The trophy you get for clearing the game counts in the trophy count, so if you were playing Standard, had six and cleared the game, you can watch the ending + secret one.
You mean released to the public, seeing as how SE of NA released their copies to retailers weeks ago. ;v
Um... No? Don't you have to just clear the game before playing Critical? I didn't read anything about playing Proud to unlock the harder difficulty. :v
The only thing I know is that, if you play Standard, with seven trophies, you can unlock the secret ending, and if you play Proud, get the ending with five trophies. It's five, like I said.
Oh yeah, that's another thing; unless they're greatest hits or something Nintendo hand-picked to reduce price, other games won't get a cut. ;v
Pretty much what might happen if Nomura staples Sora as the protagonist of the franchise. Of course, they aren't going to make a BAJILLION games with Xehanort, end the saga and then use him again. Wording it like that reminded me of Ganondorf from Zelda, which I doubt Tetsuya is going to pull something like that. ;v What I'm picturing right now is that, if the next game takes place years after KH3, then Sora could be a Master teaching his three students (seeing as how trios are a popular trend in Japan). Other than that, they can always just make games years before BbS, seeing as how it isn't the first time Nomura has made the inverse on what he's said. They could just act like cameo appearance, like somewhere in a crowd, a poster, a reference, etc. Definitely after KH3 no one is going to forget who Master Xehanort was, but he doesn't have to be in the game, they could just reference him as that one all powerful Keyblade Master that was a universal threat or something along those lines (like in Phantom Hourglass; Ganon isn't in the game, but he's referenced). This is what Final Fantasy is basically; a recollection of legends, myths and lores applied to different scenarios gameplay and plot-wise. Nomura has experience with this, seeing as how he's taken a more direct role with FF titles the more they come (Fabula Nova Crystalis is an example of utilizing the same elements but with different ideas). My thoughts exactly. KH3 will be the grand closure of the saga, meaning the fans want to see everyone taking part in the last battle and finish this once and for all. Yes. If people had just entered the series with KH3D, imagine the confusion they'll suffer, lol.
It's not like consuming drugs/alcoholic beverages are bad. The only thing bad about this activity is the overconsumption of it (like everything else in this life if you don't consume in responsibly). I mean, take water for example, if you drink too much, you get sick. That aside, happy birthday even though I don't know you. Nothing better than celebrating with your friends and family in an afternoon scenario (then again, I guess KH3D is better than all of this). xD
Yes please. As much as I love the original cast, I'd love to see how other new character can interact with the game's universe and lores. We haven't had a normal person interacting with Heartless and Nobodies in years (that guy that got owned by a Soldier Heartless and Roxas' gang witnessing Nobodies). Not really, they can make some new things and/or expanding on what we already know. Took me a lot of time to understand what someone stated in a couple of minutes; the plot got extended because of how much of a profit they could make from various titles. ;v KH on the PS2, CoM on the GBA, KH2 on the PS2, coded for mobile, Days for DS, BbS for PSP, Re: coded for DS, Re: CoM for PS2 and KH3D for 3DS. Lot's of entirely different consoles and companies right there. The storyline issue is because Nomura doesn't revise his writing, he furthers the plot as he goes, only expanding on what he remembers. As for the different systems crap, I think it isn't Nomura's decision on what console he releases what.
It's not as if consoles haven't had the same controller design. The only thing that makes them different is the placement of some things and the design. Besides, Nintendo is making necessary adjustment to attract the "hardcore gamers", so making controller look alikes or actually return to what their controller designs were doesn't mean their playing the doppelganger card.
I think it was Pokemon Yellow (which I remember single-handedly clearing it with a Pidgeotto, lol).
If by advance they mean in terms of graphic and gameplay, then yes. But really, Activision should start putting some actual work into these games instead of making the majority of their consumers (idiots) rehashes with dlc rehashes. The only CoD I've played is MW2 and it was because of the online so I could play with some friends and joke around. Other than that, I have no plans on buying new CoD titles.
I'm not picturing standalone games costing beyond $59.99 unless they're special edition issues. :v Other than that, I wonder who would actually eat that stuff about Wii U games costing a hundred bucks, seriously.
:frown: :laughing-smiley-004 :poketoungeb: Oooh, can I call you 31st? I kid. Generic student reply: fine, thank you, and you?
Ew, ponies. :v
I'm wondering how they're going to pull another saga if Sora will always be the protagonist.
Honestly, the series has taken a turn to the more complex side; As of KINGDOM HEARTS, Ansem Seeker of Darkness was an all powerful Heartless yearning for Kingdom Hearts, the omnipotent force that would grant him the powers to rule all worlds and plunge them into darkness. As of KINGDOM HEARTS II, it's revealed that Ansem SoD was an imposter and that he was the true Ansem's apprentice, Xehanort. This individual had no recollection of his past before his master found him on his world and that his Nobody, Xemnas, was the leader of Organization XIII, an all powerful entity yearning for Kingdom Hearts, the omnipotent force that would grant him the powers to mold the Realm of Light to his ideals. As of KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep, Xehanort's past is revealed; he's not a person, but Master Xehanort striving for control in Terra's body, wanting to wield the Xblade to summon Kingdom Hearts, the omnipotent force that would grant him the powres to fulfill his ideal of creating an equilibrium between light and dark. As of KINGDOM HEARTS 3D Dream. Drop. Distance., I don't know what's up with Xehanort. After the time-traveling was introduced, everything seems as if Young Xehanort was corrupted by his older self and became who he is today; a man bent on doing anything, anything, to accomplish his goal, even if it takes killing your best friend. So what are your thoughts on the series' complexity? Has it been furthered?
You ideas sounds like a wicked plot twist that just may work. I can see it happening, seeing as how Aqua's spent years on the Realm of Darkness, alone, only remembering what Xehanort did to her friends (he killed Eraqus, took over Terra's body and turned Ven into a vegetable). Of course the fault is really on Xehanort, with all much time spent on the Dark Realm, she's sure to have developed a sort of psychological focus bent on destroying all that's darkness. Sorry, I forgot to add my personal idea: Spoiler I haven't throughoutly thought about it, but I think the final battle will occur when the Seven Lights confront the Thirteen Darkness and the battle will be playable when you take control of Mickey, Riku and Sora (in respective order fighting Xemnas, Ansem SoD and Master Xehanort).
Hasn't the series' director expressed he'd like to continue working on the series after this story is done?
Reihai! Watashinonamaeha doroppudesu. Anata ga miru koto ga dekiru yō ni to, watashi wa kono komyuniti no atarashī menbādesu! : D LOL Just kidding. xD I'm a new member and decided to make an account because I hate KH. With a passion. *snort* Anywho... Hi! :]