Week 3My leg is broken in 4 places. One of my lips is on the table in front of me. A small man I don't know keeps poking me in the arm. It's A Wonderful World is coming out in 2 months. I can't see out of my right eye. But despite all these bad things, I have some great stories for you this week. It was incredibly hard to decide on which stories to place in the top 2, but after a lot of consideration I have decided on these:Winner New Beginnings by The Soul-Eater This story is a one-shot about life after the KH series on Destiny Islands. The writing, speech, and adjectives are amazing and I was captured by the visuals it presented. Runner-Up Gravestone Flowers by twilightsown Gravestone Flowers is a story about Riku's relationship with Kairi after Sora has died. It's based around the song "Soldier Side" by System of a Down. I hope you enjoy these 2 fabulous stories. There was truly awesome ones entered, and I'm sorry that not all of them can be posted here. As the judge of Story of the Week, it would be unfair for me to enter my own story, so I'm taking the liberty of including my latest here: KH-Vids Royale II. It's the sequel to the highly popular KH-Vids Royale, which is a story about 30 of this forum's most well-known members beign put on an island and given random weapons and forced to kill each other till one is left (based off Battle Royale). I hope you enjoy this as well as the two great stories that won this week.
This interview was in a recent Famitsu article: NOTE! Contains KHVRII Spoilers. Read at your own risk. So, how far do you think you have come since KHVR 1? Not very. Where are you headed next? My grave. Oh, well, let's discuss KHVRII. What is the plot? It takes place 8 years after the first KHVR. Sara is now the leader of a terrorist group known as the Wild Seven, which is made up of (duh) 7 people; Sara, Matt, Crum, Zel, Saint, Acolyte, and Men. After Sara assasinates the President, she is captured with the rest of Wild 7. Meanwhile, members from KH-Vids.net are also being kidnapped. I don't want to spoil too much, the plot is fresh and exciting compared to KHVR 1, so I don't want to ruin any surprises! Does this KHVR take place on an island? You could say that. What do you mean? Every place is technically an island in some way. No, honestly. This one takes place in an abandoned prison on an island, so I guess yes, it does. Thank you. Don't you want to hear about the KHVR Movie? No.
That is the true question.
This is only for those who have read KHVR 1: Do you think I should ask Xaldin to post new chapters of KHVR2 ont he front page in his updates? I mean, not like a whole new brand new update just for chapters, but in his next update he could say "Oh, and now KH-Vids Royale II Chapter 11 is out..." and then link to it. I just think it would be nice.
1. cloudfinalfantasy 2. sweqsora222 3. no_reality_allowed I cannot wait to kill sweqqy and cff!
http://www.gofish.com/player.gfp?gfid=30-1113135 A new drunk monkey productions video. It ends at 2:08 as we're still making it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqq4xEzgL4M Bask in its glory. Discuss it here. And also if you're wondering the black haired dude is March of the Dogs. No wait he says he has brown hair.
You are going to be put in KH-Vids Royale II whether you want it or not: Hissora, Soushirei, lilbregkd, kittymckechnie, Alice, Darkandroid, DarknessKingdom, Anniexo, Zexion of the Twilight, Xaldin, and of course, Sara. Get ready to die. - Roxas
I don't know if it's a glitch in my game, or if it's normal (which would be really, really stupid) but I get this weird map card where the card is just black, and when I use it I just enter a pitch black room with nothing in it except enemies, and it's completely flat and you can see a door off in the distance and when you reach it you can use a different card and the game continues on like normal. Am I the only one getting this?
Yes, the lovely Roxas has a new story out in the Creativity Corner. It's called "L's Dinner With N". I'd love for you all tor ead it and then talk about it in there. You can spam about it in here, if you wish. Just please read it as it's rather nice.
Phrase 1 L sat with his thighs above his waist, a eupraxia for a lifetime that he religiously followed to this day. 'If I sit like a normal person, my deductive abilities will be reduced by 40%', he had once spoken to a foreboding nemesis. He and N sat alone, drinking tea as the sun set on the horizon. An exotic halibios surrounded them, raised on a precipice above leagues of sea and just as much sky. "The American kakistocracy is getting involved again," Near muttered. "L..." Near looked up, exchanging a juvenilia of thoughts as his eyes met his superior's. "I'm afraid," he began. "Kira is waiting for you. There's a slip in your plan, a hole, a mucid, wretched gap that he'll slip through. Your life will be the price to pay." L overtly rubbed his right foot, which had begun to itch from the paranoia surrounding him and Watari as they continued their futile hunt for the true Kira. From the day before, a palingenetic thought barreled into his mind. It was of Near, but they were thoughts L never hoped to experience. Near had always been an underling, but it struck him the day before that Near was more. Near was love. "Never," L argutely replied. The retaliation reached an exodromy that remained balanced until the tables tipped in favor of L. His eyes remained on a florescent flora hanging on the hill's edge, its vines gripping the edges of life or death. Kira, or L. The symbolism wasn't lost to L, who decided that facts were facts. Decisions were decisions. And things that were said could never be taken back. "I love you." These words struck calm lightning across placid water. The cool breeze stopped. L sensed Near would take these words holocrypticly, but he smiled as he twiddled his right fringe between his thumb and forefinger. "I love you," Near smiled, his voice monophomous in an almost frightening sense. "If... If I'm going to die," L spoke. "Then can we make this night our final one?" Near simply closed his eyes. He was but 12 years old, and L was nearing 18, but it was truly Near's decision to make. "It shall be," Near whispered. L whipped his body over the table, planting his lips on Near's. He held him there for an eternity, the warm skin of Near pressing against L's less innocent face. L's tongue slipped through their lips and into the mouth of Near, wrapping itself around his tongue. Near moaned in surprise, and his chair fell back as L crashed on top of him. Their movements pacific, Near's hand curled through L's baggy pants. Several moments passed as they continued to smack their lips together, Near's hand thrusting inside of L's black sweats. L pulled his head away from Near. "Near, the end is coming, but..." Near smiled at him. It was the first time L had seen him smile before. "...I'm glad it can end with good memories."
... the best thing to come out of Japan other than Battle Royale. And naked Asian women.
I'm requesting for a sig to be made with this pic: Basically, the sig will be normal sized. Listen to these specs. It's very important: 1. This sig is normal-sized (I said this already xD) like any other normal sig would be. 2. On the far left will be this animated L blinking (yeah, it's an animated sig, but not much) and then the whole sig is just white, except in small black letters it says "Roxas" at the bottom right. That's it. And a black border. But other than that all white. With this random dude. 3. This "random dude" (he's L from Death Note) will be on the left side of the sig, pretty much stcuk right between the top and bottom. If someone can pull this off perfectly, I will be so happy. Don't get creative on me: - Normal-sized, white box - Insert animated L on far left - In small black letters put Roxas (use cool font) at bottom right - Put black border - Everything else apart from L and my name is white Thank you. Also, if L could keep blinking, it'd be great, although if it's not an animated sig that is cool too.
Today, mommy hit daddy. Yesterday, daddy hit mommy. She's dead. Yet... she hit daddy. IT'S A GHOST!!! Chapter 1 - Yesterday I was walking along. A big man grabbed me. "Y'all wanna have fun?" he asked. Then I was hurt. He rubbed his private parts on my private parts. It hurt real bad. I couldn't tell anyone. They'd make fun of me. So I told daddy. And he hit mommy. Chapter 2 - Today I was walking along. A big man grabbed me. "Y'all wanna have fun?" he asked. Then I was hurt. He fed me by my private parts. It hurt real bad and there was no taste. I couldn't tell anyone. So I told mommy. And she hit daddy. Blood. Blood. Death. Violence. People, don't hit your children. Now, they are dead. Thank you for your time tonight. This has been a special report from NBC news.
This week's winner was the most surprising yet. Not that it's such a big deal, as this is only the second week (>_>) but it is definitely like no other story that was posted. Before you read this story, let me start by saying I'm not gay: The Coldest Heart by Just A Nobody Description: Sora is spending his time on Destiny Islands quite well, when one day during school a new boy shows up for class. This boy's name is Roxas, and Sora starts having homosexual thoughts about him. It's quite short, so don't skip reading this out of laziness. Some other great stories were posted, but not enough to have a runner-up this week. There is no theme now, so you're allowed to post any story you have written in the Story of the Week section. I hope to get some more exciting stories this week.
This isn't the whole AMV, let me make that clear right now. Basically, I'm looking for critiscisms, but mainly things I can edit and revise, or just do to make this AMV better. Please give me any hints and critiscism and enjoy the video. http://youtube.com/watch?v=3kPzTIiJHTs
I'm requesting a normal sized sig with anything on it as long as it says Roxas. Surprise me.
The archives for all Story of the Week winners: Week 1- Blue-Eyes, Hands Tied by Zandyne Crushed Rose by Jade Rhade Week 2 - The Coldest Heart by Just A Nobody
Week 1After the first week of Story of the Week, I've received many fanfictions, from gay love stories to skateboard competitions. Many stories were amazing, and it was hard to pick the 2 winners, but here they are:--- Winner: Blue-Eyed, Hands Tied by ZandyneBlue-Eyed, Hands Tied is a relatively lengthy fanfiction about Namine throughout all 3 Kingdom Hearts games. It follows her induction into Castle Oblivion to her moments as Kairi on Destiny Islands. It is beautifully written and the characters feel identical to their video-game counter-parts. Congratulations for being our first winner, Zandyne! Runner-Up: Crushed Rose by Jade RhadeJade Rhade's LarxenexDemyx (yes, that is correct) story provides great insight into how a Nobody "remembers" its emotions. It has a great ending and powerful story-telling, jumping back and forth between Demyx/Larxene and Saix/Axel.---Next week's theme is Romantic-Comedy, so start writing your stories now and get them in before Thursday this week for a chance to be featured on the front page next week. Congratulations to both winners again.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4edKviNz3Jg I have finally made a video. To be honest, this is no big deal, but I thought I'd post it here anyway! And this can also help anyone who's having trouble with him.