dogs are the worst. fight me
During finals week one year, a student at my college played porn on max volume in the library. To everyone's surprise (and annoyance), it took an hour or two before anyone asked him to leave...
Typically we record on Sundays, which leaves plenty of time for me to edit the episode (which takes several hours), make the cover art, and so on. As this past Sunday was Mother's Day, and we've had other schedule constraints in the past few weeks that have us recording on Mondays lately, the episodes have gone up later than usual. Podcasts will always stay as a Tuesday schedule even if we're off it sometimes, but I'm sure you guys can appreciate that the amount of work that goes into every episode every week can sometimes create delays. I was up until 4:30 last night trying to finish this off.
Episode 3's release date was just announced today actually! May 19th. I chose to shoot Frank, but it was definitely a tough one. As I've said through the thread I seem to be repeatedly poking at Nathan, so having the gun on me seems like a good safety for the future, if it comes to it. I am hoping Frank will be harmless, but, well, that's probably being optimistic.
Joined this week by staff guests @Stardust and @Cat~, @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn sit down this week to discuss gaming's potential as an educative tool! We begin, as always, with Kingdom Hearts news & updates, which this week include speculation on Square Enix Germany's Facebook tease (it has since been revealed to be a smartphone port of Kingdom Hearts X[chi]). From there we launch into our topic for the day, inspired by the recent PlayStation Plus offering, Kisima Inŋitchuŋa (or Never Alone) a 2D puzzle/platformer that aims to highlight and share the culture of the Alaskan native Iñupiat culture. We cover how games can actively teach things like problem-solving skills, reflexes, critical thinking, and more, and how they have affected our development as both children and adults, and finally, how video games are an emerging artistic and educational medium. As per usual, we answer user-submitted questions! @Quilligan sticks us in the animal kingdom, while @Graxe exercises his wordplay and challenges our Star Wars fan cred. We also plug our E3 coverage plans, which we hope you all will be excited about! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own -- and have a Kingdom Hearts day! View attachment 42046 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #91 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
View attachment 42044 never have i been thus offended in my life
If they're billing the game as a free-to-play title I doubt that story elements would be locked behind paygates; I'm sure you'll have access to most, if not all, content of the title without having to invest. Judging by Square's previous smartphone ventures, they'll offer cosmetic items or power-ups (to make things like leveling faster/easier) through microtransactions.
just love yourself and watch pacific rim. don't ask any questions just ****ing watch pacific rim
No, it's meant to work regardless of age. To an extent, at least -- it won't work on anyone younger than 14 and the results get pretty broad as you get into senior citizen territory, but it's intended for all ages. XKCD is a comic about adults and I believe the comic it comes from mentions being an adult. edit ninja'd by mish
In my eyes, Implemented and Fixed cover the same meaning, even if the wording isn't ideal. It's easier to just have them set as one prefix. Multiple prefixes can be selected in any forum.
Podcast will go up a little late today! Stuck at work.
thanks krowley
I'm not sure either how the in-app purchases might integrate with KHX, but Final Fantasy Record Keeper reportedly did microtransactions quite well in that it was still fair for players who chose not to pay actual money. I'd hope they'd apply a similar strategy to Unchained Key. I do know that, in KHX, you can dress up your player, so offering purchase of cosmetic items through either playing the game and earning whatever the in-game currency is (munny? mog points?) or paying actual money seems likely too. did some manual...
The current selection of prefixes works fine for me in keeping track of things, which is what matters for this section. A support board like xenforo's community forums might need to narrow things down like this, but for us, these are way too specific.
up to you haha
You can already easily access all the prefixes in a certain section, regardless of how recently they've been used. View attachment 42032 Adding a display at the top would be additional, redundant clutter -- and most of our prefixes are used frequently enough that you can click them from the first or second page of the section.
Cartoon Network struck a deal with Hulu and now a ton of their shows are on it and have been pulled from Netflix. It's good news for me because I already subscribe to Hulu and it bugged me that Netflix only had two seasons of Adventure Time, but I get why a lot of people are bummed.
this is a phenomenally weird, warbly little song off a 7" record limited to only twenty copies. You will not, and I will never, be free From the weight of our living The load that our lungs have to lift, The armor we wear, Though we are weary, we fight. Human, human.