the evil series,death orgre,but DO is rare,umm...i always like using any ken,ryu and akuma lol.
that vid might help,buts its really not that difficutl.all you gotta do is replace the files in your data folder with the ones in the screenpack.thats pretty much all you need to do.
well heres my first amv using an anime.used dmc cause its my fav and dante is cool.well please watch and tell me whatcha thought.
27 views and only 1 reply...come on people.
tell me about it.i have this movie already and i keep watching cause its so good.
yea,the EVE screenpack is the biggest one they got out so far.,btw those that dont know.theres a Hi Resolution Mugen out already.But the stages cant be used on it till they make hi res versions for it.and it crashes a wait till they release the real one.
no one can use fan drawings unless your the creator or you ask for the approval of the artist.just letting ya know.
i dont see nothing intelligent about this tipic besides lyrics.????
spam section.arght!i hate it how people know this belongs in spam,(talking about the posters)yet they just come here and post for the hell of it.
im uploading them right now.
i already had carnage,without his site lol.anyways heres the video with the characters you can ask for.
wheres your render bro?
if any of you want death orgre(the ultimate akuma out[rare])superken[rare]holyken[rare]angelryu[rare]and the evil series just pm me or im me.i also got gonna host a video just showing which ones i got.i got a good amount still adding though.
i chose Mr. White because i can and yea..pretty much cause i can
be a man and suck it up.he doesnt know where you live unless hes a stalker.
thats really good.prob the best artists we have here are (in no particular order) SA,Alice,and Zandyne.really good the skething you did.also love the detail you added to zexion.and the dog/cat thing.good job
wow,pretty ******ed making a shop just using a filter.heck if you made this i should make a shop about logos....>_>
were im trying to help you dont make the same mistake again. anyways on topic.welcome back.darky is gone for 3 months i believe.zexion,DA and all the other mods are still yea,and roxas is back.he just doesnt post alot nowadays.
this is very similiar to the topic about what does your username mean.and this belongs in spam zone.were not gonna have another ******ed topic so members can spam it.