According to this guy. I smell...BS.
And decided to make a siggy. Only took 5 minutes. 1st: 2nd: CnC, if you please.
I just ate a rotting tomato. I failed to notice the mooooold.....:bored: ...It's Lee-kun's birthday too. >:3
I have just spanned your homeground with fail and spam. SHOOT AT WILL.
I was up late last night...and decided to make a Gaara sig. I can't really find anything wrong with it except for the angle that Gaara's at. I tried to fix it at the last second, and couldn't. CnC? Edit: Some reviews would be awesome, just so you know. 12 views and no comments is pretty ****en' sad, don't you think? JESUS, REVIEW. BATMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN BATMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN BATMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN BATMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN
Yeah. I was smurfin' on yet another tutorial, and decided to give this sig a try... It's kinda sucky, but I lost inspiration/interest about halfway through the tutorial. =\ CnC?
My contacts are burning my eyes. It's like staring into the sun for about five minutes, only you don't see the weird blue/purple spots everywhere for an hour.
Is theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere.... Insiiiiiiiiide yer miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind. =\
I just ran over a twenty with my bike and ripped it down the middle. My day is ruined. :(
Gets a free iPod nano. Congratulations.
And I bought two pairs of jeans, one shirt, had a pizza, and bought a Trojan condom. Why? Because it smelled good. Non lubricated. D:
Ris had a flower for you. But Rat took it and used it with some firewood to burn down The Wiggles's house. I'm sorry. :(
...Dude, what the hell? I just noticed this. Both of my big toes are crooked! :bored: :bored: For no reason... I'm disfigured. :(
I tried more of a stock sig this time with a tutorial. It was kinda weird, since...I don't think I did it right. As usual, the font kills. I don't feel like uploading any at the moment, which is probably killing me, but... CnC?
Ewwwwz. XD
I suddenly noticed that RoxasvsRiku seemed to change? That Raki person is RvR, right? -.O
As we all know, money is wasted on pointless TV shows. Yet, the producers and such are too stupid to realize that nobody likes the shows. Here's my top ten...I mean five. :bored: 1. Hannah Montana 2. Suit Life of...whoever the hell they are. >.> 3. Catscratch 4. That's so Raven 5. Corey in the House As you can see, most of my list is made up of Disney Channel shows. Because they all FAIL. I bet it makes Gai-Sensei cry. What's your top five?
I really hope I didn't spell Deidara wrong... Anyway...not one of my best sigs... CnC?