ooc: I would like it if we not venture back into the Dark Realms again unless it is absolute bic: The Neoshadow screamed of having it's light wrenched out, looking for the darkest thing in it's limited vision. It found a nobody, powerful with darkness, and easily superior to itself. As the way of Heartless, they would work under those with the most power, and this one almost curled up next to the one harboring just as much emotion as it's core. With a series of hisses and clicks, the dead language of the Darkness, the true Heartless, echoed within the chilling shadows. "Master, please, my Superior of Darkness, cleanse me of this putrid light."
ooc: I am only acting to what I believe heartless normally act like. bic: The neoshadow growled, snapping at Riku. It was hungry. It wanted hearts. It wanted to FEED. It was about to sink within the shadows, then screamed in pain, as light was entering within the heart. The way heartless screamed made it look more painful than what they actually felt. It was a silent scream, for they registered the pain, but could not feel it. It wanted to rip out the one thing that allowed it to be, but that would be suicide, so it screamed silently, the flames putting themselves out.
The Neoshadow struggled under the human's tight grip, stopping it's ability to pounce or even properly move it's whip-like arms. It only proceeded in it's raw inferno, but oddly enough the heart relished in the feel of another beating heart. The flames that the heart fueled didn't allow this heart to be burned, much to the heartless' dismay and raw anger.
The twitching NeoShadow started to move, barely, slowly, but was recovering. Soon enough it would go back into it's infernos, raging with raw power the heart it was born from had only harnessed to a degree.
The Thunder had done it's work, leaving a numbed and frozen Neoshadow at the mercy of the superior beings. It wanted to feed, as it felt little passion for these people. They were food. Delicious, delicious food.
ooc:How could you NOT be able to tell? xD bic: The neoshadow struggled within the ice, calling upon the heart it had been born from to try and help it escape. Knowing who the heart was, an inferno rose, melting the ice. Relishing in the new power, with fire singed claws, it charged once more at the fresh meat.
The NeoShadow tripped, angry her meal had been so close. It smelled fresh, as it was visibly beating in the lass' heart. But right now, the anger was redirected, attacking Gexln instead.
What quickly skittered before the group was a heartless, a Neoshadow, and a mean one at that. It immediately charged at the closest heart within distance, Valerie's. With sharp claws and a newfound hunger, this feral thing was ready to eat.
The first thing Eden felt, other then most of her being going into a spasm, was pain. Extreme pain. Literally, she couldn't even scream properly, and yet the pain was terrible. It was like hell and heaven agreed to one day, create the worst possible pain ever created. Only she was the unlucky gal to experience it. After she, naturally, regretted her decision, she could already see two hearts escape her, and her mind silent for the first time in ages. She and Riku were free, and her body was consumed by the dark of Gexln's blade, put to rest.
"Gex, I trust you. Just promise me, if I do become a heartless, put me back to normal." The Wielder of Fire smiled, giving Gexln a small hug. For some reason, it almost made her want to cry. Maybe it was just the memory of Nexas haunting her. But right now, there was a heart to purge.
"Gex, even if you don't have a heart, I trust you more right now with that blade then anyone here." Eden sighed, groaning heavily as her knees creaked liked old machinery. "Would you do the honors of bringing Riku back his heart? I don't care if you turn me heartless, just as long as Riku is spared. He's more important then me anyway."
Eden noticed the stillness of Riku's body, and how her hand had been in his. She quickly whisked it away, nervously glancing at the still body. "Um... Uh...." She really didn't know what to do. But she really didn't want a Keyblade stuck in her chest again. That thing hurt. "I don't know... Let's take it to Sora. He'll know what to do?"
Eden awoke with a sharp pain in her chest. "OW! What the hell! F--k! Jesus son of a--" with a multitude of colorful swears, some even made up, the Keybearer of Earth painfully groaned as she sat up only to find herself top heavy. "What the f--..." staring at Destiny's Embrace, any normal person would wonder how they were alive, and she did too. Even through months of being under this constant stress, she still shrilly screamed at the sight of a Keyblade piercing her chest. Throwing it out of her, having another slew of swears and hisses, she checked for any damage. "What the HELL!? WHY, IN ALL THAT IS HOLY AND UNKNOWN, WOULD YOU DO THAT!?"
"Same..." Eden didn't even bother to keep her response mental, just passing out on the scraggly Ayer's Rock. She was tired, in pain, and needed a rest that her heart was desperate for.
"How do we do that?" Eden groaned. She could barely get up as it is. And that Keyhole took more out of her then she had realized, because she knew something changed. "Do I just hold his hands? Does Gex rip hid heart out with his key? Or do I repeat what Sora did?"
Eden almost doubled over in exhaustion. Obviously, two hearts controlling the same body was stressful to an unfit body. "I'm just gonna, sleep here... in a coma..."With that, she could barely sleep, as the Keyhole had enough of these humans, and nobody, within it.
Eden glanced a pleading look to Valerie, and even Gexln, though he had no heart of light to offer. "Help..." she begged, wincing. "Just a little farther..." "Please, you could have asked for my help. I'll get going, with both your lights. The world needs it after all." With that, the light surged, but a large fraction left Eden, and a good portion of Riku's remained as well. Their effort was rewarded in the glowing ethereal room. Laying besides the keyhole was the once decaying body of the Keybearer of Shadows. Though, his body wasn't decayed, and seemed angelic under the white satin robes.
Eden painfully winced, taking control. "I'm gonna need a coma when this is over..." she winced. She noticed the keyhole, but without Kairi, they were stuck. She put her heart to it anyway, hoping RIku would do the same as she stabbed the Keyhole with her blade. It did an unceremonious click, but light did flow. She pushed her light out farther, and the Keyhole responded. It wasn't as strong as she hoped, and it was obvious more then one light was going to mimic Kairi's.
Eden gladly stopped her flames, noticing the Neoshadows retreating due to their fallen leaders. "They're retreating!" she could almost cry, if she didn't feel the sudden painful pop of her dislocating shoulder due to the keyblade violently reacting to the Keyhole emerging from within the dark.
Eden only huffed. It helped give her the strength to keep her fire going, but not enough to appease the growing pain within her. "Let's just hope that this will end soon..." she heavily sighed. "I'm getting heartburn over here."