At a thread here as they usually get ignored =/ GO FIGURE!! V1 V2 V? CnC and whatnot.
V1 V2 Cnc or answer to spongechu
So i peel the stickers off until they match. Nothing copy pasted (obvious due to the low detail). Go nuts children.
Why yes. Yes it is.
and one kairi but you don't have to worry about her...... Wear if you feel the need to. Will add more later.
Because Misty would not flat out tell me her smudge settings (curse her and her wicked ways) I decided to experiment. V1 V2 V3 V4 Needless to say i did not get the 'Misty' effect.
Washed out the colours cause they hurt my eyes. CnC
All Time Favourite All made today :'D. CnC me/freetowearisuppose.
No effects just playing with colours.
You people know the drill.
Had Illustrator for awhile but haven't really used it. I can only do simple stuff so far. So heres a tag of me putting half of what i know of illustrator to use. FEEL THE FLATTNESS!
You know the drill.
BACKGROUND!!!!! I know that it's supposed to be 'than' instead of 'then' but it was 1.00am when I did this last year (yeah thats right here in Australia we're already in 2010 your all living in the past).
Got alot of new stocks and felt the need to use them.
V3 V2 Things looked dull so i thought i'de liven things up.
CnC ect.
Decided to start posting again. CnC or whatever passes for it here now.
Ok so see all the negative space i need to fill the majority of it. But with what dear people...... WHAT!!
[COLOR=\"DeepSkyBlue\"]Don\'t Judge me with your[/COLOR] V1 V2 V3 [COLOR=\"deepskyblue\"]You know the drill people. CnC.[/COLOR]
Done in my business class. CNC!!!!!