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  1. Roxas
    This is me and Xaldin on our first date:


    All the pictures are real, and occured, on our date.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 24, 2007, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Roxas
    I know there are pictures of Xaldin around.

    If anyone could photoshop me and him kissing, using any of my pics, then I would be super pleased.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 24, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Roxas


    Those who played Halo the other night should fear me.

    That was my first time playing EVER, and I still managed to have 1st place just about the whole game, except for ghettoxemnas sneaking in that little double-kill, and the first round I got 2nd.

    With decent training, I will be the Luke Skywalker of Halo.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 24, 2007, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Roxas

    I'm Lonely

    Will one of these people be my real life super cool girlfriend:

    Jade Rhade
    K a i r i

    Please reply.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 24, 2007, 54 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Roxas

    New Sum 41 CD

    Is amazing.

    Who else likes the Sums?
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 24, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Roxas


    I was just sucking on the end of a memory stick, and I bit open the plastic and the metal inside ripped open one of my gums.

    The memory stick doesn't work any more, and it had three new KHVR 2 chapters on it!!!
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 24, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Roxas
    I was at the water park today, and I was in the wave pool having loads of fun when I saw this plane fly by that said "**** God and **** Jesus". So this huge religious group saw it, and they thought that destroying the snack bar would be a good idea.

    I'm not even joking; they tore the snack bar to pieces! The banner and everything. And then these helicopters in the sky caught the plane and brought it down.

    It was the weirdest thing ever. I was kinda scared.

    Also two police cars came, but in the end no one was hurt.

    It might be on the news.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 24, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Roxas
    Tell me the above.

    *readies disturbing toys*
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 7, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Roxas

    My Avatar

    I've had this avatar for such a long time.

    I think a year at KH-Vids now.

    It was made for me when I first released KH-Vids Royale in the summer of '06. Really, it's been with me for so long and no one has ever made a better one for me. Nor has anyone actually tried. I doubt I'd except it.

    I think I've changed it once or twice, but I always come back to it. I think it's the longest lasting avy here, but it's just so nice.

    Just thought I'd put it out there since it could be one of the 7 Wonders of KH-Vids.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 7, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Roxas
    An Cafe's Wagamama Koushinkyouku

    I made it myself, it's 0:05-0:26. If you want it too drop me your cell and I'll be glad to send it.

    It sounds so ****ing sweet.

    EDIT: And PM me, don't post it here...
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 7, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Roxas
    Well, we were at some decent, not really fancy but nice Chinese restaurant, and we were both eating from the same plate of noodles. She moves in for the kiss and well, you know what...

    Because of my phobia, I fly back and knock over a candle. It falls onto a woman who instantly lights on fire. She screams and runs into a curtain that explodes into ash, setting fire to everything around us. Several knives shot from the kitchen and stabbed into customers. I grabbed the girl and we ran for the door. Unfortunately, I had to swing over a ball pit on a rope to get out. I held her in my left arm and grabbed the rope with my right, swinging to safety.

    Overall, I did about $5.50 in overall damages.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 7, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Roxas


    I just had a glass of water. I never knew water was so tasty.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 7, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Roxas
    Well guys hi my name is roxas, i have 1 post so you might not know me. well i hope to make lots of friends here anyway cya around :D.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 7, 2007, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Roxas
    The time has come.

    Revolution is now.

    We are one.

    We are Nemesis.

    The arch enemy standing upon millions

    of banana peels.

    And we shall fight in the honor of our savior.

    I dunno who he is.

    But this post is probably the most epic yet, even more epic than "Uzamboob."

    That is all.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 6, 2007, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Roxas
    lol he had 1,000 posts and made premium, now he has 223 XD

    I don't think something THAT bad hsould be allowed premium still.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 6, 2007, 31 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Roxas


    You're so full of ****. First off you say that you somehow destroyed a doctor's office.

    Then you say you did $2000 worth of damages at Chopsticks. Chopsticks wouldn't let you get away with it! And don't ask how I know the name of the restaurant! I've been to Bermuda and know lots of 'em!

    There's no way all of this is true, you have to be attention whoring us all or you're just... well, I'm speechless.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 6, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Roxas
    It's about to be moved to the Spam Zone.

    Watch the post counts drop.

    Mine before: 4,181
    After: 3,357
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 6, 2007, 54 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Roxas
    I swear to god, I refresh it and all I see are forum games like "last post wins?" (and I care?) and "Banned For Game" (isn't that nice >_>) and "Count to 1,000,000" (you'll never reach it) and never actually any real discussions. They should have their own sub-forum for forum games.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 6, 2007, 43 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Roxas


    Did anyone else think Megan Fox was absolutely bangin' in the Transformers movie?
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 6, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Roxas
    Some of you have noticed that lately I have been rather well-behaved.

    In fact, very well-behaved, to please none other than Sara.

    And I have only come to one conclusion: kh-vids is boring as hell.

    I sit here on my *** typing away robotic **** like "Oh yeah, I agree smile smile smile smile I am so nice" but that is NOT me. I don't care if I'm ever staff again, I'm still Roxas, and if that's what is keeping me from staff then so be it, I'm not changing my ways just to be what someone else wants me to be. I'm not one of many cattle following the herd.

    **** yeah.
    Thread by: Roxas, Jul 6, 2007, 61 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone