I've been experimenting with effects and recently now. Tutorials have been a help and i've come up with this.
Sorry its so messy i'm lazy right now.
I've searched and it has come to my attention that no one has made a thread about this ROCK GODDESS!!! Why is this? Her songs have a great diversity of meanings, catchy beat and lyrics and she's the hottest shizzit since sliced bread. Your thoughts?
I'm not happy on how this turned out.
It was a request so thats my excuse xD. Lightings a bit off and theres to much negative space. APART from that please CnC my ass.
Indeed i payed the price.
Because i say it is nuff said. ANYWAY!!! CnC my ass.
CnC etc.
CnC me.
I knew that was the reason for such far fetched ideas
xDD The title tells it all
Stick figures are awesome.
I quite like this guy... i think i made him up in Maths.... not to sure but here he is.
Now doesn't that look better then those DIRTY NIKKO LINES!!!?
WELL!! 3 days in a row.... this pace is unhealty for me and the pictures as they look terrible D:, i have however found my pencil case so now i won't have to use this big a** nikko pen and they won't look so terrible and messy. xDD
Because of posative ( i think thats how you spell it xDD) comments i decided i'd post another picture. I did this a while ago..... but in my opinion its not as good as the other.
Excuse the contrast issues my scanner is not happy right now, i swear if it keeps this up its not getting its Christmas present.
Thats what you get for waking up in Vegas :3 God i love that song. ANYWAY back to business. I'm all sigged out now i've made to many in a the timespan of a day. CnC my sorry A**
K this one is super old i made it ages ago but i'm looking at it and i'm wondering if theres something else is should do with it..... Thoughts? And CnC.
About them DAMN Fridge lights?!?!?!?!? I mean do they go off if you shut the door? DO YOU REALLY KNOW!!!! I am hung up on this mind boggling question which has reduced my cat to TEARS!!!