=) lol thanks
I know, I put my chain on, i like to wear it low, I wear the biggest pants I can afford and I got money hanging out my pocket so someone can...
being a gangster.
LOL well what is new??
I see; that is pretty cool; black is a nice shade , very mysterious lol
uhhm i think its blue cause for some reason I always had a close eye for that color, how about you??
Well if uploaded wouldn't it change the resolution of that size? or are you asking just a personal taste of what the size?? Anyway to get it the full screen with no black on the sides without a pan/crop option for the media player would be pretty good, though those were my results from that video.
ok hi! how are you? lmao =) whats up?
Your Gonna Hate Me Rebecca Black - Friday (lmao)
Oh I know that already; why are you telling me that??? XD and hello
say what? lol When did that happen??? You sure it was me?? I rarely talk on here and maybe your talking about the staff member here..
640 x 480 is the size full screen resolution for youtube; I know for sure, but the problem is I don't know if thats what you're looking at since I have done it on one of my video's for proof Example - Click here which I used Avi files from the final fantasy site itself, it is a full screen video display on youtube; compression type I don't think is much of a problem though, well in my opinion 7z, ZIP or RAR their all openable On the Pc I use to have and on my mac right now so no Complaint for that part. IF that does NOT work try yourself and upload a 640 x 480 clip and a 1280 x 720 The reason why I say this is cause the final fantasy, The Clip Was 1280 x 720 Then When I saved and Uploaded the Video I put it to 640 x 480
Winter Skyes - Revision Muwahahahahahh http://www.facebook.com/pages/Winter-Skyes/102287203188220
This is why I said .MOV files instead lol im not looking at best but average resolution quality i dont care about AVI files cause bluelaguna has avi. It would be footage for nothing then. Thats why im here suggest MOV or something MAC or Apple will accept please read first post these posts are thoughtful but now its becoming personal perfernce please read first post
Yeah but thats if they do it i wish. Im gonna message them and found out their opinion
Hey guys its finalformsora3/adida here my suggestion to this place is to have possibly mov files or avi files here, seeing how dedicated window users use this more than anyone else makes it harder for Mac and Apple users to use the footage. programs for many windows are bugged for enabling Mac users to not use windows and degrading to spend the money to even use footage i have a Mac and the newest IE7 right now for pro. The reason why i say this is cause i converted the kh vids to avi and mov and the quality is 10% worse from screen to screen comparison for reliable resources of downloading here. I recommend this for not just channeling and popularity and contributions to this site but as well to benefit others from this site. I did all my videos by kh vids. i dont believe in best quality just a personal style of taste when i hear it though i will go onto other resources to download. The best is mov files cause it is a Default WMV file for the Mac/Apple for apple users so the avi file wont make the scenes darker from what i noticed like a saturated contrast. I hope you understand and also my credit to using footage on this site. Or use too. Yes cause its Wmv i cant use it. Please read whole description yes if there was a download wmv and mov file that would be cool. I think AVI is nice but If you do that, Your Gonna be like BlueLaguna.net re-visioned again that way; You would be having the clips kinda for nothing besides maybe restoring some clips you guys Lost; if you know what I mean, no comparison or anything but just saying for your guys Role. It Glitches as well and goes black screen completely in 1 mil. sec or even more, it is a hassle for editors like us to even deal with or even consider to download this is why I choose this place no matter the quality, I would make the video look like it was a good effort regardless. My SOLUTION Besides the MOV if its gonna be that much a burden to make 2 copies for you guys. Is MP4 cause I had no problems using this. PC or MAC and I will explain why, you can give all the specs but easier 'said than done' MP4 In very high quality is nice for video I will edit my first post about that. But I think the WMV is nice but adding a MOV would be cool if you guys could do that cause of Default WMV is for Windows and Default Mac is for MOV; I will admit my use to be PC and Mac can read the MP4 just fine so that would be the best Idea, Cause one; It's Different Two it may even turn out to be better in the quality resource if you guys are worried about that Three, it will make you different from a few independent people who already do AVI files for their stuff. As far as i am concerned in my eyes I have seen MP4 look as good or better than AVI in that stance; I am a graphic designer I would know about quality and imaging. And for the record it may be something to look into; I am not gonna lie about that; though my main concern is , if that even gets done or are we gonna keep the WMV going on and there is no solution for even my suggestion I tried to make the effort to post here.
nah i was mad they erased my whole media profile..so i had 0 vids out of 19 here but idk man! blah
Oh and Im Leaving This SIte Cause I got 1 Referral I dont Know About, The Past 2years What I did Was Say HI To the Staff and Upload videos and...
I don't get why unless their was drastic changes but idk I just dont feel there was too much but all my media got deleted on here and im kinda upset cause I can't get some of my video's back the Format and quality I want it and I only had 1 i saved on my filefront account, but generally speaking anyways I am making 1 more last video starting today and probably gonna leave; I have no real complaint its just that the music and the scenes their just always the same to me in some images and no one wants to always use the same scenes for footage so; I kinda grown out I am older now and have a job a car and a band/music life so its hard to come back, I hope everyone understands, after this last one I may not even come back but on my youtube I might show some stuff for my life updates about music and the band and such; till then thanks guys and hope everyone is good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ View Media Here <------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I think Im gonna make 1 last video and quit the site, I kinda havent felt it lately with the site but maybe thats just me, I kinda grown..and its...