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  1. Fayt
    I kind of doubt people can really help too much in this department but here i go. So basically i am a hardworker in general i have been through a lot like everyone so i got all these problems like esp. Bi polar and anxiety and other sympthoms i dont wanna discuss. Im not dangerous i have control over my emotions and never had a cop issue sent by on me. My gf died recently i found out cause of cancer so im seeing her in the funeral i have part of my family who is out to hurt me cause i found out from my uncle thats how they killed my father 5yrs ago and so forth, i got 0 friends who is there to talk too and rely or relate too? Myself probably. I have been abused and many times hurt in the past cause i forgot to eat breakfast when i walked in the living room and said hi to dad. I have had when i was 9 being raped by 8 guys at my elementary school at 5-6pm i had a friend only one and gun threated me in senior year he wanted to do sexual stuff and lost that month to my graduation he had got in trouble but i lost that year. After then i had an ear infection till 7 i learned talking at 8 i didnt know how to make friends so i had to do things by visualization before then. I have been in online communitys since 12 and only made 4 friends while most later on became fans of just general stuff i would do. I have had myself fall off a cliff and and i was 9 and my friends laughed and left me there for 7 hours stuck there cause i had fell off a ledge almost 80 feet i am a friendly guy and positive but i am still a non graduate and now i have a hard time im getting up mom told me the alarm for an houri kinda feel unsuccessful and hurt and theres much more in my life but im texting this through my android phone so i give up talking more. All i ask for is someone to talk too. I have been adding lots of people and messaging them
    Thread by: Fayt, Apr 13, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  2. Fayt
    *dances like a black swan*
    Post by: Fayt, Apr 13, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Fayt
    Zonks! Thats like some wizard of oz movie! *hides* cool eye but big and scary!
    Post by: Fayt, Apr 13, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Fayt
  5. Fayt
    I never had anyone till i was 17 , and they lasted less than a week, it isnt more of luck its where you are, I will admit that some places have qoutes for each certain city or country, it might not be true, but thats how it is done, You may have it hard on you because maybe people don't take the time like they should if you want someone to talk too sometime I am here if you want; I know the bi polar thing I have it myself all i have to say is keep it where you are and keep going, Go outside and try to walk around the mall or places where people would go you can relate too, try to stand out but at a point it shows your very bold onto talking to someone cause people i bet would appreciate that as well, Don't get upset you have more than a whole life to tell whether it is the right person or not, if you like them its best to keep it to talk but maybe their not meant cause if you break the natural tides sometimes, it can cause more harm than good, I know its hard just talk to a lot of people you may be interested in as a close friend I can talk to you whenever you want, don't worry about it, I hope all goes well man; Keep going , your going the right way , don't let crushes play your life away, you're better than that.
    Post by: Fayt, Apr 12, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  6. Fayt
    ....People are watching me!!! who are you :P ahhhh!
    Post by: Fayt, Apr 12, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Fayt
    I am scared people might be watching me.
    This is like scooby doo I swear.
    Post by: Fayt, Apr 12, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Fayt
    I am a ?

    aww man

    j/k lol hi there =P
    Post by: Fayt, Apr 12, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Fayt
    Thanks man!!! Whats up? =)
    Status Update by Fayt, Apr 12, 2011
  10. Fayt
    I think the andriod G4 is the best phone ever
    Post by: Fayt, Apr 12, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Fayt
    Spineshank - Dead to me

    (nuff said lol)
    Post by: Fayt, Apr 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  12. Fayt
  13. Fayt
    Hey guys uhhm, I hope this is probably the right forum in most terms for posting a video here, I use to be able to do this 2 years ago and I read a few forum rules but I didnt see any about video distrubution bad yet so I wanted to post one of my works I have done, Its been 2 years since my last video and I am sorry if anyone remembers me, this video turned out better than I thought, I made it for everyone, As you can tell everyone can view it so I wanted to see if anyone enjoyed it, I felt unsuccessful and quited my work at the time being cause of the level of friendship than business or disturbution levels on insight; I felt alittle worried but regardless I am glad to be here, I will try to stay in the KH fan community for long as I can, its just business is working for me and its harder now, I have a band and stuff but we havent gotten our music across the net when I do I will be giving a few mp3's for free for anyone interested or might be, but thats just if your interested to know about me; I hope I can help the community and hope the community enjoys my appearance as much as I enjoy talking with other people.

    Programs used: Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and Illusion 1.0

    If any questions or concerns or if i might be breaking the rules I am sorry, I use to do this on this site and I enjoy to show my work and also discuss other people about music video's and other similar intentions, Thank you for anyone who understands this distribution.

    Media can be Viewed Here

    Footage: Birth By Sleep, KH2, FF13
    Thread by: Fayt, Apr 12, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  14. Fayt
    Dont feel ******ed lol most people mistake me for a girl thats why I try to not use so many faces haha. You inspired me with your intro. I like how you made it a menu. And right now I watched all the video's for the top 5 , Great job on getting 1st place. I really liked your video and it was beautiful. ^ ^ I hope to see your future work also.
    Post by: Fayt, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  15. Fayt
    Well actually Im a boy lol..And dont say your not near as great as me , Anyone can become good as anybody in seconds , Its how you experiment with everything; I loved your mep for breathe into me the intro; and some other scene's blew me away.

    I love personally the boy meets world lol, regardless of what khfreak87 said. Same go for the others but Just from viewing that one earlier I like it, haha.

    This top 5 was great. :)
    Post by: Fayt, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  16. Fayt

    I really like your signatures for animation , Their awesome to me.
    Post by: Fayt, Jul 25, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Fayt
    Most likey it should. It enables windows 2000 and higher; From What I see it says it is valid for mac , If not check the requirements or google if gimp can be downloaded with a Mac.

    Click here to download I would rather take a try at getting photoshop instead or some kind of other material image editor , Photoshop cs2 and cs3 are very good and same goes for 7.0 if used experimentally well,You can go buy it if you like or either go through all those trojans and keygens; As most people take photoshop for free. But if your not willing to do that stuff , You should consider going for gimp , Deviantart has a very good amount of gimp brushes enabled for download , They can act well as photoshop though I have to say the graphic quality is a bit lower for the brush sets. (I wouldn't recommend buying from ebay or anything , They rip you off no offense when it comes to programs and there is always something with the disk that is messed up; sometimes not though. My friend got rip off at one point and I cant remember if they can return stuff from ebay but.) just generally speaking The first 2 options I would recommend.

    For downloading brushes for gimp click here

    I hope that helps everyone who is interested.


    If you need help to install these brushes go to.

    My computer > local disk drive C: > Program files > Gimp 2.0 > Share > gimp > 2.0 > brushes.

    Copy all of the brushes in the downloaded folder then cut them , Paste them into 'brushes' and your done. Close that folder and look for more.

    Another thing. If you get an 'Abr' brush rename it and put the 'Abr' To 'Gbr' and it should work , If not then get the abr viewer and it should be in the help page of gimp and or just google it make a useless folder.

    Then when you use the abr viewer put those images in the useless folder when you export it and im not going to explain all of this since I already said go to the help page for it..But yea , They didnt mention this part but.

    If the brushes dont work those png files you have in your folder save each of them as 'Gbr' and they should be able to be used for brushes at least from my view I cant be too sure since I am experiencing gimp myself but I hope this helps.
    Post by: Fayt, Jul 25, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  18. Fayt
    No wonder I feel like I remember you haha. Its fine actually , I dont have much friends at this very moment , Or should I say ones that arnt active much. I have about 5 , Thats alot lol , Though I olny talk to 1-2 of them; The rest stopped talking to me or arnt online much, but I say hello every now and then . Thank you for your compliment , I think your talented too I've seen a few of your video's I cant remember if I commented the last ones I saw. Everytime I meet someone there is always a problem somehow , olny 4 people have not done that. Lol its interesting how this topic is changed into friends. You are awesome , Lets put it at this. You're not like the others i've met besides the 4 , You may make the top 5 lmao. I dont care for how many replys you give me , But I think we should keep the topic on the top 5 kind of so it wont be considered so much of the chat section; haha.
    Well..In a way we are...Uh...To Red Lobsters! (one of my favorite restaurants.) And..Great top 5! (Again)
    Post by: Fayt, Jul 25, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. Fayt
    That means alot coming from you..Thank you for the advice I will try to do that and I plan on doing differnt styles as you said. Thanks for fixing that DA and I think I have seen a few of your video's , I cant remember if i subcribed lol; But I always am forgetful , You make awesome video's too.

    Actually they were called Arc something circles , I think i got the name of the guy , but for me to open gimp..It will take litterally 13mins. and freeze on me for all that time and im too lazy. Check on the newest made brushes around the 10th page they should have a display of those and many other great ones for download.

    Post by: Fayt, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  20. Fayt
    Wow , Your an awesome person; Its rare I met people like you , Its always people turning on me or someone accusing me of something i dont know of or either they act mean out of the blue and sometimes I dont get why.. But, dont feel down! My video derserves nothing , It olny derserves those who care to make a comment to it or just view it. Im happy if i even just get 1 comment , I am not known so much around kh-vids as most others might not be either; And youtube is the olny site I really hang out at so im kind of known there. But I should stop with the so much replying or sooner or later it will be considered spam..lmao. Then again..Ah nvm..
    Post by: Fayt, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects