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  1. phoenixkh93
    I've always pretty much loved secondry school. Amazing people, amazing teachers. Work was sometimes stressful but everything else is amazing. Now are American high schools really as bad as they seem in films/on tv/according to everyone here? Maybe it's because I'm at a Catholic school, maybe it's more sheltered. I mean I don't know what other schools are like never having been to another one, but I can't believe everyone has had such a bad experience!

    Anyway KHV I thought was like a high school when I first came on. I was like the new kid and all the people with colourful names were the popular kids haha :P
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. phoenixkh93
    Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 26, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. phoenixkh93
    It was nice knowing you :(

    Ah, right you are. I think it was some Mindflayers from FFIV
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. phoenixkh93
    Time and space. Or maybe I'm thinking of the wrong Doctor.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. phoenixkh93
    High five me
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. phoenixkh93
    Hm the last person I texted is the same as the last person I facebooked, the site for generating pokemon is currently unavailable, and the last weapon I used in a game was bare fists. It doesn't say what I'll be against but I doubt if I'd last longer than 10 seconds...
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. phoenixkh93
    That's what was so amazing! And oh man that old X men cartoon! The end of the theme music when both sides would just run into each other and apparently explode into the X men logo. Epicness.

    Now back into the depths of my even more distant childhood:

    AND Thunderbirds. Oh and Stingray. Man I lived off those shows.

    'Standby for action! Anything could happen in the next half hour!' Epiic
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. phoenixkh93
    I think the nostalgia just made my head explode.

    Me too! *womanly tears*


    This is the one though. I hope they hurry up and finish the film so we can find out how it ends.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. phoenixkh93
    I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but I find it really sweet how they named Mako in this series after Mako, the voice actor for Uncle Iroh who died. That's a company that cares.
    That's an interesting idea. You could form a whole weather front, then leave it alone and it would still make a hurricane or tornado or something. It would be devastating and once you had set up the initial pressure difference you wouldn't even have to be actively bending any more, you could just get the heck out of there and leave devastation in your wake.
    But next level up airbending wouldn't be messing with that established order. We have next level water, earth and firebending, (blood, metal and lightning). Now we just have to figure out how you can next level airbending.

    Now timebending, THAT'S an idea. oh the possibilities.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. phoenixkh93
    What would it be I wonder?

    I suppose a way to insta kill would be to airbend all the air out of someone's lungs. I'd say that was a little dark but then I remember the blood bending. That being said, it's not really a new form of air bending, just a way of airbending I don't think the monks would have used.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. phoenixkh93
    Speak for yourself, I've been listening to Adele on repeat since joining this thread :'(

    I kid :) 3
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. phoenixkh93
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. phoenixkh93
    When people generalise about things and judge based on stereotypes. Yes I may be Christian, that doesn't mean I think I'm better than anyone or that I can say 'your going ta hell!!!' Yes I do support gay rights. No I don't think you have to be religious to be a good person. Yes I do believe in the Big Bang and evolution. It seems people always seem to assume on the internet that you can't be religious and intelligent, or you must be extremely judgemental to be religious. I'm just a normal person who happens to believe in God. That belief is my choice, and it makes me happy. If you ask me about it I will tell you, but I won't try and convert you and tell you all your beliefs and ideals are wrong because of what I believe. Gah.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. phoenixkh93
    18. now just to fill up characters so I can post
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. phoenixkh93
    Six. I counted that in French but you probably can't tell.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. phoenixkh93
    This so much. When you're with someone and they spend half the time talking to someone else is the rudest thing ever. It's like they're just far more interested in someone elses company and it leaves you standing there like a lemon.

    Now I don't know if this counts as a pet peeve because I've only ever seen one person do this, but I used to know someone who would clean their phone by spitting on their fingers and rubbing it all over the screen. I remember one time I had to borrow it, I wanted to throw up. Spitting in general. And smoking at bus stops. COME ON PEOPLE IT'S ILLEGAL. And then the people who smoke when they have little babies and children,I just want to grab the cigarette and chuck it away. /rant

    Oh and people who noisily grind their teeth in theaters :P
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. phoenixkh93
    Fourtify your house to prevent mouse invasion.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. phoenixkh93
    Maybe for men, but I think there are far more outdoorsy women nowadays, as it's become more socially acceptable for them to be 'unladylike' and get all muddy and stuff. I'm truly thankful for that, as I just love camping and hiking and generally being outside. The Duke of Edinburgh award in Britain really makes a difference to everyone who gets involved in it, especially city kids. Bronze alone is 3 days hiking and camping and map reading, with no home comforts. I know lots of people who've moaned throughout about being cold and wet and miserable, but at the end been so proud of themselves and wanted to carry on to silver.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 25, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  19. phoenixkh93
    Thirteen. Lighting :D
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 24, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. phoenixkh93
    I'd say find a balance between the two. There are obvious benefits to modern technology, but taking some time out for nature is good for both you and it, I'd say. I find it a shame when people say 'I'm not an outdoors type'.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Apr 24, 2012 in forum: Discussion