Personally yes, but on the shoulder and I think it's the same of the head if it were that it is more difficult to remove among the hair:nerve:
I think sometimes happened to everybody to make a dream and then to see realized it. To me many times. Also the famouses "deja vu", are particularly of the places that somehow we think about having already seen. I think that these place already seen has been dreamt and belongs to the unconscious but we don't know how to explain us as and where we have seen them
Why Nomure chose the number 13 for Roxas? the number 13 is an unlucky number?
Well, i think in KH 1 Sora is 12 years old, Kairi is 12 and Riku is 14. In KH 2 Sora is 14/15 Kairi is 14/15 and Riku is 16:D
How many times we hear about them. Strange beings, here from another world. They are good or bad? Well, we can't know it, above all, because we don't even know if they really exist. Personally i think that they exist, for a simply reason: the universe is infinite, and there are thousand of shed worlds, and it's impossible that in an infinite place, we are the only living beings. At this point, we know that they probably exist, but now there's another question: how they came here, in our galaxy. We know that there are some strange things called "Black Holes", actually, we don't what will happens when we cross 1 of them, but maybe someone know it and he/she/it crossed it and they came here with this method, or maybe with the teletransport (i think it's write like this): the decomposition of the molecules of a body (live or don't live) and the transport and the following composition in a default place. So this is it. If someone thinks another thing, please write here:D I will be glad to read your posts:D
Well, I'm sure that the people can be invisible. The secret is the refraction of the light. At now i think noone has discovered how to refract the light, but it's matter of little time to discover it. I think in the world there is a plant or another substance that makes it possible
We see that Aqua destroyied the Keyblades in that place where she, Terra and Ven fought with Master Xehanort. So where the new Keyblades will come from?
Can any1 please give me the master code for God of War 2???
well, i think that, when the Keyblade disappear from Sora's hand, it go in the place where there is Terra (with the other Keyblades). i think also that, at the end of KH 2, we see Sora, comes at the Destiny Island, and his Keyblade, was in the place where there is Terra, and it stay there. So, Sora doesn't need the Keyblade for the moment, it means that there aren't Heartless and the Nobodies....yet.... what do u think?:D
why do u think Roxas has Oath and Oblivion? why them? write some theory:D:D
is terra's weapon a keyblade?? if it is, how he takes it??? write some theory:D
can any1 tell me when it come out in Europe??
hi, i want to put a list of the black cards, bosses and heartless. it's not complete so any1 can add the cards that i don't put?? here (thanks to Sephiroth&Cloud): Boss cards: Guard Armor: Upgrades the range of your attack cards Trickster: When a Card Break occurs, opponent's card values involved decrease Parasite Cage: Breaks an opponent's enemy card Darkside: Imitates your opponent's enemy card Card Soldier: Upgrades the speed of your attack cards Hades: When you have critical HP, your attack power gets a significant boost. Fire damage is also reduced, but Ice will stun you Jafar: You cannot be Card Broken Oogie Boogie: Restore some HP (faster if it is low) Ursula: Reduce the damage of magic spells Captain Hook: If your HP is above 2 and it goes to 0, you will be revived to 1 HP. Lightning damage will be reduced, but Fire will stun you Dragon Maleficent: Your charge speed is slowed down, but your attack power is significantly raised Riku: You won't lose the first card of a combo when it is broken Axel: When attacked, you will immediately recover. You will also be immune to Fire, but stunned by Ice Vexen: Get revived completely when HP is reduced to 0. All Ice damage is nulled, but Fire will stun you Laxene: Move about much more faster. You will be immune to Lightning, but take more damage from special attacks Lexaus: High chance to instant-kill an enemy at the end of a combo. Also reduces Ice damage as well as make you immune to all physical attacks. However, enemies' special attacks will inflict more damage than usual Marluxia: Allows you to activate a combo consecutive times. Your charge time is increased as well as damage from special attacks, but all elemental damage is decreased Ansem: Keeps your combos invisible to your opponent. Also reduces damage from Fire, Lightning, and Ice Roxas: Dubble damage Heres the Heartless cards: Shadow: All card values go up by 1 Soldier: All combo values go up by 1 Large Body: Guard against frontal damage Blue Rhapsody: Increase your Ice damage Red Rhapsody: Increase your Fire damage Yellow Opera: Increase your Thunder damage Green Requiem: Increase your Cure effectiveness Power Wild: Value ranks reversed (9 = lowest, 1 = highest) Bouncy Wild: Auto-obtain dropped items Air Soldier: Charge a shuffle while moving Bandit: Combo finisher's damage is increased Fat Bandit: Greater damage if you hit from behind Barrel Spider: Charge speed up Search Ghost: Absorb HP as you attack Wight Knight: Jump height increased Gargoyle: Sora becomes invisible Sea Neon: Randomize card values Screwdiver: All card values go down by 1 Aquatank: Auto-reload after all your cards are used Pirate: All cards become 0 Air Pirate: Item-type cards cannot be broken Dark Ball: Numbers on all cards are invisible Defender: Decrease damage from physical attacks Wyvern: Charge guage stays at "1" Wizard: Lock-down all summons and increase magic effects Creep Plant: Healing cards cannot be broken Tornado Step: Charge gauge stays at "2" Loudness: Lock-down all magic, but increase summon effects Neo Shadow: Enemies slowly lose HP White Mushroom :Cures a little each time you use attacks/summons Black Fungus: Enemies' card effects are randomized Enjoy^_^
can any1 tell me the difference among KH 2 FM and KH 2 FM Ultimate Hits plz????
Famous sentences from KH/FM KH 2/FM KH Re:CoM which sentences are liked you more? i remember: KH Ansem: "Who knows nothing,cannot understand...Nothing" KH Ansem: "There's so much to know,and you understand so little" (I don't remember): "There are many worlds, but all share the same sky. one sky, one destiny." KH2 Roxas: "You make a good other" KH2 Roxas: "you are lucky, it seems that my summer vacations are over...." (I think)
what do you think about it? want to change something?