lol they know about this,but they just want their post count up.most of the people that cnc dont have a clue about graphic they just say i like it and nice and whatnot.but i do agree that these little things are getting annoying.
Disney is BS now.ever since walt died,they been making the stupidest movies and shows on air.i wonder what walt would say about this?
I found my bros DM's intro song.its really catchy and awesome.check it out. /D/J/_!DaNgEr_*MOU5E*
lol good cnc DM.use it NRA and youll be fine.
its nice bro,but why duplicating and putting one under the other?anyways im theres too much going around the focal unless you was trying to go for that.erase some of the sharpen points to give it more depth.good job DM.
Well its my current avatar i just i didnt use my friends tut to make it that way.i used my own technique. PS.heres another one ill just include for the heck of it. Utada CLose uP and FFXII,just because i dont want to start a seperate thread for it.
in one of the faily oddparents theres an episode where timmy wishes he didnt have that one and than think again.that might also answer your question lol.
thats really awesome how you did the shading. always a sucker for light and dark themed forums.especially when it has a nice banner to go with it.
free and good CnC yay DM.
really good o real cnc for this,gj.
i got the one made be datel,its black And sys 64m or something like doesnt need a disc for mem card does.
lol.we dont need advertisers here buddy.go to other forums.but advertising in this forum isnt tolerated.and fyi i dont sit here all day unlike you that goes to every forum on the net advertising.posting tuts that arent yours is ripping.advertise with your sicky work not others.btw i dont act like i know anything,because i do know.
you can get the demo of this.or if ya really want IM me on my msn or PM me and i can help ya get full,but this is prob the closes thing youll find for what your looking for. Sibelius PS:this isnt advertising as im not advertising any sites,just showing her the product.just as in adobe.
they all cost money,and wrong spot also.i dont think theres any good converters out there that are free.
because i been a member for this site since a long time.and i know what people do to make them seem cool or look like they know about graphics.
love this much fun.
true,just re-install is all i could say
thats not photoshop.elements is way diff than PS.
what version you got?