hello. *filler*
hey everyone.
doin pretty good.
hey man! *filler*
green day, but i think sum 41 would kick both of their asses
hey guys. whazzup?
hey everyone, and mtw,i think you blew her cover, burnitup. -_- lol
hey everyone, long time no see!
whats new burnitup?
hey everyone, how goes it?
hows everyone doing?
hey, all. hows it goin?
hows school so far for everyone?
can you tell me what codes you used? i loved the vids!
hey burnitup.
so, is the combat system in 358/2 days the same as on the consoles?
hey, all. first, again, i kno i said this before, but sorry i havent been on much at all. ive been busy as hell, an almost all the free time i have im either playing guitar, or hanging out with my friends, just cause of homework, soccer, and ive been playin guitar for 2-3 hours a day...yeah.
i guess not that fast now, i was in a fush before. anything i have to do with the clip before i send it to you?
well, i have a video clip that id like to turn into a GIF.... or someone to do it for me....
can anyone here help?