Four, ah it's alive again :)
I loved the DS version where you could shout that into the microphone and it would come up on the screen . Got weird looks, but totally worth it.
Same, it's brilliant. And when Sokka says 'Hello, I am Wang Fire, and this is my wife, Saph...Fire.' Then Katara says 'Yes, Sapphire Fire, nice to meet you :)'
...I can't, it's permanently glued to my face.
Soo, somebody want to explain to me exactly what Toonami is? And Adult swim? I mean I have Cartoon Network, and I live in the UK and I haven't heard of either.
I, Garland, will KNOCK YOU ALL DOWN.
When I heard him speak I was like...Is that Captain Hook talking? haha. Sounds amazing though, I'm seriously excited now. Still want to know about why Sora and Riku look younger in this one than in KH 2
I'm watching the Last airbender to see me through between episodes, and found this gem. In 'The fortune teller' You hear Katara being told 'Then after the birth of your third great-grandchild you will die peacefully in your sleep' Looks like Katara has a while left to go :) And there are wolfbats in 'The cave of the Two Lovers', I had completely forgotten all about them. Episode 6 Spoiler was fantastic though. The pro bending, the fight scene, Lin doing metal bending, all amazing. I'm really hoping at some point soon though, we get to see Tenzin in action doing some kick-ass airbending. And I can practically see the Tenzin/Lin Bei-Fong fan art already.
'Create clothes for historical princesses and learn about their lives!' Yeah I don't have many games nearby except my old PC games. I used to love this one :)
Just to point out, although English is a Germanic language it still has many many Latin roots as well thanks to the Romans, not to mention French from the Normans. It's a kinda mish-mash language. Anyway, I pronounced it Tie-dus until I played Dissidia, after which I pronounced it Tee-dus. However another option I haven't seen yet is Tid-us (as in the tid from Tiddlywinks). I know someone who still pronounces it like that.
Ah looks like I am incorrect then :) Time to keep guessing!
I doubt it. Marvel sold the film rights of Spider-man (along with X men and Fantastic Four) To stay alive before they founded Marvel Studios. What's happening with Marvel wouldn't really affect the Spider-man movies right now. Now I kind of agree with the Andrew Garfield not looking like Spider-Man thing. And that for me is because he is just too darn good looking. Seriously, he's stunning. And Peter Parker is not supposed to be. He's supposed to be a nerd who is bad with the ladies (at first). Sticking a pair of hipster glasses on him just doesn't cut it, in my opinion. That said I'll wait and see the film before I write him off entirely. I think it's a shame about no J. Jonah Jameson, but maybe it's for the best. J.K Simmons is actually him in my mind, and anybody else would just not feel right. Seriously no one else who could play him. (interesting fact, J.K Simmons is the voice of Tenzin in The Legend of Korra. Mind=blown)
Ahh yes [video=youtube;zOtpeYERu9w][/video] As the top comment so rightly says, This my friends, is the reason for the reboot.
Aw come on guys, no need to fight. Some anime is beautifully animated. Some is badly animated. Some anime has realistic proportions, some does not. And exactly the same rules apply to western animation. Pointing out examples of each only goes to show how diverse the world of animation is, and you cannot generalise an entire genre by one or two examples from one or two series. Here's the deal. Avatar is a western animation. It is based on Eastern animation styles and culture. Which in turn was inspired by Walt Disney 'Doe eyed' cartoon styles. You could say it's come around full circle, and continue to squabble, or we could just accept it's a great show and leave it at that.
Punisher Daredevil Green Lantern X men Origins: Wolverine Catwoman Batman & Robin (1997) Batman Forever (1995) Batman Returns (1992) Batman (1989) Batman The Movie (1966) Superman III Supergirl Superman IV:The quest for peace Captain America (1990) Ghost Rider Judge Dredd The list goes on. However Marvel seems to have been getting it right recently. And I think The Avengers makes up for everything ever.
Aaaand I knew it was far too good to be true :)
I have a theory, and the more I think about it, the more sense it makes. (Do not open spoiler if you haven't seen the leaked image and don't want to know about Amon's identity) Spoiler I think Amon could be...TENZIN'S BROTHER! :O shocker right? Because, we know that Tenzin is an airbender, the other sibling (I can't remember which) is a waterbender and the third had apparently no powers. Now imagine growing up like that. Your two siblings are benders. Your mother is a waterbending prodigy. Your father is the freaking Avatar, and you are born without any bending powers at all. Maybe he felt like a failure and all his life was overshadowed by his more powerful siblings. But then he later discovered that he did indeed have a bending power...soulbending. He uses it on all benders because of his feelings of inferiority as a child. Now Tenzin says that only the Avatar has ever been able to soul bend. BUT it wasn't just that he was the avatar, he was Aang, and maybe soul bending can be passed on genetically, just like other forms. However as no one anticipated this, nobody trained him, and his powers lay dormant until his adult life, where he began to train until he was ready to become Amon.
A Kingdom Hearts fanbase mebbe?...Nahh
Kinda glad star wars isn't real. It has 'war' in the title. 6 movies of the same war. Evil emperors tend to ruin your life.
I had that thought. Spoiler But then, I realised Korra has been in that compound in the water tribe her entire life, with no one, especially lads, her age. She just had some White Lotus members old enough to be her grandparents there for company. So when she gets to republic city and has her first interactions with buys her own age, yeah she's going to act stupid. She's completely clueless about relationships apparently. I think it shows in that she pretty much thinks Mako is her soul mate even though it's the first guy she's ever liked, and he hasn't really shown much of an interest in her up until now, being a downright jerk some of the time.