Chapter 1 "To be honest, it's almost ironic. Ever since you've come home, the sky turns dark in my happiest moments and lgith when I'm sad. What exactly did you do out there? You and Riku, was your only purpose to save the worlds?" "Where's the logic in that? We helped people. It's been awhile since we've both seen you, Kairi. You can't expect your mind to run properly after being away from us for two years." Kairi jumped down off the paopu tree. Twilight orange spread from horizon to horizon, a few dark clouds spotting the evening sky. Waves lapped gently on the beach, and another chain of spotted islands could be seen in the distance. "Sora, being with you..." "Yes?" "I mean, we're so... alike. We've both been touched with darkness, in a way..." Sora jumped down, landing softly next to her. They turned towards each other. "Kairi, I can't forgive the darkness, I can't forget it, or give in. To be honest, I don't know what went wrong. Everything was right. I'm always sick of hearing about what we've cast away into the past. The darkness, in the end, was our ally. Without it we wouldn't be together. Our lives would no longer be intertwined. The darkness came to us for a reason, and, unlike Riku, who's kicking and screaming at the world around him, we can move on, away from the darkness, the hatred, the anger." Sora touched his hand on Kairi's shoulder. He continued: "How many of these picturesque moments have been shattered by darkness, Kairi?" Kairi looked at her feet, her shoulder-length hair flowing in the breeze. She closed her eyes and thought for a second. "None." "Then let us forget the darkness," began Sora, "and accept the passion and love of light." Kairi looked up at him and smiled. "Sora-" "Don't say another word," he said softly. He put his right hand on her waist; the other on her back. Kairi closed her eyes as Sora leaned in to kiss her. "This is how it was meant to be," he finally said, and pressed his lips against hers. Sora's hands tightened against her body as he pressed his to hers, and Kairi put her arms around Sora. "You're right," she said, before falling to her knees with Sora. They began going at each other furiously, not caring whether someone was eavesdropping or peeking. Sora fell back with Kairi on top of him while she furiously kissed him. Kairi began to unzip the long zipper down the front of her small, pink dress. She pulled it off to reveal a petite body, a medium sized chest, and a tight, white undershirt. "You are, without a doubt, the most beauitful girl I know," said Sora. Tears formed in Kairi's eyes as she looked at him. To her, there was not a more perfect moment than spending time with Sora. It had taken him awhile, but she had believed that he'd finally make a move on her. "Kairi, there's something I think we should do," said Sora. "What's that?" asked Kairi, anitciating the answer. Sora responded by reaching down to his pants. Kairi nodded, and knew full well what he wanted her to do. (To Be Continued... and sorry for the god awful name, I'll have to change it sometime)
Vivi just showed me this awesome glitch vid from where you fight Ansem. It makes me giggle: Vid
How in the world do you stop ES beserk. I can avoid his first 2 barrages of attacks, and occasionally guard all of the third, but it's afterward where I have problem. He combos like 3-4 of those clockwork stabs or other ridiculous attacks and then goes right into Beserk again. I never have a chance to touch him. If I could, I'd rape him. But I can't. I need some helps on hitting him after Beserk.
E.s. HELP NEEDED!!! I seriously need help. I have 68 Attack, 135 Defense (the last time I fought him I had 125) and 69 Magic. I'm using Ultima Weapon and have every ability apart from Auto-Summon and -Drives equipped. I am at level 99. I've managed to take down 2 of his HP bars, but just one of my ground combos does about .75 of a whole bar. I can barely ever get a hit off on him, and his attacks all bring me down to 1 HP.
Look at the screen in the background. Some weird stuff is written on it. What could this be?
does anyone elses grandfathers friends beat them with metal rods?
i was taking a poop today, in the bathroom, and my mom took a picture and rushed to borders. eweewewewew now i know what those stains on my bed are
I am literally the hardest boss ever made. It's such an unfair battle. I can guard almost every attack, but when he shoots those blue balls out of the Keyblades Sora can't combo Reflects fast enough to stop them all. Finally, he manages to stop every fricking Strike Raid I do. You know what, I think I'll try Sonic Raid. But he really is so difficult. EDIT: I just beat him without taking any damage. >_> I like Sonic Raid. (This edit occured about 60 seconds after the original post xD).
Starting this week is the brand new "Story of the Week" competition, similar to Deathspank's Top 5 Portal Videos. Fanfictions, poems, plays, etc. related to Disney, Final Fantasy, or Kingdom Hearts can be entered each week for a chance to be featured on the front page! If you want to get a leg-up on the competition but aren't a member yet, simply register and enter your story here. Read the rules before posting, as any broken rules will result in disqulaification for the week. Story of the Week: Rules The first winner will be announced at the end of the week. Start entering your stories now!
Story of the Week: Rules<O:p <O:p NOTE: If your story is longer than 3 chapters, just enter the first 3 chapters!!! Your entries will be judged upon several categories that reflect all aspects of skill, detail, and comprehension: <O:p - Ideas & Development <O:p The story is clear, focused, and purposeful. It raises questions for the reader, draws the reader into its characters, and keeps the reader guessing between chapters. Characters contain wide ranges of emotions and can be loved, hated, and have shared experiences with the reader. Plots are original and the storyline makes sense. <O:p - Tone <O:p The writer addresses the audience in a way that is engaging and appropriate. In advanced stories, the writer keeps the voice controlled and does not overwhelm the reader. The story is not too graphic, comedic or realistic. Readers are able to understand the story with a single mindset. <O:p - Organization <O:p The story is organized into paragraphs and chapters (only if necessary). Paragraphs and new sentence are started in the right places. Semi-colons are used when new ideas are brought up in the same sentence. Transitions show how ideas are connected. <O:p - Sentence Fluency <O:p Sentences are strong, grammatical, clear, and direct. The story can be read quickly and without confusion. Run-on sentences are non-existent as well as fragments not used in quotations. Whole sentences are used (see sweqsora222). <O:p - Content <O:p The plot is interesting; the beginning pulls in the reader and keeps them reading till the very end. Words are chosen well, and characters are presented in a way that connects them with their original stories. Your stories will be pushed the hardest in this category, as the content of the story is the story. <O:p Rules & Regulations:<O:p <O:p 1. All fanfictions must be related to Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, or Disney. No one wants to read about Mario’s date with Luigi, so keep the fanfics to what the people reading will actually care about. <O:p 2. Be appropriate! Keep in mind that children of all ages could be reading your story. Swearing is fine, but keep in mind that the forum automatically edits swear words. Blood is fine, and gore is fine if it can be kept to a minimum. Torture is also okay, but keep in mind that if your story is too graphic then it won’t be considered for Story of the Week. To be honest, I don’t expect to see mass torture, blood, and gore in your Disney-related fanfictions. If you do decide to pull out the blood and gore card, set your own limits and remember that only you can make it too gory to be considered for this competition. <O:p 3. The story must be entered during the week of the competition. One story will win each week. When your story is entered in the Story of the Week sub-section in our forum, it must not contain more than 3 chapters. Your story will be judged based on these three chapters, and if you win, a link to the whole story will be posted on the front page. If your story has already won Story of the Week, even newer chapters will not enable you for re-entry. This means that if you’ve won once, you can’t win again. <O:p 4. Obviously, you must be a member at KH-Vids to enter the competition. Being a Premium Member, Forum Helper, Moderator, or Administrator does not give you extra benefit in this competition. All stories will be judged fairly. Whether you have 3 posts, or 1500 posts, your story will be considered all the same. Bear this in mind if you’re a new member, as winning this competition can get you some acknowledgement from members you never thought would pay you their time of day. <O:p 5. At the end of each week, I will post the winner of the Story of the Week on the front page. The Story of the Week section will then be cleared of all topics and entries can be re-submitted. I will sometimes be a day early or late when posting the winner, so get your entries on early for the best benefits! <O:p Start posting your stories and poems now, and you can have yourself a chance to be featured on KH-Vids’ front page, as well as your winning story. All winning stories will be archived in the Story of the Week section, which is located in the Creativity Corner. I invite all writers who read this to join our forum and enter their stories to see if they can win Story of the Week. Good luck!<O:p
...for its ridiculous amount of long, crappy Disney cutscenes. I skipped Pride Lands II and Space Paranoids II just because they have nothing to do with the plot and are completely boring. Playing through the game is a pain. The only good parts are collecting the puzzle pieces in every world, but after you've been there once the Second Visit just becomes a chore.
Gantz is easily my favorite anime. I've seen quite a few, and nothing seems to top it. The basic storyline is about a boy (Kei) who is run over by a train while trying to save a homeless person. In the afterlife, Kei meets up with other dead people and are forced by a ball called "Gantz" to participate in a game. They receive high-powered suits and weapons and go on missions to hunt down and destroy aliens secretly living in Japan. If you manage to live through the mission, even if your head is chopped off you will return to the room with Gantz completely healed. You cannot tell anyone in Japan you are dead and are hunting aliens or you officially die. You cannot leave Gantz within a square kilometer. From killing aliens you receive points; if you reach 100 you are allowed to live again with your memory of Gantz gone, but you can also bring back another person dead or recieve a new, amazing weapon. If you are unable to complete the mission you can die or your points will return to 0. It's also a hentai, action/gore anime and is easily the most well animated anime I have ever seen. I wanted to be the first to do this. Unfortunately, no. Bask in this video's glory. bUT THERE'S A SECOND STAGE! gOI HERE AND VOTE FOR kHAMIL. hE USED TO GO ON THIS FORUM AS cAMEL. Oh, lord, I just looked up and realized caps lock was off. Details: A local, extremely popular radio station held a Sanjaya look-aliek contest and Khamil one! He won American Idol tickets. We all hate it but his mum entered him xD. Now there's a second stage and he could MEET SANJAYA. Please vote for him! Note: Clicking vote as many times as you can helps..
I hate life. my American Idol.
I'm Nomura II. I want someone to compile a list of questions from users about KH-Vids: The Game and then interview me. I'll be very pleased and whoever does it is automatically put into the game.
What's your favorite song off the new disc in the Complete OST? I'm going to have to go with Another Side. I originally heard it on the American website but it wasn't on the soundtrack and now I finally have it! Some other great songs are The Other Promise (so sad) and Rage Awakened. Of course, Fate of the Unknown is amazing, too. Cavern of Remembrance is also amazing. It's like aquatic elevator music. I feel like I could sit back, relax, and just think to this song. Btw, this isn't for discussion on where to get the songs. If you really want it, please support Square Enix and get them here.
After the unsurprising success of KH-Vids Royale, and the fact that it engaged readers by actually containing them int he story, I have decided to start The Video Game. This is a full-fledged RPG covering many different people from the forum, but I'm sure you want to see a few pics of what I've got so far: The game will include quite a few playable characters, the main one being Deathspank. Plot: The plot right now is shallow (I've just started the game), but Deathspank is asleep in his bed when a man named Baron comes and takes him away. When he awakes, he's in a rundown, torn up, burning village where he is told by Baron to fight for the protection of the people of the town. He is sent to fight with a few individuals who strike him as familiar; those inidividuals go by the names of Monkey, Arc, Rpxas, and Darky. He brings up KH-Vids to Roxas and Darky, who reply by saying Baron brought them to the village in their sleep. Who is Baron? Why did he gather members of the forum together to fight? The game will feature plenty of cameos from KH-Vids users, the bigwigs comign first, but other members finding their way into the mix (you can find them in houses in towns, and some will be squeezed into the plot). You will gain experience from defeating monsters, grow levels, fight secret bosses, work your way through optional dungeons and sidequests, search for the ultimate weapons, and unravel a mystery as you play. The battle system isn't turn-based, but run by an ATB system, used in popular games such as FF7 and 9. You will learn new spells and skills and earn an array of armors and weapons as you play through the game. Each character has their own unique spells, skills, and abilities which you can utilize in battle by spending MP. I'm having a lot of fun working on this game. I hope this thread gets people excited (I like to do that), as this game is going to be amazing. I can promise you that much. Here you can discuss what you see in the pictures, theories, what you want to see in the game, who you'd like to see int he game, etc. KH-Vids: The Video Game coming soon.