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  1. Laurence_Fox
    Yeah, I'm going to come back to this discussion later. I have a killer headache and anything I post is going to be taken in the wrong way.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 16, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Laurence_Fox
    As far as I know, there's really no connection between the book and the fashion trend. A lot of the Lolita movement, at least in Japan, is in response to the exposure of skin and body. It's about modesty in other words and wanting to be cute and elegant while doing so.

    And as one follower of Gothic Lolita put it, it is not about men.

    The name Lolita was chosen for the sound and not the meaning that the Western world has associated with it. The idea of a "young tempting seductress" which is missing the point of the book, btw. But that's not the point of Lolita at all. Not many young children dress like this because there's a lot of extensive DIY work here even if a lot of stores are carrying it not. And I suspect it's because children are messy and want to run around a lot.

    And a lot of young men dress up in Lolita too.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 16, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Laurence_Fox
    I'm sorry, I think you'll have to be more specific. Since the book I'm thinking of, is probably not the one you had in mind.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Laurence_Fox
    ...I work retail.

    Not saying I hate socializing with people. It's the ones that leave all common sense and courtesy at home. Also I'm an introvert so all I want to do after 8 hours of forced socializing is crawl into bed with my laptop and stay there.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Laurence_Fox
    Re: Steam

    A lot of my games were gifted because i am poor and i know too many nice people. Someone gifted me Hatofuls awhile back and...seriously, if anyone's curious I will stream it. Munin is also interesting.

    I had a klutz moment at work that ended with me falling. Luckily no one was around to see it or I might have had to go to the walk-in clinic. I was walking on a palette carrying this big bundle of carrots and went to step down off the thing. I've done this hundreds of times before but this time my foot decided to land sideways instead of flat. My ankle does that awkward wobble thing and then I'm on the floor.

    My ankle's not swollen or anything. So I don't think I did anything major to it. I think the most I did was bruise my right knee. What's a little more arthritis?
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Laurence_Fox

    Be Honest


    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Laurence_Fox
    Yeah, i know. At this point, I try not to let the things fandom does get to me. The only time I really care is when the more vocal elements reach my dash or they do something really stupid. Like that whole blackout thing they wanted to do because a few of the cast members didn't agree with their views on shipping/fanfic.

    Luckily, I've found a few sane members to discuss and rp with.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Laurence_Fox
    I'm just going to say it outright rather than being vague about it.

    Tyler Hoechlin, mostly known for Teen Wolf, constantly gets asked about Dylan O'Brien at his panels. And Hoechlin is too nice to say anything about it. Or he's afraid of the backlash he'll get if he does say anything. And yeah, it's happened before. Which is why he's talked about 'the elevator incident' about a thousand times. What he feels about The Maze Runner. How he feels about a certain well known pairing in the Teen Wolf fandom that makes people uncomfortable because it caused a lot of drama.

    Basically, it's a panel for Dylan O'Brien and not Tyler Hoechlin but Hoechlin's holding the mic. And it's gotten to the point where fans have to ask other Teen Wolf cast members about Tyler Hoechlin.

    I like Dylan O'Brien. He's a great actor and he's getting a good career for himself while not forgetting his roots. But jfc the fandom really needs to back off him a little bit so he doesn't overshadow the rest of the cast. Because what his fans are doing with Hoechlin's panels is inexcusably rude in that they're completely ignoring Hoechlin's achievements.

    Yeah, Jeff Davis is really vague about information to the point where he doesn't inform his own actors before they get their scripts about what is going on. But there's really no excuse for this kind of behavior. And I'm not really surprised at this point, just kind of disgusted.

    Man I feel better for getting that out.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Laurence_Fox
    Okay people, if you're going to a con with a cast panel. If cast member H happens to be in attendance, ask them questions pertaining to cast member H. Not cast member D.

    Because it's fecking ridiculous to have to ask other cast members about what cast member H is doing when cast member H is in attendance at the con.

    It's common courtesy and I would be downright pissed of it by now.

    If you can guess the fandom and the cast members, then good job.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Laurence_Fox

    Subkulture feat. Klayton of Celldweller - Erasus( Escapist Mix )
    Let me breathe check destroy and upset
    On focusing distractions tear me open
    All the thoughts in my head are constantly haunting me
    I hope that I don't bore you while I whine about it
    I hope you won't be saddened while I cry about it
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  11. Laurence_Fox
    This whole Amiibo thing is getting ridiculous. /late to the party without Starbucks

    Yeah, I considered getting a few of them. Maybe a Link so I could customize it into a Dark Link.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Laurence_Fox
    I love mashups.

    I still like this one the best.

    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Laurence_Fox
    Because no other female bodied person in the history of the internet has checked the 'male' option.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 6, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Laurence_Fox
    I work retail.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 5, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Laurence_Fox
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 4, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Laurence_Fox
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 4, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Laurence_Fox

    All the weights would do would weigh you down. The effects of space on the human skeleton would still hold true.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 3, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Laurence_Fox
    The whole reason that anti-vaccination is a thing is because somewhere there was a fraudulent report published in 1998 stating that child vaccines(specifically the MMR one. That is the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) may lead to autism. Despite numerous claims to the contrary since that point by numerous organizations, despite medical professionals saying there is no link to childhood vaccinations and autism, people still cite this one report.

    And, oh hey, we have a measles outbreak today. Imagine that.

    [ further reading about the MMR vaccine controversy ]

    But to the topic of the OP. I think this is stupid. I do not know how a parent can refuse to do anything to help their children. You decided to have this child. They are dependent on you. It is on your hands if you refuse to do anything to help them when there is the means available to do so.

    You know what that's called? We call that murder and child neglect/abuse.

    This reminds of a girl around here a couple years back that died because her parents refused to seek medical treatment for her. Electing to pray over her instead. She died of an easily treatable form of diabetes. All she needed was regular insulin injections.

    It just boggles my mind that people can be so selfish. I don't use that word very often but in this situation I believe it's called for.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 3, 2015 in forum: Current Events
  19. Laurence_Fox

    Wardruna - Ehwar
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 2, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  20. Laurence_Fox
    Mostly work. That's my excuse. Also because of all the writing I'm doing.
    Post by: Laurence_Fox, Mar 2, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone