lol. always thinking outside the box
how long does that usually take?
hey, whenever you feel like an idiot, just think of how much worse i would have screwed it up! :D
yea, same here, i have a bit of a cold. Hey, kiryu! SANTA!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea, like the new name. anything else new with you? gotta go, i should be back later on.
pretty kickass.... i got to go guitar shopping over the weekend.
hey, fire....if i can still call you that, that is.
hey all. hows it going? everyone have a happy thanksgiving, doomden, i believe yours was about a month ago
sum 41... period
hello everyone...
lol whats new doctor?
how can you have 3 halves?
hey burnitup.
whats new? hows the late firenanaki?
:D lol filler hey doomden!
if someone was to just look into this page, they would wonder what we've been huffin' lol
gotcha, do i have it?
anyone else here?
wow! thats awesome