sup, all? anything happenin?
bah, fire will be fire lol
Hey fire! how are ya doing?
anything new?
hey everyone.
hey, all. anything new?
and japanese and whatever other language he could come up with......i miss kiryu no, just spazzy,its kinda cool to be back here like i used to be.
dammit, even when kiryu leaves people still talk in....non-american/canadian
3 words........ NO! thats three isnt it, not too many?
and jesus... and on that holy note, we're done, and no one start what is below or beside us or anything like that
oh, and all your posts!
key words 'so far'
i know it sucks.... but whatre ya gonna do... and not to mention all the newbies never really posted more than a day or 2...
yea, but i wasnt here to make the new one, or watch over it half the time, and for that, im sorry... god i feel like a ****** cause everytime i leave a post here i have to say that....
so have i...and i even managed to screw up the last one by neglecting it so much....WHAT UP PEOPLES?!?!?!?!
or we could settle on the only logical explination... he already has too many women, and just cant pick one, and truthfully, just doesnt see the fun in fust one woman.... suck up much?
not sure but it sounds pretty sweet. btw. tester here at your service
i am. whats new with you? long time no see!
hey guys. before you all kill me for being gone so long, let me explain why. by brother got a virus on my computer and crashed it, ive been trying to stay in touch, but ive pretty much been living off of other people's computers. we just got it fixed, but my parents are spazzing out about be being on for very long in case this happens all over again, ill be on when i can, though. anyway, hows everyone?