Nine...Though I can see Aang lurking D:
It would be a sad day indeed in Nomura left. I've kinda always thought of him as a stable constant in the Square company. It never even crossed my mind that he might leave it some day
seVERN! (I don't know if you guys have strictly come dancing where you come from haha )
Twenty nine. Hate to love you and leave you, carry on and best of luck!
26. I think it was 121, may be wrong on that
23. Isn't the first band those guys from youtube or am I mistaken?
** Twenty :D
XIII (organisation :D )
10, double figures
Eight.....63 is all yours, Soap :) Once we get there
This is now 4. So close :'( To what I'll never know, but I felt it in my bones. Good teamwork guys, we had something special going on there :') One heck of a record to beat
12...2? correct me if I'm wrong :) EDIT: BLARGGGGGGGG
One hundred and 17 (officially), momentous indeed
ONE HUNDRED AND NINE Congrats guys! at SOME point we got to 100 :) I've lost track now but we made it!
102 (official) :D (possibly)
97 OFFICIALLY, almost at 100!
90!! (maybe)
This is the official EIGHTY FOURTH post. Count upwards from this!