Oh wow this was a very tough choice. Let me first say that I am extremely impressed with the number of incredibly talented people here, and I would vote for each and every single one of you if I could. I want to congratulate everyone on such beautiful pieces of art and say it has actually taken days for me to decide these three, but here we go. 1)Harley Quinn. Just Beautiful. The story, the characters and the actual art. Everything about it is just so rich and detailed. The colours, all perfect, the anatomy, perfect, the background, perfect. Needless to say I love it. A couple of thongs that struck me were the lovingly intricate backgrounds to the characters. These are far more than just 2D fictional characters, you can really feel they are living, breathing entities with thoughts and emotions. This is of course shown wonderfully in their expressions and poses in the artwork itself. Can I also ask what medium it was done in? (Apologies if this has already been mentioned somewhere). But I just think the way the colours blend but stay so sharply defined is just amazing, especially with the streaks of colour in the hair. A Masterpiece! 2)Hesteen. I love this little guy! At first I was a little dubious about the character aspect of him, but he really grew on me. The whole piece is beautiful in it's simplicity, but it speaks volumes all the same. Not to meantion the whole thing has a certain clearness about the lines and colours that I can't really explain, but it might be best to say that this is the main one that stuck in my head, the whole composition exactly as it was, all the time I was trying to decide. Maybe 'iconic' is what I'm looking to say. Anyway, I love it! Charming, sweet, simple yet effective. 3)Love. I was very torn but decided on this in the end because of just how beautifully it is painted and in a very tricky medium too. The character and background are so detailed and clear, I especially for some reason love the silhouetted black and grey trees, I just kept thinking how cleverly painted and effective they are. I also enjoyed the characters story, obviously lots of love and care gone into all the details. Once again, well done to everyone for the beautiful art, I have really enjoyed this :)
I think I only used a guide for the optional extra bits such as the 99 puppies and trying to get to that chest on the ledge in hollow Bastion. Never would have guessed you could freeze the bubbles to get up there. And then screwing because it had a gummy part I couldn't collect because I had already got all the Gummy parts for collecting all the 99 puppies. My rage was boundless. Also, screw Halloween Town and that one Trinity that disappears forever if you don't get it in time.
This is fantastic :) The detail and background are both wonderful I think, and the idea and composition are both very original and engaging. I think I would suggest maybe putting a little more detail into the colouring, such as the hair, because at the moment it appears as a solid dark mass. I can see from the lineart it is very detailed but this gets eclipsed by the dark colour. Just adding a few highlights and things would really bring it out :) (And from what I know of FF VIII, Squall has inordinately shiny hair...) But yes overall I love it! Especially that eerie red glow around the characters. :)
This is really cool! I like how you got the Pokemon cartoon style spot on. I would suggest maybe next time using plain paper instead of lined just for neatness' sake but overall I really like how you've done this, with the inked outline being very neat and precise. The face especially is exactly right, and I hope to see more from you!
Whoa whoa back up here guys. Port Royal? Rubbish? The one with freaking Johhny Depp in it? Ok, granted he was only CGI, granted Donald Duck looked FREAKIN WEIRD next to him and also the annoying ship graveyeard stuff, but the battle music was the POTC theme! You can't get more awesome than that. Also I really enjoyed deep Jungle :( Wonderland though, I got completely stumped on. Even on the third play through I was like I don't know what to do *cry*
This is War-Ingrid Michelson Crawl-Superchik
You mean the lieutenant? Yeah he is a ******. I lol'd so hard when Naga smacked him
A picture I drew ages ago of a random model in the newspaper, but I was fairly pleased with how it turned out, except maybe the mask and the chin. Drew it on lined paper and then edited out the lines and did effects in Pixlr. Tell me what you think :) Spoiler View attachment 32465 I thought I would add the normal coloured version up on here as well. Click for a larger image. Any comments or critiques would be really welcome please :) I'd like to know if anyone has any tips on how to improve.
Hey I really like your work :) You definitely have the right idea and I think over time you could definitely become really good! I would say with faces Make sure the chin doesn't stick out too much from the face, especially with profile drawings. You could try drawing a circle with a cross through to position everything correctly before adding detail in, I find this really helps and there are tons of walk-through's for this. I love your colouring, maybe you could have a go adding some more shading to some to give them a little more depth. Overall however, I really love your style and I think you have potential :)
Koko ni Iru yo. It's very beautiful and sweet, but maybe a tad short. It's good if you don't want to wade through volumes and volumes of story.
In a similar idea to this, my brother came up with this theory: Korra will have her bending taken away. Fire, water and earth. But AFTER this, she will suddenly master airbending. Because she couldn't do it before, Amon couldn't take it away, so after she has been equalised she will still have the ability to learn it. And boom, right in time for a Big Damn Hero moment.
Oh my gosh, it's actually incredibly impressive. Especially considering he has been a character for less than 48 hours and has only had one line. Also something that made me lol off TV tropes 'Zuko's son/grandson is the general of the United Forces. Probably one of the highest honours in the world. D'awww
I mean on the part of the Avatar. In TLA, book one water, Aang learned waterbending, book 2 Earth, he learned earthbending etc. I assume this series is following suit.
~Congrats to Pema for having the easiest birth in the history of ever. Cute baby though :) ~I've heard a lot of complaints about Dante Basco sounding too young and weedy for General Iroh. I was just like 'I don't care, it's freaking Zuko'. Spoiler ~Next episode I'd bet anything we'll see Korra airbending. It's called Book 1: Air, we can't see the the whole season with no actual airbending. ~And This ^^ We have seen from the promo Korra getting energy bent by Amon. We know that won't happen, so Korra must figure out a way to prevent it and most likely restore it, and will give everyone (except Tarlok) their bending back. Oh a couple more things I thought of. When they all got on Naga I was expecting them to run into the same problem as before, but it was just like no problem. What? And where is PABUUU????
Does that mean anyone can insta-billion rep themselves? Also, my rep power is three if that is useful to you :)
Haha me too! Tomorrow cannot come quickly enough. But then I am pretty certain he was dead. When he woke up on Appa's back, and he says something like 'But it was more than that wasn't it? I was gone and you brought me back Katara'. I'll try and find the actual quote, and although he didn't use the word 'dead' (as they tend not to do in Kid's shows haha) it was fairly heavily implied. EDIT: Found it! This is the conversation: Aang: I went down. I didn't just get hurt did I? It was worse than that, I was gone. But you brought me back. Katara: I just used the spirit water from the North Pole, I don't know what I did exactly. Aang: You saved me. And it's all very sweet and cute :3
True that, I had an account way back in 07, took a few years but I came back for the KH3D news. Stayed for you guys though ♥~
Hm there was a plan to include Laguna as the keeper of the Mirage arena, but as he'd been included in Dissidia Duodecim the decided against it, which was a little gutting, I love Laguna :) So maybe there's hope for him in the next game instead? I know Rikku was almost included in 1 until they thought the name similar to Riku might confuse people, and so she was replaced with Yuffie. But she made it in to the next game :) I'd personally love to see some from the earlier games. Cecil or Warrior of Light FTW :) I would die of happiness if Bartz was included.
Actually, thinking more about it, the Avatar cycle stops if you are killed in the Avatar state, which Aang was when he was 'killed' meaning he wouldn't have been reincarnated anyway.