usually be fixed through a code
    ^- Character can be controlled, however, there are many glitches, most of which cannot be fixed by a code
    ^| Character can be controlled, but a large code is required in order to use his/her abilities
    ^0 Character cannot be controlled, but can be placed in a secondary slot (i.e. replace donald/goofy/world char)
    0054 - Sora (KH2 Clothes) ^+
    0055 - Sora (Valor Form) ^=
    0056 - Sora (Wisdom Form) ^=
    0057 - Sora (Master Form) ^=
    0058 - Sora (Final Form) ^=
    0059 - Sora (Anti-Form) ^=
    005A - Roxas ^=
    005B - Mickey (Black Cloak) ^=
    005C - Donald ^|
    005D - Goofy ^|
    005E - Biest ^|
    005F - Jack (Halloween Town) ^|
    0060 - Jack (Christmas Town) ^|
    0061 - Simba ^|
    0062 - Aladdin ^|
    0063 - Mulan ^|
    0064 - Ping ^|
    0065 - Auron ^|
    0066 - Jack Sparrow ^|
    028A - Sora (Lion Form) ^=
    0323 - DW Roxas ^-
    06C1 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I Costume) ^=
    0819 - Riku ^0
    Other Allies (not normally in your party, but still helping you at some point, I.E. Leon at the Bailey, these characters CANNOT be put in slot 1, or slots 5-10, or else the game will freeze when that slot is accessed)
    016A - Hercules
    04BB - Minnie
    04DC - Axel
    061C - Leon
    0688 - Cloud
    06B0 - Yuffie
    06B3 - Tifa
    0764 - Mickey (from Twilight Town in front of the mansion)
    Bosses (They will attack you, DO NOT PLACE THEM IN SLOT 1, OR SLOTS 5-10)
    0015 - Shan Yu
    0016 - Hayabusa (Shan Yu's annoying hawk)
    0051 - Axel (Battle 2)
    007E - Oogie Boogie
    007F - Lock
    0080 - Shock
    0081 - Barrel
    0133 - Twilight Thorn
    015C - Jafar (Genie form)
    015D - Hades
    015E - Hades (harder version from Paradox Cups)
    015F - Cerberus
    0160 - Hydra
    0161 - Thresholder
    0162 - Dark Thorn
    0163 - Shadow Stalker
    0165 - Storm Rider
    0166 - Illuminator
    0167 - Pete (Timeless River)
    0284 - Shadow Stalker Chandelier
    0285 - Shadow Stalker Pillars
    0299 - Shenzi
    029A - Banzai
    029B - Ed
    029C - Scar
    02CE - Beast (Heartless)
    035E - Sark
    039A - Hydra Head
    03C4 - Sark (Giant)
    03E5 - Xaldin
    03F7 - Barbossa
    040B - Volcano Lord
    040C - Blizzard Lord
    0459 - Groudshaker (VERY glitchy unless you are Lion Sora)
    04B8 - Malicious Program
    05CE - Prison Keeper
    05D0 - The Experiment
    0622 - Xigbar
    06C9 - Saix
    085C - Armored Xemnas
    08B5 - Axel (1st Battle)
    08B6 - Sephiroth
    08F7 - Demyx (Hollow Bastion battle)
    The next 4 are bosses from the Paradox Cups
    08F8 - Leon
    08F9 - Cloud
    08FA - Tifa
    08FB - Yuffie
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 4, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. JLHack7
    You just plug the ARMAX codes into the left side of the MAXConvert window, and then change the top left dropdown box to ARMAX, then change the top right dropdown box to whatever format you want it converted to (GS2v3 and GS2v4 use the same format, so their codes can be used interchangeably, so you would select GS2v3-4, if you have one of those)
    Post by: JLHack7, Nov 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. JLHack7
    Nice, I have CB and ARMAX,
    Game ID's are only for ARMAX, not for CB or GS
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. JLHack7
    for the codes in this forum?
    its the same as Final Mix+ (of course, this presents a problem, because you can only have 1 game per game ID, so you'd have to overwrite the FM+ codes with the re:CoM codes)
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. JLHack7
    You'd need:
    a) a program to edit the KH2 disk
    b) Knowledge of MIPS (the programming language) so you can understand what you're doing
    c) a blank DVD to burn the new disk
    d) Swapmagic to play the new disk
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 28, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. JLHack7
    Well, the tutorial hasn't been updated yet, nor will it ever be updated (not at KH-vids)

    because the hacking tutorial is moving to another site/board

    link to the site is in my sig, which, like everything else I have posted in the last 3 weeks, might be edited for advertising, lol

    (also, to the mods/admins, when the tutorial is done migrating, I will have it removed from the site, most likely)

    and last but not least, this isn't because of the ban
    its because I like the other board better, (I have Admin powers there, I'm not kidding)

    oh, and I have a bigger Inbox size there, (9000 messages), and I have had to empty my inbox 5 times, I'm sick of that
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. JLHack7

    Sims, Jedi Academy, and Half-Life will be the easiest to mod
    I'm not sure about WarCraft
    And Halo cannot be modded unless you replace the default game files
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. JLHack7

    Have fun and go register,
    in the meantime, until we can get everything together, there will be no tutorial update for quite a while, probably not until Christmas
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault